THE NEWS THE TERRACE BAY NEWS Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published weekly each Thursday. Circulation, Terrace Bay, Schreiber and district. Deadline 'for advertisements is NOON each Monday - other items Tuesday Noon. Office Phone 3747. Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash. Classified ads - minimum charge 50¢ - (20 words and under) - Cards of Thanks and Announce- ments - minimum charge $1 - (30 words and under .) Subscription rate $2.50 per year. @ MINNOwS @ WORMS The road to success is always under construction. these five advantages make electric heating the superior heating system completely clean Flameless electric heating can't create dust, dirt, film or soot. gentle, even heat Room-by-room or zone temperature control. No draughts, no chills, no sudden blasts of hot air. low cost Throughout Ontario users prove that in homes insulated to Hydro standards, electric heating costs no more to operate than other heating systems. extra space Requires no bulky fuel burning equipment. quiet And electric heating is so quiet. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL YOUR QUALIFIED ELECTRIC HEATING CONTRACTOR OR-- ask your hydro Terrace Bay Community CREDIT UMN OFFICE HOURS : TN ETT MON .& THURS ... 7-9 P.M. TUESDAY eoeevoce 2-4P.M, FRIDAY ..... 412 Elizabeth Avenue, Terrace Bay- Ph. 3350. ~ FOR SALE - infant chair _ MINNOWS & WORMS for. Page 3 LIMITED Simcoe Plaza Ph. 3833 9-11 A.M. Ozzie's Live Bait FOR SALE - 18' Crestliner Cabin Cruiser, fibreglass hull, 70 H.P.Mercury Motor and Trailer. Call Schreiber 175, after 5 p.m. FOR SALE - one boy's 20" bicycle with or without ad- justable balancer wheels-- in good condition. Phone Schreiber I37R. FOR SALE - Deluxe Lloyd baby carriage--in perfect condition--plus snow run- ners. Phone Schreiber 204 FOR SALE - one 20 ft. Westinghouse deep freeze. Phone 3365 afternoons or evenings. FOR SALE - Frigidaire dryer and electric range. Phone 374 or 125 Schreiber and plaid car bed--Lloyd baby carriage (like new)-- mesh playpen--white crib and mattress--table and four chairs (chrome & co- pertone . Phone 3562. FOR SALE - standard size crib--complete with mat- tress and spring--in good condition. Phone I98J. GARDEN MANURE FOR SALE. Phone Schreiber 247--Mrs:. Kuczma's Poul- try Farm. FOR SALE - 1961 Mercury Monterey, fully equipped. Power steering, power brakes, radio. A-I con- dition. Phone Schreiber 134. EXPERT BICYCLE REPAIRS done at 477 Superior or phone 3739. sale--phone Schreiber 464 or call at 309 Walker: St. with case