NOTICE TO PARENTS = RE MINOR HOCKEY If your boy signed to play Minor Hockey, the following points are for your benefit. PLEASE READ THEM! 1. Know what team your boy is on and be sure that he turns out to ALL games and practices. Team lists and schedules are posted at the schools and Recrea- ' tion Centre, and copies of these are given to the boys, so use these lists. 2. Flyweights do not necessarily need particular team sweaters. They will be divided into two teams each time they come to the Arena. 3. Atoms and PeeWee H.L. players should have sweaters as indicated by their team names. (CHECK THE LISTS). 4. All players will receive equal in time IF THEY TURN OUT REGULARLY. Boys who miss practices and games cannot expect to receive the same treat- ment as those who are faithful . YOU, as a parent, owe it to the Minor Hockey executive, the coach and your son's team mates to insist that he attend EVERY practice and game that is possible. PLEASE ACCEPT THAT RESPONSIBILITY FILM SHOW FRIDAY THIS WEEK Because of the Annual Art Show being held on Saturday this week's film show has been changed- to Friday at 4:00 P.M. Featused in the show are Marjorie Main and Percy Kilbride in "Ma & Pa Kettle At The Fair." These hilarious films are all-time favourites, so don't miss Friday's show. THAT"S -- FRIDAY - 4P.M. At the High School . CANADA SAVINGS BOND REPORT The canvass of Kimberly-Clark employees re- sulted in 302 applications for a total of $126,000 in Bonds. This total is only $500 less than last year's record total. It represents substantial savings by employees and is indicative of their prudence and thrift. NOTICE The First sitting of the Court of Revision for the Township of Terrace Bay for the year 1963, will be held'on Tuesday, November 26th at 7.30 P.M. in the Municipal Office. W. F. Strutt Clerk-Treasurer AWARDS PRESENTED AT HIGH SCHOOL "Stepping Stones in the Future" was the topic of guest speaker, Mr. William Stoddard, Assistant Secretary of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation, at the annual Awards Night held Friday evening, November 8, by the Terrace Bay High School for their 1962-63 term. Introduced by Principal Mr. A.E. Hartman, Mr. Stoddard cap- tivated his audience with a refreshing tale to il- lustrate their advantages in living and récefving their education in the serenity, beauty and openness of the Northwest of Ontario, unrivalled in North. _ America. 3 Sometimes, regarding these exercises as a termi- nation rather than commencement, the student had only to stop and realize that nothing was ever really finished in our life and this wo uld be the beginning of a new phase with its accompanying new horizon, greater challenges, greater frustrations and greater problems. With reference to a story on the payment of a minister from the Poor Box, Mr. Stoddard showed how we got only from life, what we have put into it. The World of Tomorrow is your challenge, he ad- monished the students and how you meet this chal- lenge depends on how you prepare yourself in High School. The weapons to face this struggle were being introduced in school, and their teachers were endeavoring to make them use this weapon or ability: (1) The ability to think clearly; complete objec- tivity in recognizing the evidence in each fact. (2) To be able to communicate thought accurately and effectively. (3) The ability to make relevant judgement in all fields. (4) The ability to discriminate between right and wrong, just and unjust, true and false, duty and value or cheap and shoddy. Mr. Stoddard closed with a little story on the "Stepping Stones" and was thanked by Mr. Hartman. The evening, which opened with the Processional of students and the National Anthem before the In- vocation was pronounced by Very Rev. Dean E. A. Gallagher, was chaired by the Principal. In his remarks he said he was very pleased to announce every member of his staff this year had previous teaching experience. He noted that only three years ago the enrolment stood at 85 while today they re- gistered 150 students. He extended his thanks to the members of the High School Board and to the parents for their support. Reeve J. P. Heenan brought the congratulations of the Township to the students, urging them to take full advantage of the facilities for education. This bore repeating as the need for higher education in the world of today becomes more and more apparent. Education did not come cheap, (Cont'd on Page 11