~ 9,30 "10.30 4,00 _ January 3, 1963 ~ CKPR_- TV -- CHANNEL 2 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11,55 Reflection 12,00 Meridian 1,00 Romper Room 2.90 .Chez Helene 2.15 Nursery School 2.30 Ring Around-Mon, Wea. | 2.45 Fr,Giant-Mon, Wed.Fri. 3.00 Loretta Young 3.30 Take Thirty 4,00 Scarlet Hill 4.30 At Home 5.00 Razzle Dazzle 5.30 Cartoons 6,00 News, Weather, Sports 11.00. CBC NEWS -~, EVERY DAY 11.15 Today in Sports 11.25. Pierre Burton HURSDAY - Jon, 3 230 Musical The«tre 6,30 Panorama 7,00: Father Knows Best 7.30 Story Of 8.00 Defenders 9,90 Playdate 10,90 Dr. Kildare 11.30 MOVIE-June Arden FRIDAY - Jans 4 6.30 TBA ; 7.00 One Step ---- 7.30 Hennessy in 8,00 Country oo 8,30 True 9,90 Tommy Anbresé. Empire Have Gun Will Travel 11,30 MOVIE-Fireball SATURDAY = Jan. 5 1.00 Youth 162 2.09 "Curlinett Sosk,Man, 3,00 Championship Golf 4,00 Bowling 5.90 Kingfishers Cove 5.30 Bugs Bunny 6.30 Hancock 7.00 Beverley Hillbillics 7.30 Holiday Hayride 8,00 Naked City 9,00 Hockey-N.Y¥. @iMont, 10.15 Juliette 10.45 Let*s Talk About It 11,.10No Tine For Conedy" SUNDAY --- Jan, 6 12.25 Sacred Heart 12,40.The Living Word 12.55 News & Sports 1,00 This is the Life 3.00 Speaking French 3.30 Heritage 20/20 20th Century Citizens Forum The Nature of Things TBA My Friend Flicka Hazel Flashback Ed Sullivan" Bonanaa Closeup 11,10 Sports 11.15 MOVIZ~Norses Mouth MONDAY --- Joan, 7 6,30 The New Lucy Show 7,.00.The Beachcomber 7.30 Don Messer 4,30 5.00 5.30 6.00 5.30 7.00 7.39 8,00 9,90 19.00 a en oe re | | | TERRACE BAY NEWS 'TV. - SCHEDULE 8,00 Danny Thomas 8,30 Garry Moore 9.30 Festival: . 1.30 MOVIE-Boulder Dam UESDAY- JAN...& 6.30 Profile 7.00 Biography Flintstones Car, %54 Perry Mason Front Page Challenge Inquiry Third Man Wrestling WEDNESDAY JAN. 9 ©.30;The Great Outdoors 7,00. Dickens & Fenster 7,30. Nations Business 7.45) Mr, Pix-it 8,00 My Three Sons 8, 30..Parade 9,00 Ben Casey 0,00 News Magazine 0.30. The Formative Years 1,25 Editorial Corner Ade 35 tid EARL f i Pa ay Walilt { WLUC_- TV ~ CHANNEL 6 THURSDAY - Jan. 3 6.30 Going My Way 7.30 Sea. Hunt 8.00 Perry Mason 9.00 Twilight Zone 0,00. The Nurses 1.30 "THE WEB FRIDAY ---"Jan, 4° 6,30, Hazel 7,00 Loretta Young 7,30 Rawhide ~~ 8.30 Route 55 9.30 77 Sunset Strip 10.30 Mr. Lucky 11.30 "ARTZONA MISS my Bece air ' a ION* | SATURDAY -- Jan, 5 ne ee re ae A ee ENP See eee eee mb ps a 9,00 Captain Kangaroo alvin & The Chipmunks Mighty Mouse Rin Tin Tin Roy Rogers Sky King Reading Room Robert Trout & News TBA Bowling Basketball News, Weather, Sports The Defenders N.Y. Phitharmonic Gunsmoke... Have Gun Will Travel Fight/Make that Spare Yancy Derringer TAL OCEAN DRIVE SUNDAY) + Jah, 5 8.00 Finland Calling 10.00 Lamp Unto My Feet ~ Look Up & Live ' Caiwera Three This is the Life The, Christophers Light-Time Chaitpionship Bridze It is Vritten "THC FL iL ~~4ction, 62" Shroom Nn 8 . Ww Oo abet Let eae 0. se meme pate emai Asean a { j i i { 10,00 bia Lasting | ' h i lows MONDAY --- Jan,_7 i 8,30 te an cee ne an lle agg nega wasine "ftp ab enn rr Page. a 26 co. NEL Runner-up Bowl §,00 Amateur Hour 5,30, GE, College Bowl 6,00 20th Century 6.309 The Deputy 7,00, Lassie 7.39 Dennis The Menace 8,00 Ed Sullivan 9,90 Real McCoys 9,30. Peter Gunn: :10,00 Candid Camera 110,30 Howard Smith & News '11.00 CBS News ' 11,15 'Jeekend Report 'L1,30 "ROAD. TO SINGAPORE" 5.30 7.200 éen0 8,90 Flintstones Rifleman To Tell The Truth I've Got a Secret Lucille Ball Show Danny Thomas Ben Casey Favorite, Story 2690. "OVERLAND. TRAIL" - USSDAY - Jan, 8 6,30 jalt Disney 7,30 Peter Gunn 8,00 Lloyd Bridges 8,30 Red: Skelton 9,30 Jack Benny 10,00 Garry Moore Highway Patrol WSUSPICION EDNESDAY ~ Jan, 9 6,30. Hawaiian Eye 7,30 Wagon Train ~00 Dickens & Fenster 9,00 Beverley Hillbillies | 9,30 Dick Van age 110,00 U.S. Steel Hour '11.30 "HURRICANE ISLAND" 9.00 Qe cS) Soo Ane NARS AUER SCE NN % SPEND sc ge ees olen" REE ERS 5 at enans PESO pis SSS eS aR En RE ow GEORGE E. ESTER, De Ch DOCTOR - OF CHIROPRACTIC 502 Lakeview Drive _. PHONE TA 5-3371 TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO, Wednesdays only SAN Ayes WW be ANY is MENTS TITNESS CLASSOES Men's Fitness Classes day, January 7th, and runn- ing through every Thursday until the Spring, . Sessions are held at the High School Gym from 4:45 to 6300 p.m. After the holiday fes - tivities, this is a chance to get back in trim-as-well as to enjoy. a lot of fun, Let?s see you out this Thursday. MOVEE:- S Saturday, Janvéry Sth, will be Walt Disney's WBambit!, 6345 P.M. atthe High School Auditorium, ERR ee will resume, starting Thurs-j semen nese a ne eos