Page 8 THE NEWS aainineeiataonieesislle sober 31, 1963 Artificial Ice Fund Winner last wee:k - - Schreiber, Ontaric; Mrs. G. Neesbitt Times of Goals. = Ist goal at 29 secoinds last goal at 9.48 SOCIAL NEWS (Continued from Page 7) Out-of-town guests at the shower were Mrs. G. Fecteau and Sharon and Marg Bodnar of Port ) Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. A. Luomala of Port Arthur were weekend guests with their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. John Day. Next week - Ist goal will be worth $40.00 and last goal worth $40.00 Mrs. B. Kurylo held a supper party Thursday in celebration of her son Ronald's fifth birthday. An interval of play was followed by the party supper and cake and the children returned home with their treats. ener pes TREE NMR SERS NR LAM STEER Ra MRR tenet minn Public School, W. E. Colborne,was elected President of the 1,200 member 'ihunder Bay Teacher*s Institute. He and his executive will start making plans in Novvember this year for next year's conference, These plans may include splitting the coriference in some method as the group, now in its 70th year, is getting so large that it bersomes unwieldy. CRATER OET CHAMBER OFFICERS INSTALLED Reeve J. '%. Heenan officiated as Chamber of Commerce President N. Csornthwaite and Vice-President L. Waghorn took their oath of office f'or the coming term, Minutes of the last meseting were read and auditors report and recommendations discussed N. Cormthwaite reported on developement regarding the sign and t:hat Kimberly-Clark Company will plant several hundred Red Pine on downtown company property in order to give more winter foliage. L. Waghorn agreed to be chairman of the membership committee, Date of the next meeting; was set for Nov, 2lst, at 8 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. F. McMillan were guests of her | brother Mr. and Mrs. A. Ward and family in Fort William last week. : The Senior Choir of St. Martin's Church honored Mrs. Betty Pineault last Saturday evening at a farewell party held in the home of Mrs, C. Buck. During the evening a recording of the Easte Mass sung by the choir, taped by Father Gallagher and recorded by H. Lohr was enjoyed by those present. A delicious luncheon was served by the choi | ladies. MISSING MAN LOCATED Police have located Thomas Atchie aged 58, a Terrace Bay employee of Food Services Management who disappeared a week ago enroute to visit his family in Port Arthur. Mr. Atchie phoned his family from Grand Marais Minn., Monday evening.and his family are enroute to that town to pick him up. SESE PSE SN AO NER RTE ELITE YS SITS STORK GLUB MANY ATTEND TEACHER'S CONVENTION District teachers and inspectors were among the 1,600 who gathered in the Lakehead last week to attend their Annual Convention. Theme of this yearts Thunder Bay Teacher's Institute meetings was "Science Teaching in the Elementary Schools". Guest speaker this year was Dr. Donald Ivey, University of Toronto who addressed the group in the morning. Work~ shops are cofrelated at the end of afternoon sessions when the guest speaker reappears and a question and answer period follows. Vendors of school equipment, teaching aids, books etc.,display their products. This year the Principal of Terrace Bay Born to, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dakin of Terrace Bay, on October 27th, a son, Born to, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dejonghe of Terrace Bay, on October 28th, a son. The North Shore Hockey League needs referees. Anyone wishing to referee this season, plea8e contact Benny Hayes. Two referee sysitem to be used. A referee' school will be held. Soarnramrmtomeae caer »The Terrace Bay Art Club will meet on Thursday, October 3lst, at 8 P.M. in the Retreation Centre. MIR BR, os SAYS: "BETTER BE SAFE THAN ne HAVE. YOUR ANTI-FREEZE CHECKED FREE NOW --- NEED A NEW BATTERY + WINTER TIRES--MOTOR TUNE-UP? DROP IN Nie PREPARE FOR THE COLD WEATHER AHEAD. WE MAKE IT OUR BUSINESS TO KEEP OUR CUSTOMERS PREPARE Dean NOW FOR 70 Wer DOM Te. "YOUR CHOICE OF NEW AND USED CARS FOR SALEI! WINTER! - Be . R FORD AND PRODUCTS, | IL LWAY M OTORS "Voixswacon A=1 USED CARS yyiii Road & Hwy. 17 + ~~. PHONE 825-3882 EAL