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Terrace Bay News, 29 Nov 1962, p. 10

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_ Page: 10 " SCHREIBER HERE AND THERE | Mr, and Mrs, T, Bolan are visiting their | daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, J,S, | Sinclair in Victoria, B,C, f- Mr, and Mrs, W.G. Furlonger were in Toronto} 2 over the weekend, Mr. Furlonger attending a ' conference of Public School Trustees, The North Shore Registered Nurses Group ~ will hold their meeting Wednesday Nov, 28th, in St, Andrew's Church Hall, Miss Rose Frim, | RN, District Nurse for the Ontario Society of Crippled Children will be guest speaker, Members are urged to attend, The "Busy Bees" of St. John's Anglican Church will bold a bake sale in Megillts Store on Friday Nov. 30th from 3 - 6 PM, Mr, and Mrs, W, Thrower have returned home after visiting relatives in Southern Ontario, A,B. James Johnson of H.M.C.S. Naden, Es- | ouimalt, B.C. is visiting his parents Mr, & \Mrs., L. Johnson, Mrs, J.D. Bryson and Mrs, J, Campbell at- ' tended the Executive Meeting of the Port | Arthur unit of the Canadian Cancer Society, Mr, and Mrs, F, Gerow, Ken and Marion, Port Arthur and Mrs, E.N, Reid, Toronto visite _-- A CNY recently with Mrs, £, OtConnor, Mrs, H, Greengrass was the winner of the Polaroid Land Camera raffled by the C.W.L. To raise funds for the newly organized North Stars Hockey Team, a Monster Bake Sale is scheduled by the Ways & Means Committee for Friday, November 30th between 3 and 5 PM in Alcorn"s Store, Any donations of baking will be greatly appreciated, HIGH, HOME AND SCHOOL MEETING | Mrs, R.A. Needham presided for the regular meeting of the Schreiber High Home and School Association, Mr, J, Handelts resignation as President was accepted with regret, The High School will hold their Christmas | dance on December 14th, Mrs, J, Bryson agreed ' to convene the lunch for the dance, Mr. D. D*Amour headed a group discussion, The minutes and correspondence were read by Mrs, Bryson and the treasurer's report /was given by Mrs, D?Amours, crneneeenlscunteeeeheeneeeteenenmeenemeneeeeeneiannenenmenmeentemmen in neem me omeenaeee ee COUPLE CELEBRATE 25th ANNIVERSARY Mr, and Mrs, Dominic Figliomeni celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Nov, 18th with a reception arranged in their honor by their daughters Angie and Teresa (Mrs, A, Favuzzi, Port Arthur), Sixty guests attended, Receiving with Mr, and Mrs, Figliomeni were their bridesinaid and best man, Mrs, R, Macchi and Mr, J, Figliomeni, and their flower girl, lirs, E, Slongo, Mr, Tony Agostino attended the punch bowl. For the occasion Mrs, Figliomeni wore pale | green brocade, beige accessories and a corsage of pink roses, A turkey dinner prepared by Mrs, Ina Sulonen and Mrs, Myra Smilski followed the reception, The table was centred with a wedding cake flanked by crystal vases of silvered roses and ferns, Servitors were _the Misses A, Bedard and M, Huard, The couple received many pifts from res latives and friends, , _ Attending from out of town were Mr, & Mrs, | J Agostino, Mr, & Mrs, Ay Favuzzi, Mr. & Mrs,° N. Agostino, Mr, & Mrs. R, Agostino and family I Mir, & Mrs, T, Agostino, Mr, & Mrs, -L, Macchi, \lir, & Mrs, E, Macchi and family, Miss Clara | _ = TSRRACE BAY NEWS _ ere -coenen encom: IVOR_ JACOMS BURIED IN SCHREIBER whose death in hospital occurred on Nov, 15th ; was conducted in St, Andrew's United Church, & Mrs. M. Hubelit of ! es 7 | wheel free of excess play. De Paulo, Port Arthur; Mrs, E, Slongo and Wendy, Fort Williams Mr. and Mrs, H, Legault of Rossport, A request to have a local vote in the SCHREIBER COUNCIL GIVES FREE XMAS PARKING | ; December election on the question of serving beer or wine with meals was read by Schreiber Council at their regular meeting, The letters of request, received from Mrs, R, Kragero and Superior Dining Room, however were received too late to comply with the legal angles ne- | ; cessary for a vote in December, therefore the | baaktor was held over for consideration in 1963. The matter of lighting town approaches was set aside because of the cost, { Mr, Burton Phillips was given the contract | to supply fuel oil for the Fire Hall, A donation was made to the Salvation Arny. : A letter was received from the Department of Municipal Affairs, stating that information on building by-laws, zoning by-laws and areas of sub-division control is being prepared and will be forwarded shortly. Water works accounts in the amount of $230.54 and general accounts of $6,966.15 were passed for payment, Councillor Harness stated that the Lions Club wishes to erect standard road sc..ool : signs and council agreed to this request, Reeve DtArcy said parking meters should be put in proper working condition, Councillor | Harness to look after this, Free parking from December 15th to December 26th will be allowec to residents, compliments of the Council. \ ' j \ a+ <n eemeeneneremn | ne ee caper ene The funeral of the late Ivor Jacomb, 55, srieeisiectnseeietatelteianns ini hieisemstreeninnniRa tian tie on Nov. 19th by Rev, R.A. Crook, The organist : was Dianne Rumery and the hymns sung were | "0h God The Rock of Ages" and "Talk To Us ! Lord Thyself Reveal", | Honorary pallbearers were M, Didura, T. Stachiw, R, Fawcett, WR. Weaver, G, Walsh and C, Dinmery, Active pallbearers were '2. | DtArcy, M. Ryan, WG. Furlonger, WC. Lidkea, F.V. Harness and \/,T, Paradis, Interment was in Schreiber cemetery, He is survived by his wife Bernice, two brothers, Clifford of Montreal and Alvin of Fort William; three sisters, Mrs. J. Richard- son and Doris of Kentville, N.S. and Grace, Mrs, F, Ward , Smith Falls, Born in Schreiber, he received his education here, He was employed by the C,P,R, as a { conductor, Mr.° Jacomb was a member of Loyal Order of Moose, and of the 8, of 8.7, under whose auspices the funeral was conducted and was a member of the Baptist Church, He was active in community affairs and keely in- terested in sports, being especially fond of | baseball and was an ardent fisherman, i i i ' 4 Attending the services from out of town were Mrs, WR, Black, Mrs. E, Glad, Kk. Nol- linger, A, McKay, Miss 5. Jacomb, Alvin Jacomb Mr, & Mrs, E, Lundquist all of Fort Villian, Mr, & Mrs, C, Jacomb, Montreal, Miss Joris Jacomb, 'Kentville, re Mrs. P, Hewson, Toronto, Mr, & Mrs, P, Plummer, J, Dejonghe, R. Fawcett, KR, Staotiiw, Terrace Bay, Mr. and Hrs. E, Legault, Mr, & Mrs, i, Shelley, Mr, rossport, STEERING - For rr control, wheels must' be pro- perly aligned, wheel bushings tight, steering

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