ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE TERRACE BAY a COMMUNITY CHURCH -- Rev. T. Garnet Husser 9.00 A.M. -- Sunday School - Grades 2 to 5 9.45 A.M. -- Sunday School - Grades 6 & up 11.00 A.M. - Sunday School - PreSchool & Gr. 1 11.00 A.M. -- MORNING WORSHIP - Sermon Subject "You Have A Date With God" Special Communion Service for HI-C Conference EVENING SERVICE - Commencing a new series. Sermon Subject What Is Religion®™ The Junior Choir will be in attendance. Choir Practice, Children ages 7 to 9, Saturdays 1 - 2 P.M. -- Int. Choir Practice, ages 10 to 14, Saturdays 2 - 3 P.M. 2.00 P.M. 7.00 P.M. Alpes ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH -- Rev. Dean E.A.Gallagher Saturday - Confessions 3 - 4 P.M. and 7-8 P.M. Sunday Masses - 8:15 A.M., 10.00 A.M. and 4.45 P.M. During the week Masses are 7:45 A.M. and Saturday Mass - 9:00 A.M. ROSSPORT ST. JOHN BERCHMANtS CHURCH Mass every Monday evening at 7:00 P.M. GOSPEL MISSION Sunday School at 2 P.M. every Sunday ROSSPORT UNION CHURCH 3.00 P.M. ~ CHURCH SERVICE - lst Sunday of the Month Oy eCs C.WeL. HOLDS REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING The October meeting of the Catholic Women's League was held on Sunday, October 20th, following the Rosary in St. Martin's Church at 8:00 P.M. Very Rev. Dean E.A. Gallagher opened with the League Prayers. Welcoming the members, Mrs. F.A. Helmink presided at the meeting and minutes were read by Mrs. G. Savoy. Social Action Convenor Mrs. R, Kenney reported on the six baby layettes donated to the Hospital. Citizenship Convenor Mrs. C. Rousseau discusséd plans to place a wreath at the Cenotaph in November by Mrs. P. Gombola. The Resolution report was given by Mrs. R; Belliveau who told the members that the booklet (om Canadian Consumer) in both French and English could be obtained through this committee at $2.00 4 year. Mrs. F. Vienneau reported on a very success ful Fall Bazaar and thanked all who had worked Plans are being made for the Annual Christmas party and anyone interested should contact Mrs. R. Belliveau. Dean Gallagher spoke on the theme of the C.W.L. Convention - Child Adoption Year and showed an interesting film on the Sacrament of Marriage. SCHREIBER ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH -- Rev. R.J.S.Inshaw ° eM. -- Chur 00. Services - 8:30, 9:45, 11:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M T. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH -- Rev. D.F. Muldrew 45 A.M. -- Sunday School A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP A.M. - Jr. Church in Basement P.M. - Adult Study Group in Church Basement HOLY ANGELS CHURCH -- Rev. J.M. Cano Daily Mass - 7330 A.M. Saturday Mass - 9:00 A.M. Confessions - Saturday 4:30, 5:30, 7-8:30 P.M. Confessions - Daily - Before all Masses Sunday Masses - 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH -- Rev. M.F. Kaija 10.00 A.M. -- Sunday School 7.00 P.M. ~ Evening Service-2nd & 4th Sunday Bible Study on Fridays following Sun. Service GOSPEL MISSION - Mr. Ron Sheffield Sunday - 11:00 A.M. -- Family Bible Hour 7:00 P.M. --- Gospel Service Wednesday 7:00 P.M. -- Prayer Meeting The meeting closed with Fatherts Blessing and lunch was served by Mrs. Kenney and her committee. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Sympathy is expressed to Mrs. B. Baillie on the passing of her brother, George E. McFadden in Wabigoon. Mr. and Mrs. Baillie motored to Winnipeg to attend funeral services Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sinkins have returned from a visit to Toronto where they were guests of her sister, Mrs. Bert Graham and visiting friends and relatives. LADIES CURLING NEWS The Semi-Annual meeting of the Ladies Cur- ling Club was held on October 24th, with 25 ladies present. Playing rules were reviewed and one change approved. Curling fees remain the same as last year. S. Duquette was reappointed North- western voting delegate. Dates for the Annual Bonspiel will be the last week-end in March 1964, provided the Men's Club approve these dates. The meeting was advised that an official application had been made to the Ontario Ladies Curling Council to host the 1965 Ontario "Silver D"* Curling Championships. This was unanimously approved by those present 0. Chapman has been appointed Treasurer of the club due to the resignation of J. Megraw. A proposed brochure to be given to members and prepared by J. Coons, Etiquette Chairman, was perused and approved. Ev ue Type of play for evening curlers was dis- cussed and it was decided that 3 round robins would be played:- (Cont'd on Page 4)