HIGHSCHOOL ATTENDANCE 96.49 PERCENT The High School Board, at their last meeting, negotiated the staff salaries on a two-year basis. In a recent survey conducted by the Ontario Secon- dary School Teachers' Federation, Schreiber school was considered excellent in all three categories explored. The January report on attendance, compiled by Principal O.B.Fasan, showed a noteworthy 96.49 percent. The schoiastic aptitude test of Ontario showed Schreiber student body results in line with the past to years were satisfactory . Alec (sordon presided for the meeting with the entire Board attending. The presence of all board members at these meetings (and it is seldom they are not), is a sure indication of their interest in school affairs since the chairman, Alec Gordon and the vice-chairman Lester McCuaig, are both conductors, Michael McGrath and Harold McParland are both engineers, leaving only the senior member of the board, Cyril Sparkes, on regular hours. AMBULANCE BRIGADE TO COMPETE FOR TROPHY The Wardrope Trophy will be competed for by a team of six from the Schreiber St.John Ambulance Division against four teams in the Lakehead. Judges | will come from the Lakehead for Schreiber's entry, the contest being on March 5th. Official confirmation has been received from Toronto of the appointment of three new local offi- cers--Mrs. Dorothy Rummery, Division Superinten- dent, Charles Lavigne, Division Officer and Doctor David Freebury, Division Surgeon. Wallace Cringle retiring superintendent, will go on the supplemen- tary staff. The Brigade is starting lectures shortly in prepara- tion for their annual exams and inspection. Regis- tration for a senior first aid class will be accepted, the class to begin immediately after Easter. Further information can be obtained from Mrs. Rummery or Mrs. Helen Jartus. W.P.Burnell, Field Representative, St.John, of Sault Ste.Marie, was here to address the Schreiber Brigade. He showed films on three aspects of First Aid work in air crew rescue - spinal injuries and artificial respiration. A public showing of these will be announced shortly. LIB RARY CLOSED The Schreiber Library will be closed until further notice, Mrs.LeBlanc being ill in Terrace Bay Hos- MR.AND MRS. W.R. BURROUGHES HONOURED Mr.and Mrs. W.R.Burroughes, who have left Schreiber to reside in Farnham, Quebec, were feted by members of St. Andrew's Church congrega- tion and other friends in the community at a recep- tion held in the Church.Hall on February 22nd. The Rev. Fraser Muldrew was chairman for the occasion, the program beginning with a lively sing song ,leading off with a special toast--in song-- to the guests of honor, composed by Mr. Muldrew. The United Church Women presented a comic act - The Boxing Match - with Mrs. Harold Gellert and Mrs.Don Wilkinson as the boxers, Mrs .Tommy Whent and Mrs.Alec Gordon, the trainers, Mrs. Herb Gellert the referee and Mrs .Oscar Laine the announcer. Mrs .Forbes Macadam was 'the doctor'. Three skits were presented by the C.G.1. T. and films of local interest were shown by J.B. Ridsdale. Mrs.Whent, on behalf of the C.G.1.T., presen- ted two pieces of pottery to Mrs.Burroughes. On behalf of the congregation and friends, Mrs .Whent and J.B.Ridsdale presented a painting of a local scene and Corning Ware to the Burroughes, and for the senior choir, Mrs.George McBride presented another gift to Mrs .Burroughes . In addition to the groups previously mentioned Mr .Burroughes has been active on many of the Church boards; Mrs. Burroughes has been a member of the North Shore Nurses Association and acted as the public school nurse. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cuthbertson of Port Arthur were here for the occa- sion. Before he left for his new position Mr . Burroughs was presented with a desk set of transistor clock and pen, by the Bro.of Railway Trainmen. J.E. Stokes, local chairman, F.V.Harness, treasurer, Del Condie and George Gordon called on Mr. Burroughes in his office to express the Lodge's good wishes and present the gift. STUDY SATURDAY OPENING FOR ANGLING The Hon.A.Kelso Roberts, Minister of Lands and Forests, has announced that consideration is being given to the desirability of having seasons:on such species as smal! and largemouth bass, maskinonge and walleye open each year on a Saturday. Studies suggest that, for 'some species at least, a regular Saturday opening would be biologically sound and administratively expedient. This move would allow fishermen and tourist establishments to plan holidays and bookings well in advance. The possibility for adjustment in 1965 is being explored.