EVENING SCHOOL CLASSES The Terrace Bay re School Board offers evening classes in Millinery, Sewing, Type- writing and in any other subject for which a satisfactory instructor can be secured. A minimum of 15 applicants is necessary to in- stitute a class. There will be a total of 20 classes, each of two hours? duration, held one evening each week. The evening selected will be one which is suitable to the majority of applicants. The fee will be $5.00 per course. Applications should be addressed to The Principal, Terrace Bay High School, by Monday October 7th. The application form below may be used. NAME ADDRESS SUBJECT DESIRED EVENING PREFERRED PHONE NO. NAVY LEAGUE BRANCH ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Navy League . Branch, Terrace Bay, will take place Thursday | evening, October 3rd, at the Rec. Centre at 8 ofclock. All menbers and prospective; mem- bers are urged to attend. 'PREPARE. NOW FOR WINTERIZE YOUR' IGNITION -- _ WINTER! W 'LET OUR eee aeee? ae ed SMORGASBORD COMMUNITY CHURCH WEDNESDAY = - OCTOBER 9TH TWO SITTINGS: 5:15 P.M. AND - 6:30 P.M. ADULTS- $1.75 CHILDREN under 12. - $1.00 Reservations Phane Mrs. Hopper 3225 = Mrs. Phillips 3744 = Mrs. Farrell 3704 or Mrs. Grehom 3391, Sponsored by the Community Church Ladies Auxilfary For your expressions of kindness received following the passing of my Mother, may I express my Sincere appreciation. H. J. Coe I wish to thank the organizations and friends who sent cards and gifts during my recent illness. H, Haughn FOR SALE - Ladies fur coat, size 16, Little : boy's dress coat, size 6 and little girl's dress coat, size 6. Phone Terrace Bay 3765. SYMPATHY is two hearts tugging at one load. INTERIZE YOUR CARBURATOR "WITH : "YYOUCANALWAYS. DEPEND ON US! GASOLIN ES