May 13, 1965 TOILETRIES rie » Waghorn"s Pharmacy Ltd. ae etsy eae Phone 825-3666 MAIL ORDERS P.O. Box 309 PRESCRIPTIONS TERRACE BAY - ONTARIO VOWS EXCHANGED (Continued from page 4) Crandlemire sang during the signing of the register. For a reception in the Curling Lounge the bride's Mother received in a dusky pink brocade dress. Her accessories were sand shade and she wore a pink car- nation corsage. The Groom's sister, Mrs.Lorne Nesbitt, received in a black and grey suit ensemble and she too had a pink carnation corsage . A toast to the Bride was proposed by Mr. Ernie Edwards and the wedding cake was cut by the Bride's great-aunt, Mrs.Art Johnson. Servitors were the Misses Donna Brown and Molly Harris and Miss Mary Jane Hopper circulated the guest book. For a trip to Ottawa and points south the bride donned a white silk suit, white wool coat, red hat, shoes and purse and she wore a red carnation cor- sage. Out of town guests at the wedding were Mr.Roy H. Cockburn, Mr.and Mrs.Angus Cockburn, Mrs. Isobel Merchant, Miss Lyn Cockburn of Sturgeon Falls; Mr.and Mrs.John D. Stuart, Toronto; Mrs.Art Johnson, Engleheart; Mr.Kenneth Clark, Mr.Hixon Warren, Mr.James Leach of Eagenville; Mr.and Mrs.Lorne Nesbitt, Castlegard, B.C., Mr.and Mrs .E.Edwards, Fort William; Mrs.Llynn McGuire and son, Edmonton; Mr.Don Ross, Marathon, Mr. and Mrs.Neil Nesbitt, Mr.Ross Nesbitt, Mr.and Mrs.W.Weaver, Schreiber . Prior to her marriage the bride was entertained at showers in the Community Mone 2 Church and at the home of | y ° Mr .and Mrs.C .Bougie. RENT WHAT YOU NEED BY PHONE! THE NEWS Page 7 1 oN D ERS Sealed tenders, plainly identified, will be received by the Terrace Bay High School Board, until 6:00 p.m., June 12th, 1965, for the supplying of trans- portation for High School students from Terrace Bay to Schreiber High School and return, for the school year 1965 - 66. Specifications may be obtained from the undersigned on request. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. H.J.Boudreau, Secretary-Treasurer . FOR RENT - basement apartment--3 rooms and bath- heated. Apply Geo.Burns or phone Schreiber 300. WANTED TO RENT - small furnished cottage in Schreiber. Apply to G.Carter or Phone 760. FOR SALE - four bedroom house in Schreiber, excel- lent street for children. Small three room house in- cluded for additional revenue. Phone Schreiber 205. WAITRESSES WANTED - full time - for Recreation Centre Snack Bar. All benefits. Phone 3871 or contact Mr.B.Gamble, Manager. GIGANTIC RUMMAGE SALE - Corner Mill Road and Moose Hall Road - May 15-1 P.M. - 5 P.M. TOOLS - FURNITURE - BOOKS & APPLIANCES. DOOR PRIZE & DRAW PRIZES DURING AFTER- NOON. EVERYONE WELCOME. FOR SALE - Bell & Howell Movie Camera with elec- tric eye--three lenses--automatic projector--self threading--four light light bar--7 200' cans also case for cans and a Kalart Editor Viewer. Phone R.Gavin 3552. FOR SALE - folding camping trailer--hardboard top, tent sides, welded steel frame--sleeps 5. Also 150 lineal feet 8 x 8 timber. Approx. 600 ft. 2x 6- 16 ft.long rough lumber. Apply Alec Power, Schrei- ber, phone 2. FOR SALE - Dachshund puppies, male and female. Registered--black and tan standard. Price $40.00. R.M.Handford, 98 Strathcona Avenue, Port Arthur, Ont. MARATHON TEAM WINS BOWLING TOURNAMENT The Marathon sextette of W.Kowalchuk, A.Tamb lin, D. Matthews, D. Amadeo, Paul Joseph and A.Mauro captured the Labatt Five Pin Invitation- al Tournament held in the alleys of the Terrace Bay Recreation Centre on Sun- day . Clarence Buck team with Pat Buck, Lew Edmunds, Two teams each of Red | Marie Edmunds, Dot Coupal and Bill Moon. Third Rock, Nipigon, Schreiber,|ojace was taken by Tony Costa of Terrace Bay with Marathon, Manitouwadge }wil|y Adamo, Lou St.Louis, Marilyn Chicoine, Joyce and Terrace Bay competed . Raper and Evelyn Boutillier. The Marathon team piled Marilyn Chicoine and Jean Tremblay tied for indi- up a total of 4292 to ease fyidual high ladies score with 271, Marily also taking out their close contender, Ithe |adies high four with 916. Men's high single and Terrace Bay team, by 26 high four totals of 357 and II16 were won by Lew Ed-= ins. Thi th at adeencie munds. (Continued page 8) Simply call Crescent now. Tell us Luw much money you want. Then come to our office and pick it up. Customers have rented money from Crescent in only ten min- utes. Every day thousands of: people .ent the money they heed from Crescent, just like they vent tools or a lawn- mower. So call Crescent now and solve your money prob- lems in minutes. EXAMPLE AMOUNTS MONTHLY AMOUNT TERM PAYMENTS (months) Larger amounts up to $3,000 (or more) also available CRESCENT FINANCE FINANCE COMPANY .4.C.Gunn, Manager, Terrqce. Bay - Phone 825-3286.