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Terrace Bay News, 10 Oct 1963, p. 11

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THE KINSMEN (Continued ) to good sised houses, tracks satellites thirty four inches in diameter, 60% to 3500 miles up by an educated anticipatic. as to where they might be expected. The dove covering, for it must be protected, is held up by air pressure, since any ordinary support would regééter as noise, Using a'small lighted globe represent- ing telestar, Mr.Forster demonstrated the -power of the uncanny horn and its repponse to the moving light. He also demonstrated the working of the submarine cable linking conti- nents, He added, during his talk, that not all the instruments described or shown were Bell in- ventions, but all immensely added to the transmission of sound. Contrary to the belief held by some, he said, only three percent of Bell of Canada is owned outside of Canada--the misunderstanding arising from a similarity in names between Bell: and a U.S.Company. Mr.Forster also spoke in a school while in | Schreiber, ! | LO AUXILIARY MEETING . to bring articles for a Bring-and-Buy table for the next meeting. Notice was received of a léader's meeting in First Church United, Ft.William on Oct.16 for CGIT leaders and mem- bers of the U.C.W. . _ Church calendars were ordered.for sale and Mrs.Macadam thanked the group for a donation ,to the Sunday School. Mesdames G.Gordon, R.G.Macadam, W.Clemens, H.W.Gellert and H.McCanna were named hostesses for the November meeting when a speaker will be present to talk on tuberculosis, Following the business meeting a film on the life and education of Indians in North- western Ontario and Manitoba was shown with Mr Nelson Smith giving a commentary. ST, JOHN'S WA. PLAN PROJECTS The Women's Auxiliary of St.Joby*s Anglican Church held their October meeting in the home of the President, Mrs. J.D.Bryson. It was decided to. have a cold turkey plate for the menu at the tea and bazaar on November loth in the Church Hall. A bake sale was planned for October 15th in Megillts Store, . Mrs, C.Sparkes read minutes and correspon- Mrs.N.McCuaig presided for the October iheet-| dence which included a notice from Deanery ing of the L.A. to the Canadian Legion with 23 members and one guest, Mrs, D.Hewson, welcomed. A former member? s request for transfer back | was granted, j Mrs. N.Ross read minutes and correspondence, | including a letter from Marathon auxiliary say- ing the date of their dinner meeting has been | postponed to October 10th. fhe wreath for Memorial day was ordered. President, Mrs. F.L.Atwell, that the Fall Deanery meeting would be held in Nipigona on October 16th, beginning with Holy Commmion at 11 A.M. followed by the meeting and lunch. Mrs.Bryson urged members to attend and the junior auxiliary and girls auxiliary will also be invited. The. purchase of new kneelers for the church was discussed but no decison made. Mrs. J. Mrs, L.Hiller stated a Bingo had been arran-| Corbett reported sick calls made, cards and ged for October 15, It was suggested that the -|CVG,I.T.sell poppies on November Tag Day. A committee was,mamed to inquire into prices of dishes fcr the Legion cupboards, Mrs.A.--.Rigelsford reported on sick calls and cards 'sent and Mrs.J,Kostecki agreed to convene the' Poppy' Day Tea to be held on Novem- ber 9th, Mra. R.Macadam was named convenor for the Chrigtihas party. Mrs.Bill Paradis announced the men were planning a fish derby social and would like a hot dinner served. Mr.Ler Hiller, Legion President, spdke on the renovations undérway in the Legion Hall, regretting that the 'present committee room will be done away with and present funds do not allow for another, However, arrangements will be made for women's meetings by some sort of temporary partition until the room can be UNITED CHURCH WOMEN MEET "Mrs. R.Macadam presided for the regular meet+to hear of the sudden death of George Plummer ing of the United Church Women on October 2nd. Mrs. G,Gérdon led the devotional period with Mrs. Bill Whent reading the Scripture. Donations for hampers for a needy family were brought by each member, The: President reported on the interim execu-|Post. to Wallace Barric itive meeting and Mrs, F.Macadam stated two quilts' were finished and asked for volunteers gifts distributed. The financial statement was given by Mrs, Robt.Gray and a donation was made to the wardens of the Church. Mr.& Mrs, A.Freed, Phryne and Darrell, of Regina, who have been visiting Mrs.G.McBride . and other relatives here have returned home. taking with them Miss Bee McBride. " Mrs.@ Mrs, Lorne O'Neil spent the weekend in the Soo with friends. noe Mr.& Mrs. G.McLellan are spending their holiday driving Mrs.Frank Grover home to Prin Rupert, B.C, . Mr.& Mrs, Jim Smart are visiting friends in the Soo. at ce Cliff Dimmery and Bill Smart are duck hunts ing near Dauphin, am anual jaunt for Gliff,' Mr.& Mrs. G.Drake and Boyd Reake atteniled the Grant-Humphreys-Roberta Boyd wedding in Winnipeg on Octeber 5th, His many old friends in Schreiber were so in Monkton, Ont. on Saturday, His brother Oliver attended the funeral service on Monday, Sept. 30th, ? Mrs.Robt.Gray has returned from Ottawa wher she attended the wedding of her niece Bonnie Mrs.F.Figiiomeni was the guest of Mr.& Mrs. Eddy, Macchi in Port Arthur last week, visiting to quilt others,, She also asked that all dona- |her. new. granddaughter, tions for'the bazaar be taken to her home for < marking before November 30th, Mra. V.Weaver reported on sick calls and cardswith. Spadoni. Brothers, sent and Mrs, O.Lainé gave a detailed account of Plans made for the Turkey Dinner on October 14 in the Town Hall. A donation was made to the Canadian Bible Society and members were asked cr ae ., Miss. Rosa Speziale has completed her busi- ness course at the Lakehead and is employed Mrs.A.McColeman and Brian Dumean are in Terrace Bay Ho pital while Alex Lamb, Karen Cornell and Georgie LeBlanc returned home, i > en etd

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