bdesttal etd es INTER-FAITH DINNER (Continued from page 1) MacDonald expressed the appreciation of the audience to Rev. Keating. Grace was pronounced prior to dinner by Rev.T.Garnett Husser and Very Rev.Dean Gallagher led in a choral prayer at the closing. The dinner was held in the Moose Hall. COUNCIL QUOTES (Continued from page |!) the Township for the sum of $900. A letter of appeal was read by Secretary W.F .Strutt and council voted to continued supporting the Childrens' Aid Society. : Mrs.Ruth Paget gave notice of intent to install two Shell Gasoline pumps between the Norwood Motel and the highway. Mr.Rene Gaudet of Island View Service Station made application for and was granted a garage license. Giving notice of intent to re-open the Roxy Theatre on April 25, Mr.N.Linkewich requested the Police Office be vacated by April | for this purpose. Mr.Linkewich further sought consideration of Sunday movies, suggesting two to six a.m. and eight to ten. Council agreed to the first request but not the latter, stating a By-Law would have to be passed allowing Sunday movies. The Police Com- mittee were directed to take immediate action in relocating the Police Office. A motion was passed to replenish the Schreiber Transient Fund in like amount to previous years. Administered by the Ontario Provincial Police in Schreiber, the fund, now depleted, has assisted 63 destitute motorists the past year. On the recommendation of Councillor Thompson two delegates will attend the Thunder Bay Municipal League Conference in THE NEWS March 18, 1965 WAGHORN'S PHARMACY LTD. 2 DIAL 825-3666 -- TERRACE BAY, ONT. PRESCRIPTIONS AGENTS FOR: YARDLEY'S -- REVLON DU-BARRY -- CHANEL CAMERAS & SUPPLIES -- BABY NEEDS Library $709.38, Hydro $8,485.37, Township $17,234.10 and Snack Bar $1,574.46., The Town- ship made application for their grant on road expen- ditures in 1964 and approved the 1965 preliminary road By-Law, estimated at $13,000. A by-law prohibiting the depositing of snow or ice on the highways to obstruct travel on it was passed. Adjustments were made to past Hydro ac- » counts. Councillor Brown reported on his recent discussion with the High School Board, concluding that any misunderstanding had been due to lack of communi- cation. This the Board intended to correct imme- diately and their meetings, always open to the pub- lic, would be announced. A motion by Councillor Thompson to offer muni- cipal employees the London Life Benefit Plan in lieu of wage increases, the total cost to be borne by the Municipality, was passed unanimously. A further motion for approval of wage adjustments as agreed to at a special meeting of Council, was passed, Mr. Buck Matiowsky has been appointed Recrea- tion Director, Councillor Thompson informed Council, and would be arriving for duty the first week in April. He is an experienced man, current- ly completing a course, and is the holder of a Grade B certificate. Council approved the appoint- ment. ; Councillor Kolody reported briefly on the Elec- tric Convention he attended, with Mr.Don Boudreau stating basically the resolutions were for Eastern Ontario and the larger centres. Price quotations were given by Councillor Brown on fire hose and Councillor Kolody agreed to consult with the Fire COSMETICS Fort William, April 28 to 30. Coun- cillor Thompson reported those he attended were extremely informative on matters pertinent to Council. Premission was given to the Local Association of Guides and Brownies to hold Cookie Day on May Ist and also to the Sea Cadets to hold a Navy League Tag day on May |. An ad will be taken in the Figure Skating Carnival program, S¢heduled for Mar. 20. Invited by Terrace Bay Chamber of Commerce and the Superior Interna- tional Highway Association to attend a show in Milwaukee, Reeve Adamo regretted his inability to attend. February accounts were perused and passed for payment as: Public TO Committee before replacing equip- ment lost in the fire. HOW RENT MONEY Phone, write or walk into any €rescent Finance office and tell the manager you want to rent some money. Rent $50 (23c for one week), or any amount up to $3,000 -- or more. Because we _ respect our customers and their reasons for renting money, there's no red tape, just a simple credit requirement. EXAMPLE AMOUNTS MONTHLY AMOUNT TERM PAYMENT (months) $ 105.75 12 $10.00 395.42 20 24.00 710.65 24 36.00 1,014.07 30 42.00 2,016.00 36 77.00 Larger amounts up to $3,000 (or more) also available. CRESCENT FINANCE "Canada's most considerate Finance Company" E.J.Chateauvert, Manager - Imperial Motel - Phone 825-3286 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY All members of Terrace Bay Cham- ber of Commerce are reminded that there will be a general meeting of the.Chamber on Thursday, March I8th at 8 P.M. in the large meeting room of the Recreation Centre. Proposed changes to the Constitu- tion and rate structure will be discus- sed also any other business to be brought up. Plan to attend--to enter these dis- cussions--to broach new projects or, if you have a 'beef' - bring it to the floor on THURSDAY NIGHT.