Daily Mass - 7.30,A.M. ST, MARTIN'S CHURCH = Rev.Dean E,A, Gallagher Saturday Mass. - 9,00 A.M. Saturday Confessions ---.4+-5.30 and 7-8,.30 PM, | a aturday - Confessions 3-4 P,M, and 7-8 P.M. eaeler hisde dk ~ 8,15 A.M, ~ 10 A.M, and 4.45 SUNDAY, 'MASSES. - 84 00, 9,30, and 11,00 A.M. Page 2 TERRACE BAY NEWS May 23, 1963 i ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE \ j TER RACE BAY Se C THRE IT DER COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev. T,, Garnett Husser ST, JOMI'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev.R.J.S. Inshaw i 9,00 A.M, - Sunday School - Grades 2 and 3 8,30 AeM, - Holy Communion ' 9,30 A.M, - Sunday School - Grades 4' and oD 10,30-A,M, - Morning Service 11.00 A.M. - Pre-school and Grade 1 "5,00 P.M, = Evensong | 11,60 A.M. .-. MORNING WORSHIP - ' i "The Source of Power" ST.ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH ~ Rev. R, Crook 7,00 P.M. - Family Night in the Church, 9,45 A.M, - Sunday School | A film entitle "Split Level Family" will be 11,00 A.M, ~ Morning Service | shown and lunch will be served, Parents with | their children are invited to attend, HOLY -ANGELS CHURCH - Rev, -J.M. Cano 4 \ i P.M, During' the weck Masses are at 7.45 A.M Saturday Mass - 9,00 A.M, EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH - Rev. MF,Kaija ' ; 10,00 A.M. - Sunday School -ROSSPORT 7,00 P.M..- Evening Service -.2nd and 4th Sunday. Bible Study on Fridays following : ST. JOHN. BERCHMAN'S CHURCH Sunday Service. | | i lass every Monda j at:7,00 P.M, - vad ¥f rst GOSPEL MISSION -.Mr. Ron Sheffield GOSPEL MISSION Sunday - 11,00 A.M, - Family Bible "our 7.00 P.M. -- Gospel Service ' | | | | | Sunday School at 2 P.M. overy Sunday , : ' Wednesday 7,00 P.M. - Prayer Meeting en, a - ae we | 2 KC mastiond to, their color corners for lunch, and t ) Ay //- each group sang. After the distribution of \\ Dixie cups there, was a; visiting period for ' Brownies of both towns to get acquainted, Before games started again, color groups SILVER' BIRCH CHAPTER MEETS had a garbage detail and roll call, Each Pack contributed a game to be played by all: Windmill by Pack One Terrace Bay, Grand, 0ld Duke of York Pack Two Schreiber, Pop Goes 'the Weasel Pack Three Terrace Bay, A Paper Relay Pack Two Terrace: Bay, Bean' Bag Pack One Schreiber, .The Pow Wow under the direction of Brown Owl Sitch started off with a sing- song, then introduced each, Pack who stepped to the middle of the Powwow ring to sing their favorite action song, i Brown Owl Campbell of Schreiber thanked the Terrace Bay Brownies for inviting them to take part in the Revel. and said she hoped there would be another next yearwhen fPossibly| Schreiber: Packs could be the, hostesses, She | then led Schreiber Packs: in a loud cheer. - Brown, Owl Turner answered for Terrace Bay and | hoped everyone had enjoyed 'themselves and led the Terrace Bay Brownies in an answering cheer. Brown Owl Hanna led in) the: National Anthem The regular' monthly' meeting of Silver Birch Chapter NO,° 264 Order of Eastern Star was held in the Community Church on May 13th, i at 8 P.M. The Worthy Matron Mrs, Flora ' Bryson and Worthy. Patron Mr, Albert Farrow . presided over the well attended meeting. : Minutes and correspondence were read by the . Secretary Mrs, Annie Bailey and Mrs, Alice ' Farrow, Treasurer, gave the financial state- . ment, Mrs, Althea Fraser reported thatthe | Annual Officers Tea would be held on May 25th,|. ' inthe Schreiber Town Hall and asked for the, _ support of all members. Mrs, Elsie Ostling ; Stated that a group of members had served a ' buffet dinner to the Shriners and their ladies ' on their visit to Terrace Bay. A new member was welcomed into the Chapter ; and at the close of the meeting a delicious ' lunch was served bythe Refreshment Committee, i of MesdameS Lundberg, Phillips, Fummerton, Galiort sna Berndtsson, and Taps. Everyone went) back to their, color corners for a candy scramble; and, clean up,» tT Som Ree? 7 Oiuboiae qu sama oF Th "TIT | Waving: goodbye. to the Schreiber Brownies, the 1 he Aoueeet Terrace Bay, Brownies formed, pains for 'their hike back to the Separate School where a very tired goodbye was said and a final roll call held. MOOSE LADIES PLAN SUPPER Senior Regent Ann Stachiw chaired the regular meeting of, the Women of) the Moose Wednesday evening, in the Terrace Bay Moose The Aguasabm District Brownies have had / another first, On Saturday between 11 A.M. . and 3 P.M. 120 Brownies, the three Packs from : Terrace Bay and the two Packs from Schreiber 'met at the new Ballfield.on. the Millroad -in.- . Terrace Bay for a Brownie Revel, The Brownies were divided into seven color j ' parties of eighteen girls each with' two ' leaders, Starting off with a giant fairy ring) -. - ' under the direction of Brown Owl Campbell | taldad Recorder, Dopesnisliusy to nea Ate | minutes. and 'correspondence and business of th there was a rousing game of Squirrel with j ; : : ' Brown Owl Turner in chargé then a:game of , organization: was discussed, Voted: on and passed! was a donation to, the Red Shield, ] FOES ae Ort bales a cand AG ' Plans for the Annual Supper for members were _ giving directions followed, By*this time : | everyone was thoroughly puffed out and | made (Continued on Page 4) ; A meen eee mm Home ttn