Page 12 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO CONDUCT SURVEY An executive meeting of Terrace Bay Chamber of Commerce was held last Thursday. The spring meet- ing of the Lake Superior International Highway Association will be held on May 3rd in Terrace Bay. A committee consisting of Mrs.D.Rafalant, N. Cornthwaite and R .Bray will be responsible for the preparation and accommodation for the visiting delegates. 3: Regarding Daylight Saving Time, approval was given for a survey of town opinion. of conducting this survey were put forward and it was decided that a committee of J.Kelty, N.Corn- thwaite and S.Hodgkiss should organize and conduct this survey before May I5. An invitation was read to attend a meeting of the Standing Committee on Transportation in Port. Arthur on May 46, to discuss passenger transportation in Northwestern Ontario. It was decided that this Chamber would prepare a brief which would be presented to the committee. lt was announced that Kimberly-Clark would be prepared to supply a number of benches to be placed at the Shopping Plaza following Spring Clean-up. It was hoped this might be accomplished prior to the meeting of the Lake Superior Highway Assoc. A letter from Nip-Along Regional Information Centre outlined plans to enlarge their facilities . It was decided that the President and one other mem ber would attend their meeting at Beardmore on April 26 to show their appreciation of the work done by the centre which handled 6,952 touris registra- tions in 1965, D .Rafalant was appointed Chairman of the com- mittee responsible for the coordination of decora- tion and beautification for the Centennial. Further details were to be requested from the Provincial Government with regard to a competition between towns of comparable size in Ontario with prizes to be awarded in October 1966.4 It was also pointed out by members that the name of the town is Terrace Bay and not Terrace and it was requested that this be brought to the notice of the Lakehead press. BADMINTON CHAMPIONSHIPS HELD SUNDAY The North Shore Badminton Championships were held at Marathon last Sunday with teams from Red Rock, Terrace Bay, Marathon and Manitouwadge competing. The winners were:- Ladies' Singles - B.Riar of Red Rock. Ladies' Doubles, B.Riar and J.Paley of Red Rock. Mixed Doubles June and Cliff Linton of Terrace Bay. Men's Singles, Bruce Flieger of Red Rock. Men's Doubles.,:Cliff Linton and Bill Hanley of Terrace Bay. Runnersup were Linda Chisholm of Red Rock, Marion Ward and Jen Timms of Manitouwadge, Ken and Marion Ward, George Kalabek of Marathon and 'G.Kalabek and Larry Bertin. é Consolation winners were - Ladies Singles, J. Paley, P.Flieger and V.McDonald, R.Rock - Mixed Poubles., Linda Chisholm and B. Flieger, Red Rock d d THE NEWS Several methods April 28/66 Men's Doubles - B.Flieger and J.Petrick. Next year's tournament will be a two-day event in Manitouwadge . DISTRICT MAGISTRATE"S COURT NEWS Two cases were brought before District Magis- trate T.Connors on April 26th at Terrace Bay. Alphonse Galliousks of North Camp pleaded guilty to impared driving on April 14. He was fined $100 and costs or seven days and his license was suspended for 90 days. Also appearing were Larry Marsinki, Gilbert Erback and Jimmy Kacher who had been charged with breaking and entering with intent at the Circle Route Servi ce Station on the 24th. On examination of the evidence against Erback the charge was withdrawn and a charge of wilfull damage over $50 was entered to which Erback pleaded guilty. A suspended sentence of one year was given and he also had to pay $75 in damages by May 13th. No evidence against the other two was offered and the cases against them were dis- missed . GOLF NEWS ,- ANNUAL MEETING MAY 11TH The annual Meeting of the Aguasabon Golf Course is set for May 11th at 8:00 P.M. in the Curling Lounge. All members should try to attend this meeting. A full slate of ten officers will be up for election. Three officers are added to this year's slate due to the by-law of the incorporation. Anyone using the course are asked not to play from tees or greens--balls should be teed on the fairway. Membership is increasing and everyone is urged to purchase as soon as possible. Emile will soon have his shop set up $0 anyone needing help can contact him. CURLING NOTES At the smi- annual meeting held recently the following executive was elected for 1966-67: President, Jim Macdonald - Vice-Pres, H.McLeod Sec. Carl LeBlanc - Treas. Jack Caccamo - Direc- tors Jack Chapman, John Benko, Benny Hayes, Henry Hermes, Rocky Gavin and Ed Kennedy. Trustees are Dr .Brian McDonald, Bob Roberts, Tom Battershill. Len Crockford is Past President. Following the meeting a color movie of the high-#' lights of the 1965 Stanley Cup was shown. Members are reminded to order wind-up tickets before May Ist. FIRST BUSH FIRE OF THE YEAR G.Kydd and three members of the bush fire crew were called out early Monday evening to a series of small fires between the CPR main line and Hwy 17, immediately to the north of the Aguasabon Hydro plant. The fires were quickly extinguished with no loss to property.