« February 3, 1966 ENGAGED Mr.and Mrs. Robert G .Shirriff, Childersburg, Ala formerly of Ter- race Bay, an- nounce the en- gagement of their daughter, Margaret Ann, to Leland Herbert Price, son of Major and Mrs. Herbert Price of Chanute Air Force Base, Rantoul, Illinois. Miss Shirriff is a senior in meteorology at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin. Mr.Price is a senior in physics at the University of Wisconsin. The wedding will take place in Madison on June 8. Mrs. D.Plourde of 12 Pine Crescent, Terrace Bay, holder of ticket No.382, was the lucky winner in the Kiwanis Suit of The Month Draw. WANTED TO BUY - Brownie suit, size 7 or 8. Phone 3387. THE NEWS Page 7 has volunteered to be stretcher bearer and Ray Kenne from the Separate School will look after the first aid for all the cripples who:come off the ice. The second game, the same evening, will be a Ladies' Broomball Exhibition Game. Two teams will be picked from submitted entry forms. To date we have several top- notch stars in the lineup such as Betty Bouchard, Marg .Phillips, Dot Coupal, Liz Burns, Jean Fisher, Stella Brown and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce ladies have indicated their interest. Game time is 6:30 and it will be of one-hour dura- tion. EXHIBITION HOCKEY -- A father and son hockey geome has been arranged for the evening. The Terrace Bay Bantam team will play their fathers or as many parents as have boys playing hockey. Gale Savoy, coach of the Bantam team, is organizing both teams and if you would like to play, contact Gale or the Recreation Office. Game time is 7.30 p.m. A few familiar faces are in the lineup for the father's team- Geo .Dashkewytch will be goaltender and others are Bill Hanley, Lester Legault, Jerry Papousek and many other former hockey greats from Terrace Bay. The Bantam team feels there will be no competition for them as they are on a hot winning streak. EXHIB ITION FIGURE SKATING -- The Terrace Bay Figure Skating Club will be putting on a per- formance at 8.30 p.m., with the following numbers: Solo by Cheryl Duncan - a Duet by Jane and Judy Chopty - solo by Elizabeth Hayes - solo by Norma Phillips - one group number (The Go-Go-Girls) with the following skaters: (Continued page 8) Best Wishes . ee. THE ANNUAL SNOW FESTIVAL We extend congratulations to Terrace Bay Teen Town and hope your Annual Snow Festival will be a resounding success. A warm welcome to the visitors attending from out of town and to all who participate in the festivities we say "Have Fun". © KIMBERLY-CLARK Pulp and Paper Company Limited TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO