Vol .9, No.30 TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY PROCLAMATION 1966 CIVIC HOLIDAY The Council of The Corporation of The Township of Terrace Bay at it's regular meeting held on the 12th day of July, 1966, adopted a resolution as follows: "That Monday, August Ist, 1966, be and the same is hereby fixed as the CIVIC HOLIDAY for the cur- rent year, and that the REEVE be requested to pub- 'lish the usual proclamation for this purpose." In compliance with the foregoing resolution, | do hereby proclaim MONDAY the Ist day of AUGUST 1966, as the CIVIC HOLIDAY for the year, of which all persons are hereby requested to take no- tice and govern themselves accordingly. "W. J. Adamo" Reeve GOD SAVE. THE QUEEN Signed THOUSANDS Of CAMPERS ON THE MOVE It is estimated that roughly one half of those trav- elling on the Trans-Canada at present are equipped © with some type of camping gear. Parks and camping grounds are being used to the utmost and it is not uncommon to see trailers parked on town streets for the night. If you want to learn a little more about sleeping under the stars, "So You Want to Go Camping" a helpful booklet published by the Dept .of Lands and Forests Parks Branch is | (Continued page 5) Serving the District SAFETY SLOGAN CONTEST STARTS NEXT WEEK Weekly draws, part of the Kimberly-Clark Contest, start next week. The slogan of the week will be posted on all Mill Bulletin Boards each Monday mor- ning. It will also appear in each issue of the Terrace Bay News. In addition to weekly draws, monthly draws will commence September Ist for larger awards. YOU MUST KNOW THE WEEKLY SAFETY SLOGAN TO WIN A WEEKLY OR MONTHLY AWARD. The Grand Award, of course, is a TRIP FOR TWO TO EXPO 67. It will be drawn for next July Ist if - Kimberly-Clark employees at Terrace Bay equal or better the average mill disabling injury rate for the past five years. Every employee's name goes into the drum each month the mill works without a disabling injury. Hourly employees can earn a bonus of eight chan- ces extra each four months if their department cuts in half their average accident rate for the past five years. NEXT WEEK'S SLOGAN THE TIME TO BE CAREFUL IS NOW! DRIVE CAREFULLY - AVOID ACCIDENTS Many lives will be saved and many accidents and injuries avoided this Civic Holiday weekend if motor- ists and pedestrians exercise care, courtesy and com- mon sense, Hon.Irwin Haskett, Minister of Transport said today. He stressed the need for motorists to give full atten- tion to driving at all times - to use seat belts - even for short trips and urged all motorists to adjust the speed of their vehicles (Continued page 4