Page 4 CAROL SINGING (Cont'd from Pg, 2) ad been used to supply tools for a family to work a small farm in the mountain country. | This money was distributed through Care of Canada and thei office in Vietnam sent the i children.a letter thanking then, ammeter OPEN HOUSE AT PUBLIC SCHOOL ~~ Attendance was also high at' the Public School Open' House and, from 8:00 to 8:45, parents dispersed to three classrooms t listen or particiapte in one of the discussions, These special features were: (1) A talk by Principal Mr, B, Colborne entit led 'Which Child is ready to go on to Secondary School , and (2)° A talk TERRACE BAY which one is not?" by Mr. K,.-MacLeods "Changes ~ now taking place in the subjecte of Elemen- tary School Curiculum", (3) A panel of teach- ers of Reading. in Primary and: Junior Division "The School Reading Programme and Individual Reading Difficulities,"", This panel sent hone questionnaires concerning reading and its problems to be filled out by the parents prior to the discussion. Tea was served in the central hallway of the Public School by the Senior Girls at 8:45 P.M, HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEE"ING The Terrace Bay Horticultural Socicty held its Annual mecting Friday evening, in the Recreation Centre, presided over by Mr, H, Goodfellow, Minutes of the last Annual meet- ang and correspondence were read by the Sec- retary Mrs, R, Cotton and Annual financial statement presented by the Treasurer Mrs, Ae Farrow. 'Committees reporting included Membership, Mrs, E, Connors who stated there had. been 205 paid up members last year a increase of thirty-cight. Mr, J, Steen reported for the Annual Show committee, According to the attendance, exhibitors and the Judge Mr, N, Duncan this had been the most successful and best show to date, Junior entries were increasing at such a rate it would necessitate an even bigger share of the hall next year, Chairman Mr, L, St, Louis informed the group there had been 109 Junior Gardeners wee on Rambler YOUR TERRACE RAY, ONTARIO PHUNE TA 5-3645 e SALFS AND SERVICE FOR | TERRACE BAY SCHRELBER MANTITOUWADGE MARATHON TERRACE BAY NEWS BEAUTY & BARBER SHOP * PHONE 825-3209 ~~ December' 5, 1962 joined heat season, ai eee | of twenty-three members, Ay Valiquette reported for the Works Program listing the tuber~ |; ous begonias and. other flowers started and planted at. the Hospital grounds, and shrubs | put in at the triangle, Soils and Fertilizer Chairman Mr, A, Farrow stated stated two tons of fertilizer had been sold to members as. well as completing | the sale of remaining Jiffy Pots Soils samples had been requested from members and would be sent in for analysis this fall in | order. to know the right fertil+ izer needed, next. spring. Mr... | Farrow emphasized soil samples o-% ee ' lh ai tieeictaieien ean MOTOR HOTEL * | should be taken in the fall | when the land was dormant and -- free of weeds, Auditors reports! were given by M, Hubelit and V. Hepper and 'the President thanked the hard-working committees ! for another successful:and: active year, | Resignation of H,L. Ward and A, Desrosier | were accepted with regret and Election' of | Officers conducted, Executive for the coming term of office will bes President H, ao lst Vice Pres, G, Valiquette,° 2nd Vice Pres, W. Jones, Secretary G, Cotton, Treasurer A, Farrow, Directors appointed for a two year term: J, Steen, T, Brown, A, Farrow, W, Ander- son and H, Hermes, Directors appointed for a one year term: Mrs, SO. Matuszak, Mrs, E, Conn- ors, ©, Sparkes, Mrs, R. Boyd and K, Turner, Auditors 'remain Mrs. M, Hubelit and Mr, V, Hopper. Mr, A, Farrow was nominated for District Director and was persuaded to let his name stan' During coffee and social period following , the meeting a draw for four lovely African | violets were won by WV, Jones, H, Hermes, H, GoodSet sa? and Mrs, R, Boyle. | Fences Gay MOTOR. HOTEL TERRACE BAY ONTARIO -emmamaecnagoren ae ny cee