a, ist Event Winners - L.to R.Dick Symes, Ted Child R.McCallum, D.Lang. Photo by R.Cotton MEN'S BONSPIEL FINISHES CURLING SEASON Forty-four rinks were entered in the 16th Annual Bonspiel held over the weekend in Terrace Bay Ibiy the Men's Curling Club, representing just about all points in N'western Ontario, from Chapleau and Sault Ste.Marie in the east to Kenora in the west. Reeve J.P.Heenan threw the first rock at six o'clock Thursday evening with Club President Art Reynolds holding the broom. The Curlers were lead onto the ice by Piper Walter McMicking. Sunday afternoon saw the final round declaring the Event winners as follows: First event, a Fort William rink skipped by Dick Symes. Second place was won by the Bruce Walker rink from Port Arthur, third place by K.Johnson from Terrace Bay and fourth by J.Kallos of Fort William. A local rink skipped by Rune Ostling took the Second Event prize with his rink manned by Fraser Muldrew, Jim Clancy and Don Hencher, defeating second place winners from Marathon, Hal Lawson, Wally Jackson, Swede Rydberg and Claude Steeves. In the Third Event Burton Phillips skipped a Sault Ste .Marie rink into first place over a Fort William rink skipped by Ron Depiera. Fourth Event winners were Carl LeBlanc, Chris Frederickson, Brian Madge and Barry MacNamee of Fort William and runner-up position went to the Hector McLeod rink of Terrace Bay with J.Kelty, N.Cornthwaite and F .McLeod. A buffet supper was held in the Club Lounge on Saturday evening during which prizes were presented to the Eveleth rink, skipped by Jerry Kaner for coming the longest distance and to the Len Crockford rink of Terrace Bay. Len's rink scored the largest end, a seven ender, up to this time. Bill Hodgson of Fort William went home with an electric coffee percolator as the lucky winner of a draw, prize do- nated by Caccamo's of Terrace Bay. Executive of the Men's Curling Club are: President Art Reynolds, 'Spiel Chairman Lou Duquette, Enter- tainment Sandy Crawford, Prize im Clancy. Draw Y hes L to R: Jack O'Dette, Bill Owens, Stan Hodgkiss, Dr. Don Longmore, Ted Yates. CARLING TROPHY AWARDED TO S. HODGKISS The Carling Trophy whieh bears the inscription "To be awarded annually for the most meritorious service in the cause of conservation" was presented this year at the 36th annual Convention of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters held in Hamilton in March to Stan Hodgkiss of Terrace Bay. Nominations for this trophy can be made by any group in Ontario, although the Ontario Federation are custodians of the trophy. Stan, a past President of the Ontario Federation, was nominated by the Northwestern Ontario Conser- vation Federation and was based on his work for the past two years as President of the Canadian Wildlife Federation and his outstanding conservation efforts. MISS OUTDOOR GIRL OF CANADA The Canadian Wildlife Federation, in conjunction with the Canadian National Sportsmen's Show, held last month in Toronto, sponsored a contest to pick "A Miss Outdoor Girl of Canada". Out of twenty six entries from seven provinces, (Cont'd on Page 8) Marie Delaronde (Miss Northwestern Ontario Teen Queen) and her princesses -Photo by W. Morrill