May. 23, 1963 TERRACE BAY NEWS Box 579, Terrace Bayy Ontario, Published weekly each Thursday. Circulation, Terrace . Bay, Schreiber and District, Deadline for advertisements is Noon each Monday, other items Tuesday Noon." Office Phone 3747, Authorized as second class mail by the Frost Office Department, Ottawa, for payment of' postage in cash, Classified ads - Minimum charge 50¢ ~ (20 words and under) = Cards of Thanks etc. = Minimum charge $1. (30 words and under.) FOR SALE - house across from public school in Schreiber, Includes small rentable house on back of lot. Phone Terrace Bay 3576 or 3755. scene niancinneetnge tte a ATTENTION FISHERMEN Re Se EELS { -_ j WORMS O¢ DOZEN i OZZIE'S LIVE BAIT -- 412 ELIZABETH AVENUE t AVON. CALLING Women who want to be successful and earn good money in their spare time, ee el et MINNOWS = 35¢ DOZEN demand and easy to sell. For interview write: P.O. BOX, 193, PORT ARTHUR, ONTARIO ~-- FOR YOUR INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FIRE AUTO LIFE CASUALTY aateapaitaisencics = aaeaianeaee ; | BRUCE SIMON = SCHREIBER, PHONE 315 NOTARY PUBLIC WANTED TO BUY -- in good condition = a tri- cycle for age 5 to 8 years. Phone 3752 i FOR SALE = boy's large CCM Bike - Coleman | Gas Gas Lantern, inflatable rubber boat - three- : burner coal oil stove = birch dinette suite, 48" slat bed spring. Phone $247, FOR SALE = Kenmore electric stove and wash- ing machine. Phone 3774, ; f o., MVRICH aa KG) HUDNUT y "Gashion (Quick WITH A BONUS OF EIGHT " STYLING ROLLERS "weeyn va All for only PLU Also Regular "Quick" Richard Hudnut Bome ! REG $2.00 Permanents SPECIAL FOR $1.59 WAGHORN S iS TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO TERRACE BAY NEWS Money back |, guarantee makes Avon Cosmetics very mach in - -erib and mattress, day-nighter sofa bed, Peete aoe a cee ee *Y |DINNERWARERI NGO "TOTAL RETAIL VALUE OF PRIZES - - $22 ¢ =, Fage = ce a nent WHEN VISITING THE LAKEHEAD yo 7 ei "ee cibonmieis Reom accomodation from $5.25 single and ap ciel week-end -- rates Modern Dining and Coffee Sxcp Sir-conditiestd for your co#fort Television in all rooms PRINCE ARTHUR MOTOR HOTEL SORT ARTHUR, ONTARIO Swirming Pooi | For accommodation please write: Telephone §-5411 : AUTO FINANCING HOME OWNER: LOAN @ ne treme cee 0 DONALD Gs BENO INSURANCE AGENT & NOTARY PUBLIC PHONES - 195 Bus.~ 468 RES.-- SCHREIBER, ONT. HAVE YOUR GARDEN ROTO-TILLED,. Terrace Baye -- FOR "SALE - Tent, 9 X 12, two air mattresses Car-Top Carrier with insulated box, picnic table, baby carriage, high chair, baby bath, reetens Phone 3601, | eer eee emt ae mat re een eats sa wera ee en eet cre cnet ne ere re CARD OF THANKS - To our friends in Terrace Bay and Schreiber my grateful thanks for cards, flowers and visits while in Hospital, also the thoughtfulness of neighbours will always be remembered, _foldaway cot. Phone 450W, Schreiber. _ | Tena Young { ane se ee oe ee ona oa cee aeepeemennne ante: CARD OF THANKS ~ Our sincere thanks to every=-- one who helped in any way to make the Minor fockey Banquet such a success, Ladies rT to Minor Hockey ee ee ene cae eee ce ee ene, Lernterenceen en epee * SIMON'S TAXI | - TELEPHONE - 3379 = | ne te ee eee ecm te &OO RM SHARP | | MID OS bSeeRaay | MONDAY MAY 27 71H IGOS 3.22 PIECE SETS WEDGEWOOD sa dinnerware [5 SETS OF STAINLESS. STEEL" FLATWARE FOR 6 PERSONS bees 29 FREE CARD: WITH $1:00 iE XTRA CARDS