Amen 0 mat se oer eee, oo ---- _ December 6, 1962 ___ TERRACE BAY NEWS _ Page 5 Seeeeseeeniemenemnmetienemmnemesiiometieeee an eeeaeeneenee ee | Jerrace Bay Curling Club 's ANNUAL ees SEARS FROLIC; | "HIGH "SCHOOL : AUDITORIUM DRESS OPTIONAL $5, A COUPLE Y pancine IO pm. Day. | Rec ones jOY THE NOVELTIES ce: NORTH SHORE AMBASSADORS' OE ee Ens Ba a SSS wom + Sawer oe" 5 eee oe _ Mes. J, Wills of Schreiber was the lucky MEN?S TEN PIN BOLING LEAGUE : : winner of the monthly $15.00 draw conducted by ~~ The Bears and Plaza Restaurant are tied for ; the Circle Route Servicés -in Terrace Bay. first place with 58 points cach, Mr, Paul G, Marcella, son of Mr, and Mrs, Ray Stachiew had the high single of 202 and : Joseph A, Marcella, has recently been the rec= }high three of 501, Nick Chopty had a nice ( 1prent of a $3,400, Scholarship, granted by game of 183, C, Buck three games of 499, { the Department of Narional Health and Welfare a F = eo Government of Saskatchewan, HELP NEEDED AT GOLF COURSE ; Mr, Marcella was also awarded a scholarship Golfers, future golfers and all community. ' from McGill University Montreal; where he is spirited people-take a ride to the golf course (currently studying for his Masters Degree in site of you want to observe a colossal effort 'social Work, by a handful of people. Mr, Glen Pearen has just returned from the Two years of slow but steady hard work by Lakehead, where he attended a two week course j these few people has resulted in the completior , Sponsored by Toxaco Canada Ltd, of holes number one, two, three and four, which will be ready for use in August of 1963. Furth '}er work has been done on hole #5(completely cleared) jf 9 has all the trees cut and #5 ig partly cleared, 'The remaining two holes seven | and eight, have been surveyed and the clearing | set for next year, Amazing also is the fact that some of these people do not play golf, Time and time again efforts have been made | to interest other people to contribute a couple; of hours a week toward this worthy project. The results were very poor and discouraging, TI am sure that many felt that the task was too great for voluntary labour and were doubtful of its success, To those people I would like to say that "ythe golf course in Terrace is now a reality? Now is the time for everyone to offer as little as 2hrs, a week towards an early coriple- | tion of the golf course, Teenagers, boys and girls can help consider- ably in much of > semieies work. Contact ™ acetone - om ae a es ee = tenn Ste ee (+ A ccc oP agen mp tne, tenement cere nee tte ey ' MOST COMPLETE tp reemene. IN- TOV ee WINTER DRIVING DEMANDS fo, t : V THE UTMOST IN rok r PERFORMANCE FROM YOUR CAR- eee as Pumping rapidly eh on the brake is ae the safe way to YOUR FOR ALL OCCASIONS [mau "agitate cee a NOW { } a Bh stop on ice or 3 | 2 other slippery Rio a surfaces, ARE / With our Star -- service YOUR BRAKES IN equipment we handle every- i thing Sede shoe adjustments to PERFECT CONDITION? | major brake overhaul, right in IF NOT = CALL " { | our own shop. Because we dc the complete job ourselves, a . RENE GAUDET = z Se ree net ar tee ' ~ AZALEAS = CALANCHOE - CYCLAMEN cision sesnehes nis ae ISLAND VIEW JACE~POINSETTAS - ~ CHRYSANTHEMUMS cost. Every brake job is road- SERVICE STATION & --~ SHAG MUMS - POMPOMS = CARNATIONS tested) te assure performatice OSES = - - CHRISTMS ARRANGEMENTS equal to, or better than, brand D new brakes. oo aw ag Corner of Hudson M y ay | S plete, most, dependable brake ry Fon) hi r , service m.2own, stop in today! & Hwy 1? oe bee ark ry S uf Ow Ao r LOp te A 4 4 2 i Opposite the Post Office = SCHREIBER