THE MEN WHO ORGANIZE AND DEVOTE THEIR SPARE TIME TO THE SUCCESS OF MINOR HOCKEY IN SCHREIBER. Jack McCouan, Jack Bryson, John St.Jean, Norman McCuaig, President - 2nd row - Jerry Fischer, Don. Souliere, Mike Smilsky, Bill Stefurak, Sec.Treas. Back = Bill Niemi, Frank McKenna, Howard Nicols and Harold McParland. Photo by I:. McCuaig UNITED CHURCH WOMEN COLLECT FOR MISSION The United Church Women met on April Ist with Mrs. T.P. Whent presiding. The Easter Message was read by Mrs. R.G.Maca- dam and the Scripture by Mrs. George McBride. Correspondence, read by Mrs. Oscar Laine, in- cluded a request from the Brownies re catering for their Mother-Daughter Banquet. Mrs. Bill Kinney and her committee-Mesdames Gary Drake, J.B.Ridsdale and F.W.Hiller, accepted the responsibility of renewing and securing new sub= scriptions to the United Church Observer . Plans for the annual Smorgasbord were discussed and it was agreed to again have two sittings, arranged when buying the ticket. Mrs. F.Fummerton reported the layette, in connec- tion with parcels being sent to the Northern Indian Mission, is almost completed. All wishing to contri- bute to this project are asked to have good used cloth ing at the Church by April 10 in order that they may be sent to Wayside Church, Fort William, where the final assembling and packing is done. Mrs. G.McBride reported furnishings had been bought by the Manse Committee. Mrs. R.Macadam, Mrs. D.Nesbitt and Mrs. G.Scott were appointed cupboard committee, their first duty to select g re- continued} SOME YOUNG PATRONS OF THE SCHREIBER PUBLIC LIBRARY = getting in a few extra reading 'licks' during Easter holidays. The Board is parti- cularly pleased that adult readers are far out-num= bered by younger ones, who range from the Little Red Train set on through the high school level. Photo by Inez McCuaig oe Condr. R.B.Lidkea speaking to engineer Andy Parker, from van on freight train, on recently in- stalled inter-communication system. Photo by |. McCuaig It often shows a fine command of language to say nothing.