Februar "2 . By vv. Morr Corpival ves. shaven clperci'EPISW TES PRON © Muriel Nesbitt, right. APPOINTEES NAMED TO LIBRARY BOARD H.M. Ermel and Miss Gwen Hadley were re- elected as chairman and secretary-treasurer, respec- tively, of the Public Library board at their regular meeting on February 14th. Members appointments were stated as follows:- From Municipal Council - Mrs. L.R.McCuaig, one year--representing Reeve Harness; Mrs. W.W.Wilkes, three years; H. M. Ermel, two years--from the Public School, Mrs. W.G.Furlonger, one year, Miss Gwen Hadley, two years--from the Separate School, Mrs. D.McGuire, two years, Raymond Guillet, one year. The High School board has not yet made its appointment. The book 'Fashions and Fabrics' was received from the Regional Library, bringing the borrowed count to 401. This book is of special interest to home dressmakers and fashion=conscious girls. Books valued at $72 were received from the Co-Og Book Centre and another selection of Canadiana ofdered for the permanent collection. Plastic book covers were ordered, accounts were paid and it was agreed that these should be paid,as they occur, by the signing officers. The library rent was sent to Town Council with several suggestions for the good of the library. Five units, one of which belongs to the High School, are on hand from the Regional Library. Copies of the National Geographic for "62 and'63 were sent away for binding. Prices for the American Encyclopedia and a similar series, suitable for grade school students, will be studied. The regular meetings were again set for the second Friday of the month at 7.30. Mrs. Furlonger and Mrs. McCuaig were appointed as public relations officers and Mrs. Arthur LeBlanc was rehired as lib rarian. WHAT ST.JOHN AMBULANCE DOLLLARS BUY !! © $5.00 will buy a stretcher blankef 20, 1964 TOWN COUNCIL HEAR OF SALVATION ARMY WORK The Municipal Council held its regular meeting on February 5 with all present and clerk-treasurer R.C. Skinner and Road Supt. E.Borutski attending. Two ratepayers, Mrs .Chas.Pearson and Mrs .Robt .Fournier were present. Capt .Hubert Tilley of the Salvation Army was wel- comed and gave a resume of the work of the Army in the area which they cover (from Wawa to the Mani- toba border .) Describing the various aspects of welfare work undertaken, Capt.Tilley said there is great concern over the increasing number of very young unmarried mothers and to care for them a home has been opened at the Lakehead. He told of aid given to burned out families in the district and of the Army's new under- taking in joining the group which attempts to prevent suicide by depressed people. A call to a listed phone number brings a response, either in person, or by telephone conversation--whichever means seems best. There is positive proof of some success in this field of endeavour. Reeve Harness thanked Capt.Tilley for his informative talk and promised that consideration toward a grant to aid the Army would be given at budget-setting time. No word has been received re the re-patriation of Sylvia Morris which the town had undertaken. One other request for relief was received for a former resident now living in eastern Ontario. Clerk Skinner advised council of a conversation with D.C .Batchelor, Dept .of Highways, regarding the subway construction and that Dr .Cornell had accepted his three-year contract as M.O.H. A suggestion re Centennial project was received from Mrs. R.Macadam, that the road to Collingwood Bay (Schreiber beach on Lake Superior) be improved and the beach area made into a public park free to townspeople. This was filed with councillor McCuaig who suggested that the time limit for simiJar ideas be set at May 31 in order that council has sufficient time} to consider which to adopt. Word was received from A.R.Morpurgo, District Planning Advisor, of a workshop on municipal affairs | planned for latter part of March or early April. Nip- igon was chosen as the most central meeting point. Clerk Skinner and one councillor were delegated to attend with the hope that others will do so if able. The Clerk was instructed to write Atikokan clerk D.R.Buire, regarding purchase of a steam boiler for thawing purposes. The town of Timmons: suggestion regarding a joint project marking the Centennial, for N'western Ont. was filed for further thought. General accounts of $3,166.43 and water works | bill of $21.66 were passed for payment. (Continued)