ae June I7, 1965 THE NEWS - Page 7 SUMMER PLAYGROUND PROGRAMME Playground activities will start the first week of July. All activities will be carried on at the Main Ball Park, High School and the Arena. Several new activities will be added to the programme this summer and should prove to be very enjoyable to the youngsters. The playground leaders for this summer are--Jan McInnes, Darlene Larson and Marie Boudreau . RECREATION BRIEFS - - By Buck SWIMMING POOL The swimming pool will be officially opened on Thursday, June 24th at 2 p.m. The Instructor for this summer is Mr.Brian Care from Fergus, Ontario, who has had several years of instruction experience. Registration forms for classes have been distributed through the schools and should be turned in to the pool on June 26th, 28th and 29th. Any students or adults wishing to take swimming lessons this summer may pick up forms at the Recreation Office. The Wading Pool will also be opened on or about the same date. Three local lifeguards - Gordon Moorey, Molly Harris and Marcia Hamilton, will be attending the Red Cross Patrol Leaders Course at Red Rock from June 25th to 29th. Arlene Coates, who has been hired as the Assistant Instructor, will be attending the Swimming and Water Safety Instructors Course at Port Arthur, June 2Ist to the 24th. GOLF NEWS - - By J.Adamo The Terrace Bay Golf Club had their monthly meeting last Wednesday. The last two holes of the Course being complete the committee discussed future work to be done and in what order. A motion was passed to hire two school boys for' the summer. Their duties will be to keep the course free of rubbish and assist in the landscaping. President Jack Thomas mentioned that before locating the Septic Tank plans should be made show- ing where the future buildings will be situated. This will be done as soon as possible. Jack Thomas also mentioned that as soon as the water hose and necessary connections arrive water will be made available to the present club house. Joe Caccamo was appointed entertainment chair- man and will work on plans to hold a wind-up in the Fall. Membership is now 186 and it is expected to reach over two hundred. The committee expressed satisfaction with the progress of the greens and after a couple of more dressings putting technique will begin to pay off, resulting in better scores. Golf clinics for ladies were advocated and, after contacting Emile the club Pro, he suggested that all ladies interested should contact him and arrange- ments will be made to form groups and lessons will be made available. SO--all ladies interested should submit their names to Emile. As mentioned before Emile is holding weekly twi- light tournaments and the first one ended last Sunday The winners were as follows:- Low Gross, Dave Whalen and Vic Timpano: Low Net, Jim Rodger and Jerry Coons: Hidden hole high, A.Berndtsson and Bill Duncan: Hidden hole low, Al Pattison. A new tournament is in progress and judging from the response to the first one the present affair will be even more successful. The tournament is for fourteen holes and everyone must declare entry be- fore playing the holes. The prizes are so arranged with hidden holes and handicaps that everyone has a chance to win. The entry fee is small - so join the fun. MINOR FASTBALL All teams are in full swing for this season and we have 170 boys and 120 girls registered. All-star teams will be selected from both categories and will compete in the Minor Fastball Tournament on Thursday, July 8th, here in Terrace Bay. Other teams representing the North Shore will be - Manitouwadge, Marathon, Red Rock. This will be for the North Shore Minor Fastball Championships. TEEN TOWN From all speculations, this group is planning a large programme for this summer and one of the large events that they hope to stage is a sportsmen's dinner on Labour Day weekend. Plans are in progress to have several well-known sporting personalities for the event. Further details on this will be published just as soon as plans are finalized. SENIOR FASTBALL All three teams are playing in a close race for first place, and several outstanding games have been play- ed by a close margin. From all indications this will be one of the better years for local fastballers. Ata recent stag that they held there was a very disappoint- ing crowd and the people who did turn out were not fastball players but supporters of this sport. Where were all the ball-players? The '63 Grey Cup film and the '64 St anley Cup films were shown at the Stag and were well appreciated. It is hoped that these films will be shown later this week. A complete list of team standings will be published in the next edition. We h ave no scores from the games being played in Schreiber in the Inter-locking League . One local team, the KENMACS, will be playing in a tournament at White River on Dominion Day, July Ist. This same team, with the addition of several other players, will begin workouts shortly for Junior Baseball. Several games have been lined up for the season, with the first game scheduled for Red Rock on July 23rd. MRS .MARY HUSBAND HEADS REBEKAH LODGE Ruby Rebekah Lodge held its regular meeting on June 9 with Mrs.Jessie McCanna as N.G.and Mrs. Mary Husband, V.G. Mrs.Eva Bailey of Sapphire Lodge, Fort William, was welcomed as a guest and former member. Mrs .Husband reported fo r Sick and Vis De Or) al8lote iting and