~~ Decerniber 23, 1965 well! it's Christmas THE An is Bright... Glowing with good will, we send Christ- mas greetings to you. * MAURO CEBRARIO & SONS SCHREIBER, ONTARIO - - TELEPHONE 142 THE REAL SANTS CLAUS (Cont'd from 12) that are so welcome. Not too many of us, however, have bothered to go deeper and figure out just who this Santa Claus really is. When one of us seeks employment, we keep our eyes open for the best possible job available, the job that will give us the best wage or salary and that we will possibly enjoy doing as well. In the great m jority of cases, though, it's the dollars and cents which really count. We try to find the job which will take care of our basic needs and leave us a balance of cash over. In other words, we want to be able to enjoy a few luxuries, as well as being able to keep the wolf from the door. When the small businessman starts up, he, too, tries to operate his business in such a way that it will give him more than just a bare living. He wants to real- ize that bit extra that will permit him to enjoy those little luxuries to which he feels that he is entitled and at the same time be able to make some improvements in his business so that he can make progress. In just the same manner the hundreds or perhaps thousands of small businessmen, who combine to put their money into one business, do so in the hope that when it starts to work for them, it, too, will bring in that little extra to which they feel entitled and will also earn enough to make those additions to the business which may be necessary to keep it running. In other words in our jobs, our businesses our investments, we all look for that little bit extra. That is the little extra that is commonly called "profit." Profit is the thing that brings those lux- uries as well as the necessities of life, or the monies that are necessary to make those changes in our business necessary to keep it running. Without "pro- fit" there would be no possibility of either the work- er or a business continuing to function. "Profit", then, in the working of the individual or the business is the very mainspring - is the real Santa Claus! (3) Reprinted from the LongLac Echo "Preserve a Canadian identity" - might hava been a theme for much political activity for the past year. 1965 will at Ph Best Wishes LIN LAO for Christmas FROM SHELL: SOL DEALER ROLY SINOTTE Phone. 825-3268 - - Terrace Bay, Ontario NEWS P.13 NV ---- eo down in Canadian history as; » Year: of the Flag". The commission Bi-Oulturelism should never have been soncintod. Instead the government should vo eppointed a Commission on Canadaism. This commission could garner facts and suggestions for creating a stronger and unified Canada. Too much 'consideration has been given to the rights of so called ethnie grouns. Canada should be for Can- adians, either by birth or adoption. The problems of bi-lingualism is not @reat as some people would like to believe There are many European countries that are tri-lingual or even quadra-lingual. India has found it impossible to adopt an offic- ial language from its many states. Canada mist be froe from foreign pres- sures and influence. The controlling interest of any firm or industry . should remain Canadian. Not more than 45% of foreign ownership should be vermitted. There must be Canadian Unions for Can- adian labour. Unions must be free from influence and domination of union of another country. Education standards must be revised, so that students may enjoy the same. standard from coast to coast. Fraternal, Service, Church and Patreotic organizations should make a pledge for 1966 Canada first, Cana- da foremost. --- bed fF S18 my Oo a3 bei fo Hoping Santa brings you happiness on Christmas JIM & TONY BARBER SHOP & BEAUTY SALON SIMCOE PLAZA - PHONE 825-3855