LADIES AUXILIARY (Continued from page 2) Preceding the arrival of the guest speakers, Mrs. Helen Brooks took the Worship period after the open ing hymn accompanied at the piano by Mrs.Marilyn Chisholm. In the absence of the President Mrs .Coe requested Secretary Mrs.June Schritt, to read the previous minutes and correspondence. Mrs.Betty Turner gave the financial statement. Replenishment of property was reported on by Convenor Mrs.Eva Haughn and Mrs .Betty Sweet noted the cards sent out as Sick and Visiting Convenor. Ways and Means Convenor Mrs.Virginia Galvin thanked her Fashion Show Convenors, Mrs.Lynn Wilson and Mrs.Doreen Kurylo and Mrs.Marge Lundberg the lunch convenor, all who worked on it, the sponsors, Anford's Ltd., and particularly the Terrace Bay Motor Hotel for the use of the lobby and rooms. She announced a delicatessan Sale would be held on Saturday May 8 under convenor- ship of Mrs.Marilyn Chisholm and a Rummage Sale was scheduled for Saturday, June 12 when Mrs. Althea Fraser would be the convenor. The Program convenor, Mrs.Shirley Hersey had arranged to have Mrs.R.Uzicanin talk to the ladies at their June meeting, discussing her life in Pakis- tan and comparing it with her present life in Cana- da. A film on Pakistan had also been procured. Mrs .Brooks reminded members of the C.G.1.T. Carnation Sale on Saturday May 8 and also reques- ted members attend Church Sunday evening with the C.G.1.T. Mrs.Eva Haughn announced Spadoni Bros. Ltd SCHREIBER, ONT. - PHONE 12W WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF KAYSER "LUXITE LINGERIE - Negligee sets - whole and half slips - panties - in Antron, Nylon, Satilene FOR THE ECONOMICALLY MINDED LADY Batiste nighties and pyjamas printed and plain $2.98 BULKY KNITS large selection in white and pastel colours $5.95 = $14.95 DUSTERS from $3.98 to $6.95 MISSES & WOMEN'S "DAN RIVER': SUMMER DRESSES LADIES HANDBAGS in latest styles many smart styles to choose from . $2.98 and up $6.95 that preparations for the C.G.1.T.Mother and Daugh ter Banquet on May |9 were completed. The May lunch committee of Elva McMillan, Stella Brown, Marge Lundberg and Eva Haughn served tea and cake. LEGION LADIES MEETS President Mrs .Lorette Solly was hostess Thursday evening when the Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 223 met at her home. Min- utes and correspondence were read by Secretary Mrs .Jean Fisher and Mrs.Stella Gusul gave the Treasurer's report. -- First Vice President Mrs.Joyce Mercier read her report on the District meeting held in Nipigon which she had attended with Mrs .Solly. Ways and Means Convenor Mrs .Dorothea Ballan- tine reported on the Penny Auction and cards held in April. It was decided to hold a monthly Penny Auction. She further reported the Home Bingo was still underway. Plans were discussed for the Father's Day Tea to be held in June. Mrs.Dot Coupal will convene the Tea. Mrs.Ethyle Boyd and Mrs.Ken Johnson were appointed to audit the books. A joint social was arranged for Friday evening, May 7. in the Legion Hall. Playoffs of the Ladies Cribbage Tournament will be held on May |4, after which the winner will be challenged by the winner of the Men's Tournament. TIMEX CAVATINA WRIST WATCHES $12.95 An ideal Mother's Day Gift . KAYSER MATCHING SCARF & GLOVE SETS All shades - - - - $3.57 set Gio th Butt Bute nal. MOTHERS DAY - PRINTED AND PLAIN BLOUSES a large selection of latest style blouses in printed cotton and white Terylene - "$2.98 - $6.98