i THE SCHREIBER NEWS Januar Wave - V .Harness and members of Counel' R. K. ANDRAS, M.P. HERE R. K. Andras, M.P. was here on Thursday to meet with the members and executive of his party from Rossport, Terrace Bay and Schreiber at a social evening hosted -- Mr. & Mrs. D'Arcy McGuire. ; CATHOLIC GIRLS' CLUB MEET Crystal Kusik presided for the regular meeting of the Catholic Girls' Club, held January 9th, in the Guild Hall with the opening prayer given by Cathy McGrath, spiritual convenor, .and fifty three mem- bers answering the roll call given by Lenore Camp- bell. Lou McGrath read the minutes and correspon dence and the financial report was given by Judy McParland. A substantial donation was made to Holy Angels building fund. The President thanked the girls for their donations for the bazaar sale table and for their work at the Christmas party. Marilyn Cook and her group will hold a coffee break Sunday morning, January 16, in the Guild Hall following the 9.30 and 11 A.M. mass. Lenore O'Brien thanked Father Cano for his many kindnesses and spiritual guidance to the group in the past year. He spoke brifly on the Blessing of Mothers. Crystal Kusik, on behalf of the club, presented gifts to Counsellors Mesdames H. Shack, M. Ryan, H. Duggan and L. Small. Mrs. Shack thanked the girls for the gifts and reminded them that the most rewarding gift they could give is their continued co-operation during the year. Father Cano gave the closing prayer. The ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL Meeting of St. Andrew's United Church will be held Jan. 23 commencing with a Pot Luck Supper at 6.30 P.M. 20, 1966 FAREWELL PARTY FOR DISTRICT ENGINEER A farewell party was held in St. Andrew's United Church for Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pike on Saturday, January 15th. Mr. Pike was the District Engineer of the C.P.R. and has been transferred to Toronto. A presentation of a picture by Mrs. Sadie Goulin and a book was made on behalf of the Stewards and congregation of St. Andrew's Church. Mr. & Mrs. Pike were very active in the church. Mrs. Pike was a leader in the Explorers and Mr. Pike was a member of the Committee of Stewards and Chairman of the Stewardship Canvass . FATAL ACCIDENT EAST OF SCHREIBER Mrs. Elizabeth McCallum, 48, of Marathon was fatally injured in a car accident just east of Schreibe Her son Allan, 17, was driver of the car and eight year old Russell McCallum is in the Pt. Arthur General Hospital in a critical condition. Arthur Cooper, Marathon, a eee in the car was slightly injured. The driver of the other car was Frank Commisso, 35, Schreiber, and he and his passenger Leonard Pope, 22, were uninjured. NEW OFFICERS FOR EVENING GROUP ( The Evening Group of St. John's Anglican Church have elected the following officers for the year with Mrs. C. Sparkes presiding for the elections. Elected were Mrs. R. Morrill, President; Mrs. G. Birch, Vice-Pres; Mrs. G. Birch, tea hostess; Mrs. Sparkes, purchaser; Mrs. R. Gray, wool convenor; Mrs. R.J. S. Inshaw returned as Treasurer and Mrs. A. Slater as Secretary. Mrs. Inshaw presented the Treasurer's report and the annual financial statement. RUBY REBEKAH LODGE HOLD MEETING Mrs. Mary Husband, MG, and Mrs. Bern Whent, VG, presided for the regular meeting of the Ruby Rebekah Lodge. Mrs. L. Fisher gave the Treasurer's report. The Vice-Grand reported having paid many visits and sent cards and flowers to sick people. f The correspondence included thank you notes for gifts and greetings for the new year. This month marks the 184th anniversary of Thomas Wildey . Following the meeting a card party was arranged with, at bridge, Mrs. Aggie Sinkins first and Mrs. Bern Whent the low. At whist, Ann Etches won first and Mrs. Margaret Spillane second. Lunch VO e Cd Vy' adden! ommi