«- Vol .8, No.I9 J "Rencier eddveuas Chamber of Commerce. Photo by R.Cotton CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING Kimberly-Clark Corporation hosted the Terrace Bay Chamber of Commerce on a Mill tour and recep- tion prior to the Chamber's annual dinner meeting Wednesday evening in the Terrace Bay Motor Hotel. In introducing his executive and guests of the even- ing, President Neil Cornthwaite queried the role of the Chamber of Commerce. The attendance at the meeting supported his contention they were a group of public-spirited citizens banded together to see that the community enjoys the highest possible standards of living, and is one of the most important . organizations in the town. It takes a leading part in community affairs; is responsible for tourist pro- motion; undertakes the work of an industrial com- missioner; is interested in education; elections and a host of similar projects and, in most part, all on a voluntary basis. Guest speaker, Mill Manager John Ferrier, de- | tailed statistical information on Kimberly-Clark. Starting in 1872 in Neenah, Wisconsin when four - men invested $30,000 in a one machine paper mill, | its phenomenal growth resulted in sales exceeding a half billion dollars; more than fifty mills, two | flax plants, six lumber and saw mills, four nurser- , tes and fifteen associated companies. This globe- | circling corporation has mills located in the United | States, Canada, England, France, Germany, South Africa, Australia, Mexico, Puerto Rico, El Salva- | dor, Venezuela, Phillipenes, Malaysia and Japan, a licensing arrangement in Syria and a modest inter- est in a mill in India. Representing an investment in excess of fifty million dollars, Kimberly-Clark's Canadian 6pera- | tion consists of a Woodlands Division and a Mill _ Division. The Woodlands Division headquartered May 13, 1965 GENEROUS OFFER MADE BY COMPANY Subject only to the signing of an agreement be- tween Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Paper Company Limited and the Terrace Bay Recreation Association (or Township Council), Kimb erly-Clark has offered an interest-free loan in the amount of $20,000. to the Terrace Bay Recreation Association for the pur- pose of installing automatic pinsetters on all four lanes of the bowling alleys at the Recreation Centre; the loan to be repaid in equal installments over a period of the next eight years. Normally, in cases of this kind the Company in- sists on the participants such as golfers, swimmers, etc. putting in roughly one half of the money or effort first before their contribution is made. How- ever, in the case of the bowling alleys no volunteer labour can be used. The only stipulation that the Company makes is that the Association administration will maintain our customary standards of good house- keeping and good behaviour. This will be necessary as increasing numbers take part in bowling. TERRACE BAY HIGH SCHOOL BOARD REPORT The Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. W.Rowsome as Principal of the High School. Mr .Rowsome will take over leadership of the school in September of 1965. He comes to us with many years of experience and is well qualitifed to _ be Principal of our school. Mr.Rowsome is at present mathematics supervisor in a Technical School in Sault Sainte Marie. ROLLER SKATING STARTED Sunday evening roller skating will be open from 8-10p.m. A curfew hour for all children under 16 years of age is set for 9 p.m., unless accompan- ied by parents at the Arena. Children under 16 years of age will not be allowed in the Arena after 9 P.M. Exams are just around the corner and chil- dren in this age group should be at home in prepar- ation for exams. The strap rentals for roller skates are twenty= five cents this year, and this money is refundable after skating. CHALLENGE BALL GAME MAY I4TH The ladies of the Legion Auxiliary have challen- : ged the men of ke Legion to a softball (cont'd P.II)