¢ Page 12 ~ THE NEWS May 13, 1965 Recent visitors with the George Lehtos have SCHREIBER BROWNIE BANQUET (Cont'd from Pg. 13) been their daugh ter and son-in-law, Daisy and themselves with various results. Some of the Guides of Jim Young of Dryden and their niece and family those days still live in Schreiber - Mrs. W. Wilkes, Mr .and Mrs .Ed Gosgan and Sheri of Missanabi. Mrs. B. Gray, Mrs. H. Stewart and Mrs. B. Furlonger A party was held Sunday afternoon to celebrate Mrs. R.J. S. Inshaw drew the lucky prize tickets. the tenth birthday of Candice Cotton. Twelve for mother and daughter, for Mrs. Neil Bottomley and yirls played games and enjoyed the birth day cake |Dawn Dietrich. and lunch. tahini ivae-aocmiagh cleaners Lec oe Spa tetera ane citi A surprise stork shower was held last Friday eve- Jw A, TO ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH MEET ning in honor of Mrs .Danny Salesse in the home of ~The Women's Auxiliary of St. John's Anglican Churc Mrs.W.Heinrich. Many lovely gifts were presen- [held their May meeting in the home of Mrs. Gladys ted in a decorated baby carriage which was also a Madigan with Mrs. A.E. Rigelsford presiding. gift. The hostess was assisted in serving refresh- Mes CH womans of Pork Arthir wate tier the ments by Mrs.Bruce McBride. : annual meeting of women's auxiliaries of the Diocese The Terrace Bay Nurses Annual Banquet will be | o¢ Algoma would be held June Ist and 2nd, in Fort held Monday, May |7th at 6.30 P.M., in the Ter- |William. She enclosed a copy of resolutions to be race Bay Motor Hotel. Guest speaker will be _ presented. Mrs . Margaret Paige on "Collective Bargaining ." Mrs. J.D. Bryson and Mrs. B. Gray were named All nurses must phone in their reservation to Mrs. delegates with other members to go if possible. Mary Hale or B.Cruickshank by Friday. At this meeting the Thank Offering gathered during $$$ $n the year will be presented. HUNTER SAFETY CLASSES It was agreed to cater for Girls' Auxiliary and junior Part two of the Hunter Safety Training will be Auxiliary mother and daughter banquet on May 24th, held, Friday, May 14th, at the small meeting of and for the St. John Ambulance dinner on June 23rd the Recreation Centre, at 7:00 P.M. and also the summer recess dinner on June 2nd. Final arrangements were made for the annual Mother' Daten: ART CLUB NEWS - WEEKEND ART WORSHOP Naor ree . The June meeting will be held in Mrs. C. Sparkes' The instructor recommends that all who plan to d : fad Gaal: home on the June 9th. attend the Saturday session come equippec with a Mrs. J.D. Bryson was pleasantly surprised when the large sketch book as well as pencil and oils. hostess presented her with a birthday cake during the A demonstration in oil colors,knives and brushes e : lunch hour. will be given at the regular Thursday session in the ts Centre. Arts Centre CATHOLIC GIRLS' CLUB MEET a he tg 2 5ts ga 1a eee eee It being the annual vice president's night M. Holmes LOCAL GROUP ATTEND CENTENNIAL CON. was in charge of the Catholic Girls' Club meeting on Councillor W.E. Cavanaugh, Recreation Director|May 2nd with fifty answering roll calf by L. Sisson. Buck Matiowski, Chamber of Commerce President, Councillor Mrs. Shack, Pres. L. O'Brien and Sec.. Neil Cornthwaite, Mrs. 1.R. Marsh, press represen-|G . LeBlanc, will represent the club meetings of the tative, Mrs. G. Ramsey, representing the women of committee to combat obscene literature . St. Martin's Church and Mrs. V. Hopper, the Muriel Holmes thanked those who worked at the women of the Community Church, attended a recent tea and reminded members that annual dues must Centennial Planning Con ference in Marathon last be paid before the Mother and Daughter Banquet in June. Friday, arranged by the Department of Tourism and Rev. Sister Frances Therese spoke on the sisterhood Information. vocation and extended a warm invitation to the girls to A well arranged program was chaired by Mr. J. Jattend the annual reception being held in St. Joseph's Reed of Port Arthur and included talks by Mr. Jack {College in North Bay in August. Brockie, Mr. Jim Webb, Mr. L. Harris, Mrs. Lena Cummi h d fil hich depicted 4 'deur for community programs A Ss A determined effort is being made by the Depart- SPRING CONCERT ment to interest women's organizations in Centennia GUEST ARTISTS Projects and many worth while suggestions were made. A delicious luncheon was served in the Everest Hotel compliments of the Department of Tourism and Information and a social hour compliments of the Township of Marathon. HIGH SCHOOL FOLK DANCE GROUP TERRA E BAY ATCH SCHOO. FRIDAY, MAY 21ST - 8:15 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Moon of Schreiber are happy to announce that their daughter, Kathleen Fanechea will be married in Fort William on Saturday, May 22nd, at 7:00 P.M. to Mr. Charles Davis of Slate L\ FAMILY $1.25 ADULT .75¢ STUDENTS .35¢