THE NEWS Page 5 quired since coming to Terrace Bay fifteen years ago. On behalf of this group, and many unable to attend, Ray Kenney presented them with an oil painting of a local scene painted by Sadie Gaulin and, to com= pliment Regi's dress, a corsage of a pink rose and feathered carnations. Two skits amused the group:- one of the Gombola's arrival in Terrace Bay by Don Boudreau and the sec- ond, a hunting incident by John Jeanneret. A special vote of thanks went to Ellen Hodgkiss who en tertained at the piano during the entire evening. A buffet supper was served at midnight, and to mark the evening, a guest book was made by Jim Cumming. Organizers of the evening were Bill Louk, Al Chisholm and John Jeanneret with Kay Jeanneret in charge of refreshments. April 16, 1964 BONSPIEL (Continued from page 1) : Benny Hayes, Program and Publicity Scotty Hamilton and Ice Maintenance Len Crockford. €URLING MEETING MAY 1 Members of the Men's Curling Club are reminded to attend the semi-annual spring meeting on Friday, May Ist at 7 P.M. in the club rooms. Keep Saturday evening May 9th open for the annual club banquet and dance. LADIES FIVE-PIN LEAGUE STANDINGS Twisters 212 - Good Gals 202 -- Strikers 192 -- Hits and Misses 151 = Bed Rocks 147 - Hopefuls 145. High Single - J.Hall 290 - Hi-Triple - M.Edmunds 626. Games over 200 - E. Boutilier 206 - M.Edmunds 210 and 224 - E.Beddard 221 - J.Hall 290 and D. Billings 236. Bob Rae, who left over the weekend to make his home in the Lakehead, was entertained at a stag Friday evening when a group of his friends and co- workers presented him with a cocktail shaker and bar set, and their best wishes. SOCIAL & PERSONAL Mr. & Mrs. W. Baillie had as their guests last week her sister and brother-in-law Mr. & Mrs. H.A. Good of Winnipeg and her brother and sister-in-law Mr. & Mrs. J. A. McFadden from Toronto. Mrs. G. Phillips of Pt. Arthur is visiting her niece Mrs. C. Knauff. Regi and Peter Gombola were honored guests Friday evening at an open party held in the Terrace Bay Moose Hall. The Gombolas, who leave with their children to make their home in South Carolina, were greeted by a very large gathering of friends ac- 'Another couple to be feted prior to their departure from Terrace Bay were Grace and George Bird who, with their daughter, have left for Crofton, B. C. Olive and George Martin with Marlyn and Al Chis- holm were hosts at the home of the latter for a curling party, when a gift subscription to the local News was presented to them with everyone's best wishes. Sheila Zwaresh was hostess when their bridge club entertained for Grace, seosenteny her with Blue O iI ONCE-IN-A DEAL! Mor T RE ADY»« cae 7 SET. :. GQ! SEND IN YOUR ORDER FOR THIS PROFIT AND TRAFFIC BUILDER 44P11 WRINGER WASHER $179.95 DAILA aIePrER $ 14.95 F99 STEAM IRON $ 12.99 CASE TIDE $ 5.89 $ 213.78 SPECIAL 4-for-1 NET $179.95 am SPADONI BROS. LTD,