THE NEWS March 5, 1964 anne Le [ee vO a ae 7 om es ae LIL Oe OUR HAIR CREATIONS| | FM grist J many woes ane moureo WILL (MPRESS ane THEY HAVEANINEHOUR -A- ) % REALLY INL Piciaive POL Wife Preservers wn ee ae AFTERNOON WEAR TSR wrelag OR EVENING DRESS "3 DEALER BEAUTY & BARBER SHOP TERRACE BAY MOTOR HOTEL PHONE 3209 KIWANIS KIDDIES KARNIVAL MARCH 14TH Memb ers of the committee in charge of the Annual Kiwanis Kiddies Karnival are hard at work lining up the various events scheduled for the big day - Satur- day, March 14th from 12.30 to 3.00 o'clock = in the Arena. It is hoped to schedule many more variety races this year - the novelty type - so all kids are urged to sharpen up those skates ana be prepared to get in on the fun and prizes. A WORD OF THANKS | would like to take this opportunity to extend thanks on behalf of myself and the boys, to the people who drove cars or helped in any way last weekend. Special thanks to Steve Fedorak, Charlie Simmer, Garnet Pinkerton and Joe Desaulnier. | would also like to say thanks to the parents. The conduct of the boys was very good. | had nothing but compliments from all the families that took the boys in for overnight. The compliments reflected on the team also re- flected on the town of Terrace Bay. N.S.M.H.L. Peewee Champions and Coach, Mike Newell HORTICULTURAL NOTES GARDEN PLOT DATES FOR REGISTERING IS COM- ING CLOSE - REQUEST RULE SHEET FOR INFORMA TION. H. Hermes - Chairman. Use an electric mixer to whip up "dry" suds for upholstery sham- pooing. Add @ minimum amount of wéter, beat until thick and meringue-like. PHONE 3268 60 Laurier Ave. - Terrace Ba CARD OF THANKS = We wish to express our sin- thanks to all our friends and neighbours who sent messages of condolance, baking and helped in other ways during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. McCausland, Mrs.Buck and Staff, Father Gallagher and Mr.and Mrs. J.Lang. Your kindness will always be rememb ered. Bill and Bernice Pytyck. PEEWEE FINALS (Cont'd from page 1) of three series for the Championship. NORTHWESTERN MINOR PLAYOFFS HERE The Northwestern Ontario Minor Hockey Playoffs will again be played in the Terrace Bay Arena, on March 2\t and 22nd. Teams from the North Shore, Lakehead and Western Zone will compete for Zone Championships in Bantam, Midget and Juvenile Divisions. This bringstogether the top teams from each area, for some of the finest hockey featured during the season. It's an event no one should miss. Members of the local hockey association will be selling tickets in the near future, so be sure to get yours early. At this writing, Terrace Bay Midgets are still on the playoff trail, but must still meet Geraldton for the right to enter the N'western Championships . Dates for the Terrace Bay~Geraldton series have not yet been set by the T.B.A.H.A. YOUR CREDIT UNION CAN MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE IN YOUR FAMILY FINANCES . TODAY WE LIVE IN A WORLD OF CREDIT. Buying on credit has become the major purchasing method for almost all purchases except food. . Some large mail-order retailers now do over 50% of their transactions on credit plans -- at 18% and higher interest rates per year. . By joining the CREDIT UNION you will save your and other families from this seriour exploitation. . JOIN NOW -- LET THE CREDIT UNION HELP YOU !! Terrace Bay Community Credit Union Limited OFFICE HOURS - Monday & Thursday 7-9 P.M, ~ Friday 9- 11 A.M.