TERRACE BAY NEWS Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published weekly each Thursday. Circulation, Terrace Bay, Schreiber and District. Deadline for advertisements is NOON each Monday - other items Tuesday Noon. Office Phone 3747. Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash. Classified ads - Minimum charge 50¢ - (20 words and under) - Cards of Thanks - Minimum charge $1.00 - (30 words and under). BUYING OR SELLING? LET OUR WANT ADS ROUND-UP ALL THE PROSPECTS FOR YOU! FOR RENT - Three room suite and bath - private entrance. Phone Schreiber 129 or apply 102 Ontario Street. FOR SALE - 5 room house - 207 Galena Street or phone Schreiber 182. CARD OF THANKS - | would like to thank everyone who visited me and sent gifts and cards while | was a patient in McKellar Hospital. A special thank you. to Father Cano and the C.W.L. Mrs. Isobel Cenerelli CARD OF THANKS - The family of the late E. M. "Bud" Sheehan wish to express their sincere thanks to all who were so kind in the recent bereavement of a dear son and brother. Special thanks to Rev. Gibb, Mrs. Inshaw, Norm Jenkins, Gawley Funeral Home, pallbearers, all who loaned cars, sent flowers cards, made visitations, or helped in any way. Your kindness will always be remembered. Mrs. E. O!Connor and family SPRING HAT SHOW Anglican Church Hall - - Schreiber February 8th - 3-5 P.M. & 8-10 P. M. Sponsored by the BUSY BEES - - Refreshments FOR SALE - One pair ladies figure skates size 6 and one pair boy's skates size 6. Phone 825-3600. FOUND - Two change purses, one red and white and one navy blue - both containing small amount of money. Apply at the News Office. SLOW DOWN - AND LIVE i WEVE WORKED HARD TO EARN OUR REPUTATION, AND SHOUT IT LOUD wet SS WHITE ROSE DRIVE SAFELY RENE GAUDET ISLAND VIEW SERVICE Corner of Hudson & Hwy 17. ~~ PHONE 3638 AT THE FIRST SIGN OF ACOLD ... USE ... ee D 99 Decongestant Tablets For relief of SINUS CONGESTION HAY FEVER COLDS Waghorn's Pharmacy PHONE 825 - 3666 SIMON'S 24 - HQUR PHONE Terrace Bay - 3379 SERVICE J NOTICE TO PARENTS Once again, with the coming of extremely cold weather, we find that some boys and girls are arri- ving at school between one half and three quarters of an hour before classes are scheduled to begin. Regular supervision by the teachers does not come into effect until fifteen minutes before the beginning of classes. Prior to that they are occupied with class preparations. There is no alternative except for the children to remain outside until they can be admitted . This appeal goes out to the parents to make cer- tain that the children leave for school at a time that will enable them to arrive not before 8.50 in the morning or 1.20 in the afternoon. These times will also enable them to avail themselves of the protec- tion of the Safety Patrol in crossing the Highway. The co-operation of parents will again be very much appreciated. W.F. Colborne, Principal Public School R. T. Kenney, Principal St. Martin's School CARD OF THANKS - I would sincerely like to thank the many friends who sent cards, flowers, gifts and who visited during my recent convalescence in the Port Arthur General Hospital . will always be remembered. Mrs. Walter Sitko Your kindness READ AND USE WANT-ADS BAKE SALE with a DIFFERENCE 10.30 A.M. - Saturday, JANUARY 25th CACCAMO'S STORE Casseroles - Jellied Salads - Rolls - Baked goods Sponsored by Ladies' Auxiliary to the Figure Skating Club