Kinmette « scHreiBer HIGH SCHOOL Fashion HO AUDITORIUM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31 8:00 P.M. REFRESHMENTS DOOR PRIZE Tickets may be purchased from any Kinette in Schreiber or the Terrace Bay News Office in Terrace Bay. ADULTS _75¢ STUDENTS 50 ¢ SY, CHILDREN 9 5¢ LADIES CURLING CLUB NEWS K.Thorstienson, A.Latour, S.Gusul, D.Clancy, P.Wellings, |.Romaniuk, J.Megraw and V.Gresdal took part in the Lakehead Bonspiel last weekend when eighty-eight rinks played off. Any lady curling member is entitled to attend the Banquet Saturday, March 27th if they contact Phyl Kelty and pay the price of the ticket, providing they are not on a team entered in the bonspiel . All members are requested to turn in their tickets on the Bond to J.Coons or whoever gave them out. PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST THIS FRIDAY ontestants from Geraldton, Schreiber, Terrace Bay, Marathon and Manitouwadge will take part in a Public Speaking Contest in the High School Audi- torium in Schreiber on Friday, March 26th at 7.30 P.M. This contest, sponsored annually by the Ontario School Trustees & Ratepayers Association and the Ontario Hydro, will feature both prepared talks and spontaneous addresses. A warm invitation is extended to everyone in the district to attend this event and show the visitors from other towns that this district does support this type of endeavour. CORRECTION Costa's Food Stores in Terrace Bay and Schreiber are the generous sponsors of the Martha Logan Cook- ing School scheduled to be held in the Terrace Bay High School Auditorium on April 28th and who will donate all proceeds to the three churches in Schrei- ber and two in Terrace Bay. Tickets will be avail- able shortly from ladies of these churches. FAMILY HONORED ON DEPARTURE Joyce Sweet with sons Billy, Tommy and Richard left Sunday to join her husband in Duncan, B.C., where they will make their new home. Before leaving Joyce was entertained by many of her friends at a party at the Moose Hall Friday evening. During the social she was pre sented with a wallet and purse and the good wishes of those attending. During the pre- vious week members of the family gath ered at the MONDAY, MAR.29 - 8 P.M. sharp SCHREIBER TOWN HALL $1.00 - ADMISSION Get out and support your Artificial lce Committee! ! 20Games e eee § 5.00 each HIDDEN $10 5 | NO. is worth 00 * Sponsored by the Artificial Ice Committee. home of Joyce and Vic Timpano for a farewell dinner and presentation. Prior to his departure Jim was also entertained by co-workers and friends at a Stag when he too was recipient of a purse. Wendy Duncan was home from the Lakehead over the weekend, visiting her parents, Mr.and Mrs. J. Duncan and taking in the Ice Carnival. Mr.and Mrs.Alex Crawford have returned from Toronto where Mabel visited her sister and brother- in-law while Alex was confined to Scarborough Gen- eral Hospital after a motor accident. Mrs. Kit Thomas entertained six of her son Chris- topher's little playmates and their mothers on the occasion of his first birthday. The hostess served a party luncheon to all her guests - complete with birthday cake. RATES REVISED BY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE A Council meeting of Terrace Bay Chamber of Commerce preceded a general meeting Thursday night in the Recreation Centre's meeting room with President Neil Cornthwaite in the chair. Margaret Simmer recorded and read minutes and correspon- dence. It was noted that no reply had been received from the Postmaster General with regard to Post Office Lobby box hours. Joe Commisso reported discussing Wednesday afternoon opening for the grocery stores during the tourist season with ... (Cont'd KIWANIS KIDDIES arnival / SATURDAY, MARCH 27TH - 10.00 A.M. TERRACE BAY ARENA Races for girls and boys ages 6 to 12 Costume Contest - girls & boys ages up to 12 in three classes: Fanciest, Best Tramp - Most Original . Selection of Kiwanis Queen and Princesses