« June 2, 1966 THE NEWS Page 7 LOCAL MAN HEADS DISTRICT ASSOCIATION A local man, J.A.Kennedy, was appointed presi- dent of the Catholic Trustees Association for North- western Ontario at a convention held in Port Arthur recently. The district embraces twenty-five school boards from Kenora on the West to White River on the East. The Association has existed for seven years but this i. is the first time that anyone outside of the Lakehead , ee has been chosen for this position. ' 7 COOKING DEMONSTRATION / LUGHTING HINTS LAUNDRY TIPS / ELECTRIC HEATING / / PRIZES MRS.BETTY SWEET HEADS MOOSE LODGE LADIES Senior Regent Margery Dejonghe chaired the meet- ing of the Women of the Moose Wednesday evening. The minutes and correspondence'were read by Re- corder Barbara Dejonghe. Voting took place for the executive for the next term with the following elected into office:- Senior Regent, Betty Sweet, Recorder, Barbara Dejonghe - Treasurer, Myra Smilsky - Jr.Graduate Regent, Mar- gery Dejonghe - Jr.Regent, Margery Hamann - Chaplain, Elsie Wills. The Bowling Banquet on June 4th will be convened by Steffie Dorman. Membership Chairman Betty Randa and her committee served lunch and the Share- The-Wealth Draw was won by Alice Levigne. Come to Hydro Showtime. . . a lively two hour show... . packed with ideas on Modern Electrical Living at: GUILD HALL SCHREIBER, ONTARIO TUESDAY, JUNE 7TH 8:00 P.M. your hydro POOR ATTENDANCE AT LAST SUNDAY'S SHOW A disappointing attendance was recorded on Sun- day when the Port Arthur Junior Music Makers ap- peared in Terrace Bay. However, those present were most appreciative of the highly talented group of children aged between si x and fourteen years. Under the direction of Mrs.Gwen Tryhurn they presented Victor Herbert's two-act operetta "The Fortune Teller". Travelling by bus the troupe ar- rived complete with music, props, costumes and even their own stage hands. An excellent example of what can be achieved by a group of enthusiastic youngsters. presented by. SCHREIBER HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION and,Ontario Hydro under the auspices of THE CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE Holy Angels Parish peer Miss Laurie M.Mar- a cella, daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Joseph _ Marcella of Terrace Bay, who received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the Un- iversity of Windsor at its fifth Convoca- tion on May 28th. Before Kurt and Donna Lerner and son Scot left Terrace Bay they were feted at a number of dinner and coffee parties. At one, hosted by Mrs.R.Gau- det, Donna was presented with a silver locket. She (Continued page 8 ..... ) INTER --- FAITH DINNER.... MONDAY, JUNE 6TH - 7:00 P.M. - - MOOSE HALL GUEST SPEAKER - Rev. E.E.Long, B.A., B.D., D.D., &L.L.D., Secretary of the General Council of the United Church of Canada {NTER~FAITH CHURCH SERVICE - SUNDAY MORNING - JUNE 5 - 11.15 A.M. - IN THE HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM The joint choirs of St.Martin's Church and the Community Church will lead the singing and the Men's Chorus will sing two anthems. TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE from - Jack Phillips - Don Laporte, - W.Baillie,- Neil Cornthwaite - Mrs. Betty Cruickshank - Mrs.Mary Hale - Ray Kenney - Jim MacDon- Adults - $1.00 per plate ald.