March 25, 1965 THE NEWS Do you have to ration hot water on wash days and bath nights? a Cascade 40 electric water heater can change all that. Cascade 40 has two elements: a 1000-watt lower element for normal use, and a 3000-watt top element that surges into action at times of extra heavy use. That's why the Cascade 40 can sup- ply more hot water than the-average family is ever likely to use. Cascade 40 is flameless, safe and clean. It requires no flue so it can be installed anywhere. The ten year guarantee on the tank is your assurance of Cascade 40's reliability. With a Cascade 40, the cost of abundant hot water is low. For more information... ask your hydro DELEGATES DISCUSS OBSCENE LITERATURE Representatives of organizations of the commun- ities of Schreiber and Terrace Bay met Thursday even- ing in St.Martin's Church Hall for the purpose of enquiring into the suitability of books and magazines, both for adults and children. Members from Schreiber feel that they have a particular problem in this mat- ter and, since the two communities are closely assoc- iated, the problem of one becomes the problem of the other. Civic-minded rather than religious, thirty-five representatives of the towns, schools and clubs, dis- cussed the problem with the clergy who had formed the nucleus of a Committee for Decent literature. Spearheaded by the Knights of Columbus, their teacher may influence pupils in regard to construc- tive literature--the type that will build up charac- ter, 4. how to supply a substitute for pornographic literature, 5. what the law defines in regard to the sale of pornographic and obscene literature, 6. on the local level what approach can be made to the vendors of immoral literature, 7. how organizations represented at the meeting could impress their mem- bers with the need of this campaign, 8. besides concern for the welfare of our youth, regarding decency in literature, what obligations were direct- ed towards their sports and recreation and those in charge of them, 9. should those in charge of sports and recreation be interested (Continued page 4) Page 3 representative, Albert Cadlsux, .C'd the program. Moderator as-Rev .Inshaw of Schreiber with the panel comprised of Father Cano and Rev.Muldrew of Schreiber and Father Galla- gher and Rev.Husser of Terrace Bay. With a brief explanation of their first meeting a month ago, Mr .Cadieux turned the aud- ience's attention to a film the Knights of Columbus had pur- chased from the C.D.L. - "Cincinnati vs. pornography". This film, now available to any group wishing to show it at their meetings, depicts the banding of a small group of civic-minded residents in Cin- cinnati to fight the obscene literature that was flooding every news stand. Under the direction of a young lawyer, Charles H. Keating Jr., the committee investigated exist- ing laws and began a campaign to arouse the public to the facts. With public support the conviction of their first offende became a pathway to other convictions and the eventual cleansing of filth in reading material. Not ready for re- tirement after their success, the C.D.L.continues to meet regularly, have made films which are available for distri- bution and lecture on request, expanding their work through- out America. Questions from the floor came quickly and were based upon a suggested agenda read by the Moderator on: 1. The respon- sibility of the parent in regard to obscene literature, 2. the means to be taken to develop in children an appre ciation for good literature, 3. ways a