THE TERRACE BAY NEWS Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published weekly each Thursday. Circulation, Terrace Bay, Schreiber and district, Deadline for advertisements is NOON each Monday - other items Tuesday Noon. Office phone 3747. Authorized as second fle mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, for payment ot postage in cash. Classified ads - minimum charge 50é - (20 words and under) - Cards of Thanks and Announcements - mini- mun charge $1 - (30 words and under). Subscription rate $2.50 per year. PART TIME HELP WANTED - app Schreiber . AFTERNOON PIN SETTERS WANTED Wednesday and Thursday afternoons wages paid - ideal. also for shift workers. B.Gamble at the Recreation Centre. FOR SALE - The C.P.& T. Committee are again Contact taking orders for fresh Licorice Allsorts L Phone your order to 3661 in Terrace Bay. FOR EXCHANGE - girl's white, figure skates, size one, will exchange for size twd/or three. Ph. 3737. LOST - small child's tricycle "Super Cycle" - red and blue - taken from vicinity of Superior & Lake- view. Reward. Call 3394. PL FOR SALE - space heater for sale - R.Cook - phone 373, Schreiber. dL: FOR SALE - 1957 Volkswagen. Phone Sig Erickson - 3664. FOR RENT - two furnished home. Phone 3667. WANTED TO BUY OR WILL EAP OnCs - boy's size 12 skates forgirl's size 9 of lO. Phone 3350. FOR SALE - two pair skis, harness and poles - two pair skit boots, sizes 3 anf 4- one pair boy's hocke skates, size 13. Phone 3503 § an for cash. CUNA MUTUAL FAMILY PLAN POLICIES have now! arrived and can be picked up at the Terrace Bay Community Credit Union Office. SKATE EXCHANGE - The Terrace Bay Figure Skating lub will ho Saturday, October 3lst between 10 A.M. and 2 P.M Home Portraits One of the Lakehedd's leading photographers traits in living'color or black and white - 7% your own home. The ideal gift to4end to those who do not see you and your family often! Nov. 6 th. BERNIE ALLARD WILL BE IN SCHREIBER ON on November 6th. For appointments phone Mrs. Strasser, our representative, at 672. PICTURES YOU CAN CHERISH wie SGNAEW Wane drooms in quiet private an exchange for both figure and hockey skates in the small meeting room of the Rec.Centre oni]. HUMIDIFIER NEEDED ? Winter days mean that indoor temperatures are are kept up by various heating sabes otha of which keep the required amount-6f moisture inthe air. Dry gir often causes respiratory ailments. A HUMIDIFIER WILL HELP TO REC- TIFY THIS CONDITION and IF YOU GET A COLD THEY WILL HELP BRING COMFORT. Priced at $T7- 95 and up GY ete SIMCOE PLAZA TERRACE BAY - PHONE 3833 ANNOUNCEMENT | regretfully announce that, due to the lack of trained Guiders for the two Terrace Bay Girl:Guide companies this Fall we are unable to accept any new recruits, whether or not they have been Brow- nies, until our leadership prob lem has been solved. Mrs. John Mikus, nf District Commissioner, ar Girl Guides of Canada. CARD OF THANKS - I would like to thank Dr.Cor- nell, Mrs. Buck, the Nurses and Staff of Terrace Bay | Hospital for the wonderful care given me during my stay there and also thank/the many friends who sent cards and visited me. Mrs. Alex Lamb - Schreiber. CARD OF THANKS - the Terrace Bay Figure Skat- tng Club would like to thank all those who took part in the Home Bingo and also those who assisted. Winners of the Bingo were Ernie Kettle, Alf Gerow Howard Solly and John Graham. (b- ; MR. B. SAFETYWISE