YS LeA. OF THE COMMUNITY CHURCH (Cont?d from Pz,9), who wished the Auxiliary and the newly elected officers success for the coming year. Mrs, Lundberg accepted the chair and expressed her thanks for the confidence placed in her in re-election to office, Members of the past executive Served the luncheon, { : ART CLUB NEWS * The annual meeting and election of officers } j i i i -- ee ees near eet ns ! was held Thursday, January 10th at the Recrea- } { | tion Centre, Serving on the 1963: executive | | ares- Mrs, A, Chadrey + President, irs, J, | McDonald + Vice President, Mr, M, Steen - Treasurer, and Miss D. DeGroot ~ Secretary, A committee under Mrs, M, Middaugh is to draft changes to the Constitution to be pre- sented to the Club on Thursday 17th, It is hoped there will be a good attendance, Come out and support your new executive, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE SCHREIBER (Cont?d from Pg,7) Mes, T, Whitton reported on the area con- vention which she attended as local delegate, Plans were made for New Year' Paty Party, and a paper on Home Economics- "Appliance -- Wisett was read by Mrs, A, Slater, MRS, G, BIRCH HEADS ST. JOHN'S GROUP The St, John Evening Group began their January meeting with a hot supper, the table | festively decorated by Mrs, T, Wilson, Mrs, | : G, Birch and Mrs, A, Slater, with Mrs. J.D. : Bryson saying Grace, Following the dinner Mrs, C, Sparkes presi-' ded for the business meeting with geveral re- | ports presented and the last yearfs affairs disposed of after which Mrs, Bryson took the chair for clection of officersg- Mrs, G, Birch' President, Mrs, R, Morrill ~ Vice President, Mrs, A, Slater - Secretary, Mrs. R.J.S.Inshaw | Treasurer, Mrs, R, Spicer - Tea Hostess, with , , other committee convenors also named, Sewing materials were ordered, and a round : of cards finished the evening with winners being Mrs, Spicer, Mrs. Slater and Mrs, Parchem, An exchange of gifts was arranged by Mrs, Spicer, Penn AN 1 | bu > MR.& MRS, RK. MILLEX FETED ON LEAVING Mr, and Mrs, R, Miller who are leaving here for a new home in B.C., have been feted by | i friends and Relationsat many parties, Fifty | ladies' gathered in the home of Mrs, Millerts | 4 mother, Mrs, J,Campbell, along with her sis- ters, to present her with luggage and a broca- ded lined duster, Mrs. B. Collinson made the presentation, and the family gift was a travel alarm, Mrs, J. Morris and Mrs, K, Williamson assisted Mrs, Campbell, The United Church / Women also presented a gift to Mrs, Miller. | A stag party arranged by Dusty?s friends was ' held in N, MecCuaig*s camp at the Lake when Karl McCouan presented a well-filled wallet ' in token of their good yacors- (Legion news) J, "Yt was decided to purchase a corfee maker, : February lunch hostesses will be Mesdames K. ' Davis, M. Didura, W.G. Furlonger, 2, Gray, H. Gellert,-J, Handel and L. Hiller, Mrs, McCuaig read the aames of the new executive, a few of whom were re-clected, Mrs, I, Jolmson P,P, Mrs, N.A. McCuaig.--President, Mrs, L, Niller- lst Vice President, Mrs, W. : Paadisy 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. L, Small,- | Treasurer, Mrs, R, McCuaig - Secretary, Mrs, N, Ross - Warden, Mrs, B, Wood ~ Asst, Warden, Mrs, A, Rigelsford, - Sick and Visiting, Mrs. . TERRACE BAY NEWS * replenishing. | Lawrence Corporation, E.C.F. Red Rock, sesuadaenesinteitnetiieneeestenineeretneaitmetennioene:: tttieme te January 17, 1963 Mrs. B, Lidkea - Decorating, Mrs, B, Paradis Entertainment, Mrs, J, Kostecki - Teas, Mrs, T.P., Whent and Mrs, J, Morris - Draws, The last six are for standing cormittees, The evening ended with an exchange of gifts some rounds 'of bingo, and a party lunch, -- 5 REBEKAH NEWS | Mrs. J, Plummer N.G, and Mrs, 0, wright, V.G. presided for the regular meeting of. Ruby Rebekah Lodge on January 9th, with Mrs. W, Clemens reading minutes and correspondence, i The vice grand reported sending twenty-seveir. special Christmas gifts, The Charter was draped' in memory of the late Mrs, Christina Graham, as Mrs. 4. McBride sang "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere", A toast in song was given to Mrs. Susan | Spicer, long-time member, marking her 82nd Mrs, Betty Miller who has been on the Degree Team, . , The annual New Officer's Tea, of Ruty Rebe- kah Lodge, was held on January 12th, in the Town Hali-with Mrs, J. Plumer, N.G. and Mrs, ' 0. Wright, V.G. recéiving, Mrs, B. Macadam convening, : : Tea was poured by Mrs. S, Spicer, Mrs, C, Weaver, Mrs, F, Higgens and Mrs, J.D. Bryson, Mesdames M, Husband, L. Hopper, N. Gray, and | 4. Laine were servitors with Mesdames J, | McCanna, J. Madadam, I, Krause and C, Morris i birthday, A farewell gift was presented to { } } | Mrs. H, Wallace was cashier and Mrs, M, Gander sold candy, The door prize was won by Mrs, M, Perrault, 4 CHILDREN'S AT) BRANCH ACKNOWLEDGE DONATION The Children's Aid Branch Committee held a meeting on Sunday afternoon in Miss Muriel | Atcheson?'s home with W.G. Furlonger presiding, | Mrs. DfArecy McGuire read an extensive cor- respondence, and copies of acknowlsdgements of | donations - an additional $100.00 from Kimberly-Clark E.C.F. Terrace Bay, $10,00 conel Schreiber Women's Institute, $300,00 from St, The resignation of Mrs, RC, Skinner was accepted with regret. Tribute was paid to the memory Of Mrs, ©, Graham, late president, who had been most active in the re-organization of this branch and in its work since, Tributes to Mrs, Graham were paid by a donatimto the Cancer Fund from the local committee, and by donatioito the St, John Church, Schreiber, organ fund, from the Port Arthur headquarters. The committee moved a vote of appreciation to individuals and organizations whose generous support this year has furthered the work so much, and in particular the assistance given by Lakehaed Freighways. This Christmas two toys each were given to im 117 children, Mrs. J. Rummery and Mrs, McGuiry agreed to act as the nominating committee, to present their report at the annual meeting which will be held in Terrace Bay on Tuesday, February 5th, when there will be a guest speaker, oe eee cones ae os ae seaman) LADY FIREMEN HOLD CHRISTMAS PARTY e y Firemen, Beaver Lodgé #153 held their Xmas party in the home of President Mrs, P,Humenicki, Bingo and exchange of gifts were enjoyed and, in appreciation of her work Mrs, Humenicki presented a special gift to Mrs,Lily Wilson who has been secretary for thirteen years and had several other terms prior to this unbroken stretch, (More about this club next week) |