-EXECUTIVE ELECTED BY FIGURE SKATING CLUB « June 14, 1964 THE Retiring President Jim Cumming chaired the | annual meeting Tuesday evening of the Terrace: Bay Figure Skating Club, held in the Recrea- tion Centre. Notice of meeting and minutes of the past annual meeting were read by Sec. Betty Ollen-Bittle and the financial standing by Ann Hartman. Marnie Cumming reported on the recent bott bottle drive by the Ladies Auxiliary to com- plete the financial report. Election of Officers was conducted by the Chairman with the following elected for the 1964-65 term: President Ken Turner, Vice- Pres. Marge Hamilton, Secretary Erhel Soyd, Treasurer Ann Hartman, Directors Betty Qllen- Bittle, Benny Hayes, Tony Delaronde and Kay MacLeod, together with the incoming President of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Figure Skating Club. Retiring President Jim Cumming thanked the executive of the past two years for their help and Ken Turner expressed the appreciation of the Club to the outgoing executive for a wonderful job. The proposed amendment to the By-Laws to increase the membership dues was discussed at length and comprised on a motion that member- ship dues be raised to Fifteen Dollars annually payable in advance. An execytive meeting fol- lowed the adjournment. LOCAL MAN DROWNS IN HAYES LAKE (Cont'd from 1) Ocean Falls, B.C. Mill. He had attended school in Buckingham, Quebec and High School in Ottawa. The body rests at Gawleys Funeral Home in Schreiber, pending funeral arrangements, COLBORNES HONOURED BY SCHOOL BOARD & STUDENTS Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Colborne were guests of honor Friday evening at a dinner in the Terrace Bay Motor Hot@l. The Terrace Bay Public School staff dinner was increased to include the students of Mr. Colborne's grade eight class, surprising him with their presence. Upon arrival Mrs. Gladys Colborne, teacher of the sixth grade, was presented with a cor- sage of yellow mums. Master of Ceremonies Ted Brown Jr. welcomed their Teacher- Principal and Mrs. Colborne to the Farewell dinner, On behalf of the Grade eight class Marcia Hamil- ton presented Mr. Colborne with a brief case and their best wishes on his new position and home in Port Arthur. Mrs. Carol Hansen wished both Mr. and Mrs. Colborne well as she presen- , ted a parting gift of a barometer on behalf of | : _ the Public School Staff. Colborne said he left this town with regret In reply Mr, 'after a period of six years, having watched it grow to include paved streets. He brought many a chuckle in his personal remarks to the students, who he said, would have the highest ) percentage passing on to High School of any L year, Brief remarks and good wishes were ex- tended by Mr. A. Pattison, Chairman of the » School Board introducing Board members: J. 'a Beddard, J. Shivas and W. Hanley. Grace was pronounced by Cathy Jo Cotton " and thanks to Mr. K. MacLeod for his assis- tance in the arrangements for the evening. HUNTER SAFETY CLASSES The final class will be held in the Rec, Yentre, Thursda June 11th at 7:30 P.M NEWS Page: VISITING TEACHERS APPRECIATED HOSPITALITY The Manager, Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Paper Company Limited J Terrace Bay, Ontario. Dear Sir: We would like to take this opportun- ity to express our gratitude to you, the mana gement, and staff of the Terrace Bay Motor Hotel for the kindnesses shown to us during our stay in Terrace Bay. Our weeks of © practice teaching in Terrace were made more enjoyable by the considerations accorded us both at the hotel and in the schools. We sin cerely appreciate all that you have done for uS. Yours truly, S.P. Dromisky, ' Master, Lakehead Teachers! College. LEGION L.A. MEETING A general meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion Branch 223 will be held on June 28th, in the Legion Hall. The next executive meeting will be on June llth at the home of Mrs. A. LeBlanc. The last Bingo was won by Bruce Larson and | a $20.00 voucher was won by Mrs. Marcanka of Terrace Bay. SOCIAL NEWS The ladies of St. John Berchman's Church in Rossport are holding a Lake Trout Dinner on Father's Day, June 21st. Everybody welcome, Ellen Knight, Marcia Jeanneret and Marilyn Marsh have arrived home from Alma College in St. Thomas, Ont. to spend the summer with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Ferrier attended the Graduation of their daughter Betsy, at Haver- gal College, Toronto. Returning with them was their other daughter, Mrs, John Wadding- ton, and baby daughter Janet, of Kingston. Mr John Waddington accompanied by his parents Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Waddington of Harrow, England, will join them this week. Laurie Mae Marcella returned home from Marianopples University, Montreal to spend the summer vacation. ART CLUB NEWS The Terrace Bay Art Club will hold their Wind-up on Thursday, June llth, in the Old Curling Lounge at 8 P.M. Everyone is asked to bring a painting to be chosen for the raffle. Be sure and attend this event. SOCIAL NEWS Mrs. W. Anderson entertained her Grade seven Sunday School Class on Friday evening, 'in the Church Hall as a reward for their excellent attendance, there being only one absentee in the entire year. | LACROSSE_NEWS A small group of Lacrosse enthusiasts tur- ned out to last week's meeting and decided to "have a go" at sta king Yanadats ng ional . ont'd on Page