20, 1964 Februar x ~ oe, E a Mrs: Anna Smith, DDGM i is oh with Mrs. Aha: Proust WM of Silver Birch Chapter, on her official visit. GRAND CHAPTER OFFICER VISITS TERRACE BAY The regular meeting of Silver Birch Chapter No .264 was held on February |0th in the Community Church Hall. Worthy Matron Mrs. A.Fraser and Worthy Patron, Mr.A.Sinkins, presided at the meeting. Sick and Visiting committee convenors, Mrs. D. Rummery for Schreiber and Mrs. A.Sinkins for Terrace Bay, reported and routine business was transacted and correspondence dealt with in the usual manner. The District Deputy Grand Matron for District 17, Mrs. Anna Smith of Fort Frances, was presént and addressed the gathering in her usual pleasing manner . Mr. Wellington Smith, Past Worthy Grand Patron, accompanied his wife on this, her official visit. A new member was welcomed into the Chapter. Mrs. Flora Bryson presented Mrs.Smith with a gift on behalf of the officers and members, which she graciously acknowledged. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served by Mrs. F .Hanna and her committee of Mesd. R.Ostling, H.Billings, J.Corbett, W.Rattray and H.Coe. Prior to the meeting Mr. and Mrs. Smith were guests of honor at a dinner in the Terrace Bay Motor Hotel. Toastmaster at the dinner was A.Sinkins, Rev. T.Garnett Husser, P.W.P. pronounced Grace and a delicious dinner was enjoyed. Mr. A.Farrow proposed the toast to the Queen and Mrs. W.Cringle proposed one to Grand Chapter to which Mrs. Smith replied. Mr.Sinkins toasted the visitors and Mrs. Husser replied. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were accompanied from Fort Frances by Mrs. Albert McKelvie who was the guest of Mr.and Mrs. H.N.Marsh during her stay. Sympathy is extended to Kenneth C. MacLeod and family on the passing of his mother, Mrs. Lena Mac- Leod in Granville, Quebec, formerly of Buckingham, January 28th. Mr. & Mrs. MacLeod left immediately to attend the funeral on January 30th, returning this week accompanied by his father, Mr. Garfield Mac- Leod who will make his home here. The Local Association to Guides and Brownies will meet on Monday evening, February 24th at 8.00 P.M at the home of Mrs. Helen Brooks. THE NEWS Page 7 COUNCIL QUOTES (Cont'd from Pg. 1) of the O.M.E.A. urged attendance at the annual meeting to be held March 1- 4 in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Representation will be made from council and Don Boudreau townsite electrical super- visor . Hewitson Construction Co. sought consideration to their bid on all paving and will be informed the millwork has already been tendered. The townsite solicitor advised on remuneration standards for reeve and council. Councillor Cava- naugh urged immediate consideration be given to this issue. AFTERNOON GROUP OF L.A. MEET The afternoon Branch of the Ladies' Auxiliary met Monday in the Community Church, presided over by Mrs. J. Graham. Mrs. J. Ferrier accompanied the opening hymn and the worship period was conducted by Mrs. W. McMicking. The Secretary-Treasurer's report was given by Mrs. R. Harris who reminded members to continue saving Canada Packer labels. The ladies decided to make the World Day of Prayer offering up to $25.00 which goes to the Women's Interchurch Council. They dis- cussed sending money to a mission group and the Secretary will investigate and report back at the next meeting. The Christmas cards will be packed at the March meeting. Members sorted and packed cartons of used clothing and appliances for shipment to the Crippled Civilians in Toronto and two cartons for the Children's Aid Society. The afternoon closed with tea served by Mesdames McCausland and Uzi- canin. ACROSS 47. Otherwise 18. Fisher. 1, Trick- 48, Observes man's takers: seine cards DOWN 19. Light Weekly 8. Turkish 1. Become bed- river . Visible stead 9. Thin part 2. A bunch 21. Subdue X W d of chair 8.Organsof 25, Thoue - or back hearing sand 10. + sloping 4, Guide 27. Of the edge §. Finnish Apostle P 1 ] Z | 12. So. Am .seaport Peter é € e cue. ' 6. Sailing 28. Under . Pointe races ground 84, Trunks arch -- %. Infor- excavation: of trees -" pA 1 di ' mation mining 86. Construce 3 e . Strict 29. 18th C, tion ocean 9. Genus of silvere mat 17. Caress, tunicates smith $7. Withers " a ou 11, Strap for. 31. Vim 41, Correct . a do, Pi oe g 83. Perches 43, Female rug 20. Elder son of Zeus 22. Little child 23. Excla- mation 24, sp aaa everage I 26 Spigot FCCUEE bub Shas abbe ed oth a9 SP foes La 80. Disease of ayy ZZ 7, chickens iY 82, Member of a Slavic tribe 35. Houses of worship 38. Also 39. Done with 40. Gas: Eng. 42, One of the ie = Apostles . Originate beaceersr ee mieisaey era . Stunte ee ba ee ee ee