a Gctoder 25, 1962 THE LA NOVEMBER' 38D: | | a a OLD TIME FAVORITES hy a \ STUDENTS S04 FAMILY a senieitememmeaedininememmemiiaiensenadeeeienetenaeeaetee ee TELEGRAPHERS (Continued from Page 10 end interest taken, "He was presented with a Suitable gift by JeAgWhent in appreciation of his visit to the Schreiber Division before leaving for further meetings at Sudbury, Toronto and the Maritime Divisiéns, | -- wa CANADIAN LEGION, BRANCH 109 FISH DERBY The Canadian Legion, Branch 109 ended its Annual Fish Derby with a social evening, preceded by a dinner, when trophies and other prizes were presented as follows:-Speckled Trout - John Slobodian (Edson Morrill Trophy) Harold Harmer and Ken Davis. Lake Trout - Romeo Parent (F.J. Cobey Trophy), Ret. Campbell and T.A, Slater, Northern Pike - Paul Pelto (Lakehead Freight - ways Trophy) Bill Ifoon and Geo. Churney, Pickerel = Bill Moon (Caccamo Trophy) Wilf Mallais and-Bill Moon, Bill Frascr, Chairman of Events, presented a cheque for the' proceeds of the Derby to Legion President, Frank McXenna for addition to the Building Fund, An orginal skit. was presented by Janette Gunter., Bea McCuaig and Skip Davia. Music for the evening was provided by George Churney on the violin and Chuck Levigne on the guitar, SCHREIBER ART CLUB ANNUAL SHOW The Schreiber Art Club held its Annual Show in the High School with the Travelling Art Exhibit as an added attraction, Tea was served by the members and the draw prize was won by Mrs, Jack Corbett, - ? | Setanta ee men ee ae a eer mes ASSEMBLY PRESIDENT, VISITS REBEKA LODGE | ___- Ruby Redckah Lodge #279 held-a special -- * TERRACE BAY NEWS KEHEAD | Choral Gro ; AY Tee AiG oe PF ERRAC foo BAy ) ICONDUC TOR --JAMES <--- SOLO1St-- ARLENE. HQ THEMES FROM "NAUGHTY MARIBTTA" - BEAUTIFULLY COSTUMED AND STAGED ~ SRAM NR A AN ERE Sm 0 em NY me SPONSORED DY THE LADIES AUXILIARY OF THE COMMNITY CHURCH 'used in the arch to Mrs, Hyckic. up Concert 7°30 RM. SGtAOO dese sorage e ° ' DEWITT _ iia "., ' NEGRO WORK SONGS > \ 4 ? \ @ _ ral -- ADULTS $1200 TICKETS 3 SACD ' Mi i | meeting to mark the officeal visit of Rebe kak | Assembly President Mrs, Eula Hyckie of London | who was accompanied by Mrss Matilda McDonald, '! Vice-Pres, of Fort iiiliam, Mrs, Mavis Slater,| Assembly Color Bearer, of Schricber, and Mrs, Helen Holm, D.D.P. of Port Arthur, The \visitors entered. under an arch of pink | and green carnations held by a guard of honor clad in pastel-hued: gowns; - Mesdames J, ~ Macadam, N, Thrower, M, Smith, W, Clemens, ali| P,N.G.'s, A, Nicmi and E, Harness, | Mrs. Hyckie was introduced by Mrs, 0. Wright, Mrs, McDonald by Mrs, C, Weaver, Mrs, Holm by Mrs. B, Whent and Mrs, Slater by Mrs, gd, Otatt, : The N.G., Mrs, Florence Whent welcomed the guests and presented each-with a corsage after' which Mrs, J, Macadam presented the carnations! In the business meeting the minutes were read by Mrs. Beth Macadam, and reports were given by Mrs, J. McCanna, Mrs. J, Plummer, and Mrs. B.. Whent, Mrs, Hyckie spoke on the origin and meaning of the Order and the obligations cach accepts on becoming a member, She thanked the mem- bers most graciously for the honors arranged on her behalf, and also for the gift. irs, | Noli and Mrs. McDonald ajso expressed their appreciation, Cards were played and (Winners were: We McKechnie, Mrs, F, Higgens and Mrs, Collinson, A cake, made and donated by Mrs, J, Macadar marked the Lodgets inniversary, and the men- bers sang their annual toast, | Lunch was served by Mrs, Wright's commit- tee and tea poured by Mesdames Bryson & Higgen; Mrs, n ive