june 11, 1964 THE NEWS Pane 3 THE TERRACE BAY NEWS Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published weekly each Thursday. Circulation Terrace Bay, Schreiber and district. Deadline for advertisements is NOON each Monday = other items Tuesday Noon. Office Phone 3747. Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash Classified ads - minimum charge 50¢ = (20 words and under) - Cards of Thanks - minimum charge $1.00 - (30 words and under). FOR ELECTROLUX SALES OR SERVICE - contact Mr. H.A.Taylor, 115 Rossmere Road, Sault Ste .Marie or phone Algoma 66574. FOR SALE - Singer Electric Portable Sewing Machine like new, round bobbin, $35.00 cash. Call J. Savage, Schreiber 546-J-1 after 5.30. -- FOR YOUR BULLDOZING - backfill, digging, land levelling needs, contact Ken Dooley, Schreiber - Phone 577. FOR SALE - four bedroom house. Large fomiiy size kitchen, living room, two bathrooms, new forced air heating system and garage. Large landscaped lot with private driveway. Apply 35 Pine Crescent-or phone 3688. FOR SALE = One piano and bench, one 8" table saw one Electrohome lroner. Apply 35 Pine Crescent or phone 3688. WANTED = room and board (permanent) for gentleman office worker. Phone 825-3340 during office hours. APARTMENT FOR RENT - three room basement apart= ment with bath and private entrance - immediate oc- cupancy. Ph. 3258 or apply 516 Lakeview Drive. WANTED TO BUY = Piano = call Dennis Connelly = Schreiber Phone 303. FOR SALE - 1961 Plymouth located Clark Motor Sales]: Nipigon. Terms cash. Forward highest cash offer to PUBLIC TRUSTEE, 145 QUEEN WEST, Toronto. HOUSE FOR SALE = corner of Main & Scotia Streets. Contact R. Skinner, Schreiber. FOR SALE - roller skates and white boots, size 8, like new. Electric Pump. Phone Schreiber 677. APARTMENT FOR RENT = main floor - two bedrooms, front room, kitchen and bathroom. Inquire Sport Shop! or Nick Commisso, Schreiber. WANTED TO BUY = a baby carriage in good condi- tion. Phone Schreiber 205. COSTA'S TERRACE BAY, ONT. PHONE 3513 FRESH CHICKEN Tar DO" We have many items to choose from = which Father would appreciate- CAMERA & FILM NEEDS Wallets - Lighters - Smoking Supplies & Men's Toiletries to mention a few. WAGHORN'S PHARMACY The Rents Drug Store TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO e@ MINNows - f at ws Ozzie s 412 Elizabeth Avenue, . - Terrace Bay- Ph. 3350. Live Bait CARD OF THANKS = I wish to thank Dr. Cornell, Father Cano, Mrs. Buck nurses and staff, those who sent flowers, cards, etc. during my stay in Terrace Bay Hospital . Sincerely, Elsie Jewell CARD OF THANKS - May we take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to the pupils of Grade Eight, their parents, the members of the Public School staff, and the Public School Board, for the wonderful evening and beautiful gifts of last Friday. This occasion will long be remembered along with our six happy years in Terrace Bay. Bill and Gladys Colborne. APARTMENT FOR RENT = on Quebec St. in back of Mayfair Hotel. Occupancy July Ist. Apply G. Slater or phone Schreiber 207. HOUSE FOR SALE - three bedrooms, dining room, living room and bathroom = fully finished basement. Garage - new oil furnace = forced air fan. Apply to 163 Birch Cresc. or phone 3814. FOR SALE = lawn mower, manual operation. Phone 3721. LOST = choke chain for dog with tag No. 66 at- tached. Phone 3747. ROLLER SKATING EVERY THURSDAY -~ - 7:00 TO 10:00 P.M. ARENA PUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. REFRESH YOURSELF A _ Serving HOT or COLD Drinks - Hamburgers = popcorn = soup - etc.