Photo by G. Wheeler Pictured above are some of the Naval Cadets who train each week in the RCSC Superior. Second and third from the left in the front row are S/Ltd. D. Brearley and C. O. J. Cumming. "ON STAGE" (Continued from Page 9) Pianists Velma LeBlanc, Kathy Phillips and Margo Anderson provided musical interludes between each of the productions. Closing the evening, the entire cast appeared with the Glee Club to sing, for the first time in public, their new School Hymn. Words for the hymn had been composed by Mr. Coons and set to the music of Jan Sibelius. Production, Staff for "On Stage" were:- Directors- Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Coons; Advertising and Publicity - Mr. Keith Pelew, and Mr. Johann Terpstra; Scenery and Properties - Mr. Marvin Steen and Lighting - Mr. Gerry Unger. Assistance was also provided by Principal Mr. A. E. Hartman, Mrs. E.S. Brown, Mrs. D. Ollen-Bittle and Mrs. W. Stachiw . GOLF NEWS A name is being sought for the Terrace Bay Golf course. The golf committee will welcome any suggestions. This can be done by submitting the name you choose. The name which will be chosen will give one year's golf membership to the sender. Plans are being made for the membership meeting which will be held at the Moose Hall on April 3rd. READ AND USE OUR CLASSIFIED ADS. THE NEWS F. Allan Perttula HYDRO TEAM FOR SERVICE IN GHANA F. Allan Perttula, of Port Arthur, Protection and Control Engineer in Ontario Hydro's Northwestern Region, has been named head of an eleven- man Hydro operations team being recruited for service in Ghana, West Africa. Under an agreement signed last year by Ontario Hydro and Ghana's Volta River Authority, the team will commission the huge Akosombo generating statio and associated transmission system. The Canadians will also train the Ghanaians who will eventually assume control . Four Ontario Hydro employees, on leave of absenc¢ already hold key positions with the Volta River Authority . Mr. Perttula, his wife and children, will leave for _Ghana in August. GOLF NEWS (Continued from previous column) It is hoped that many will join at this meeting. No doubt some people will hold off joining until the actual playing season. To those we would like to mention that they would be assisting the club by buying their membership now. The club can use this money to pay for the many purchases which will be made to complete the course. D. Desrosier is Chairman of the membership com- mittee and anyone wishing to become a member before the meeting will contact Dave. There will be a weekly report on the name contest Finest Wedding Papers Beautiful Raised Lettering Socially Correct Wording @ More and more brides are finding they can have the luxury look they love and still keep on the sunny side of their bridal budget with exquisite Bouquet e LETTERHEADS e DIRECT MAIL e@ HANDBILLS e@ BUSINESS CARDS e ENVELOPES Invitation Line amazingly rich, raised lettering with all the good taste and distinction of the finest craftsmanship -- yet costing about half as much as you'd guess ! Gerrarce Bay Nema "Small enough ro appreciate Invitations featuring Thermo-Engraving -- an Phone 3747 Terrace Bay - Ontario Big enough to accommodate"