oo HOME BINGO starting JANUARY 20th TH LUCKY CARDS - - - - $5.00 15 numbers called Ist day - 3 numbers after TELEPHONE = -3525 - 3566 - 3601 Sponsored by LADIES' AUXILIARY to CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH #223 ST. MARTINtS PARISH COUNCIL MEET The Ontario Provincial Council of the Catholic Women's '--zue are sponsoring a Province wide education plan on adoption and foster homes. St. Martin's Parish Council held a meeting on Sunday, January 19th in their Parish Hall, highlights being explained, colored slides shown and the guest speaker was Miss Muriel Atcheson of the Port Arthur Children's Aid Society. Many questions were asked from the floor with Miss Atcheson giving thorough answers and explanations. The need for both foster and adoption homes is great. feeling they could give a happy home to these unfortunate families are asked to contact Miss Atcheson in Marathon or the Port Arthur office All enquiries are held strictly confidential. A delicious lunch was served by Mesdames D. Kenney, C. MacDonald, R. Cormier and J. Kenney COUNCIL QUOTES CLARIFICATION Tact weekte Ganncil Onates included a para- graph dealing with the Snack Bar Concession in the Recreation Centre. Instead of reading "that the Recreation Committee had recommended that Kimberly-Clark be asked to take over the concéssion" it should have read "recommended that Kimberly-Clark provide advice and counse STORK GLUB to, Mr. and Mrs. P. Fredericksen of Bay, on January 18th, a daughter. Born Terrace Born Ramsey , to, Mr. and Mrs. R. O'Connor of on January 19th, a son. Born Terrace to, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Todd of Bay, on January 21st, a son. Born on January to, Mr. and Mrs. S. Reid of Schreiber, 2lst, a son. art Mystery : BINGO $4. LEGION HALL BR ARE 924 -- 8 pau GOOD NEIGHBOUR PRIZES JACKPOT Sponsored by Ladies' Auxiliary to Royal Canadian Legion Any couple PON NEWS Savina Bay High School "ON STAGE" ORAM 4 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, 964 - - High School Auditorium .50¢ Children - Family - $1.00 8.00 P.M. Adults - «aioe WOMEN OF THE MOOSE MEET Senior Regent J. Calder chaired the meeting of the Women of the Moose Wednesday evening, January 15th held in their Terrace Bay Moose Hall. Recorder M. Duriez read the minutes and plans were completed to send ten delegates to the Midwinter Conference being held this coming weekend in Fort William. Chapter Night was under the convenorship of A. Yates and her Child Care Committee who held a Penny Auction and served a delightful luncheon. The Chapter will meet again at 8:00 P.M. Wednesday, January 29th. AFTERNOON L.A. OF THE COMMUNITY CHURCH MEET {ne Afternoon Group of the Ladies Auxiliary commenced their year with a tasty Pot Luck Luncheon Monday, January 20th in the Terrace Bay Community Church Hall. Grace was pronounced by Mrs. R, Harris. Presiding over the meeting was Mrs. L. Williams with Mrs. R. Harris reading the minu- tes and giving the Treasurer's Report. Mrs. J. Graham accepted the chair for the coming term and Mrs. J. Ferrier extended a vote of thanks to Mrs. Williams for her past, two years of service. Plans for the World Day of Prayer to be held on Friday, February 14th, will again com- bine with members of the C.G.I.T. and Girl Guides and will be held at four o'clock. The members made arrangements to collect clothing and articles and used appliances to pack at their next meeting and ship to the Crippled Civilians in Toront Con? CARD PARTY Be" 3.30 16 JAN 29 ST MARTINS + 6 se S & a ® Si . H U RC H e 6 IFES es, LUNCH ep Ls DOOR PRIZE Basement now electric heated Sx for your comfort ADMISSION - 75* g 5 Sponsored by Catholic Women's League