be New Guides - Frt. Cathy Bottomley, Debbie Cac- camo, Alanna Power, Susan Phillips, Maureen Campbell. Back - Mrs.Bill Stefurak, Mrs.Ray Sisson and Mrs .Russell Campbell . BROWNIES FLY UP TO GUIDES Five Brownies moved up to Guides in a Fly-up ceremony held in Holy Angels school auditorium-- Alanna Power, Maureen Campbell, Susan Phillips, Debbie Caccamo and Cathy Bottomley. Following formation of the Horseshoe and pre- sentation of the colours, the candidates were pres- ented to Capt.Ellen Campbell who described each girl's Brownie record. Marilyn Cook was pre sented with first aid and hiker badges by Capt.Campbell and Lieut.Mrs. Bill Cocks received a service star. Capt.Campbell commended the Brownie leaders for the excellent training the new guides had received. Following the march-off the girls gave a sing- song and several action songs and presented a skit. Brown Owl Mrs. Bill Stefurak thanked the parents and friends who attended, lending importance to the occasion for the girls and dismissal came with the Brownie and Guide prayer and taps. The Brownie leaders taking part included Mrs .Stefurak, Mrs.Harry Shack, Mrs.Ray Sisson, Mrs. Bill Niemi, Mrs .Clem Desmoulins with Mrs .Russell Campbell, Mrs .Bill Cocks and Mrs.Gabe Gauthier of the Guides. LEGION ESSAY CONTEST WINNERS NAMED W.E.Collinson, chairman of the event, has announced the winners in the annual Royal Cana- dian Legion Remembrance Day essay contest-- senior class Bruce Gray first, Marilyn Cook sec- ond (both in high school) Neldine West first in junior class, from Holy Angels School and Linda Lidkea second, from the Public School. First prize in each case is $15 and the second $10. These essays will now be sent to the Command for judging and, starting in 1966, winners will have the privilege of attending the national Re- membrance day service in Ottawa. Mrs .Bill Woodrow was called to Montreal on the death of her mother. Mr.Woodrow accompanied his wife. THE NEWS and in Schreiber on the group committee of the ' and Mr .Ridsdale to Kevin Cocks, Clayton Gordon, Y Michael McGrath, D'Arcy Moorey, Michael Spad- } oni, Wayne Tremblay, Chuck Hill, Robt. Timmerman j CADETS = Continued from front page sixty-one schools in the Central Ontario area, with fifteen in the same category as Schreiber--strength of seventy-five or less.. The award is based on reg- ular inspections which are summed up at the end of each year in each category. Capt.J.P.O.Saunders of Oakville, cadet train- ing officer of the central Ontario area was here to make the formal presentation to C/Lieut . Boyd Drake, with the corps drawn smartly at attention. In his brief address Capt .Saunders said he could understand Schreiber's particular pride in winning the award since Lord Strathcona was one of those whose vision and determination had spanned Cana- da with a railroad. The trophy is a testimonial to his faith in Canada's youth, and his belief that the youth of any nation is its greatest resource. From cadet training, with its emphasis on physical fit- ness, the higher education which may be secured through it and the realization that team work can be the essence of success, as learned in the corps, it is hoped will come the responsible citizens of tomorrow . Capt.Saunders complimented Major E.E.Forgues, schoo| principal, and warmly commended Capt. Anthony Speziale, instructor, Lieuts.Drake and Ray Guillet, asst.instructor. Staff Serg.W.E. Walters of Fort William comes twice a month to inspect the corps and discuss its progress with the leaders. One of Schreiber High School's former cadets went on to Royal Roads and Royal Military College and:now Capt Allan Nelson is in charge of } all military expendi tures of Western Command. Capt.Nelson leaves on January 23 for six month's tour of Cypress. Following the ceremony the visiting officers and other guests were entertained in the evening by Mr. | and Mrs .Speziale in their home. FATHER-SON BANQUET (Continued from Lions Club who sponsor the movement, acted as badge secretary and judged at annual hobby shows. Mr .Ridsdale replied that he was deeply aware of the importance of organized activities for boys both at work and play and the Lions were proud-to have a part in Schreiber's Scout and Cub order. Hobby show prizes were presented by Mr .Smith Joe Godin, John Souliere, Kevin and Calvin Niemij all scouts, with Kevin Cocks winning a special award for the most entries. Cubs winning prizes were Mark Stokes, Craig Fisher, Mark Tremblay, Morgan McGrath, Lanny Connelly, Roland Bourguignon, Bill Smilsky, Paddy Bourguignon and Roy Huard. A round of applause was given by the boys to the UCW of St.Andrew's Church who prepared the dir ner.