Page 2 __ TERRACE BAY NEWS ~ September 13,1962 TERRACE BAY ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE SCHREIBE R | ae eer treet eee me cote Meena enim COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev. T.Garnet Husser OT. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev. R.J.S.Inshaw 9,00 A.M, - Grades 2 and 3 Sunday School 9,00 A.M. - Holy Communion 9.30 A.M. - Grades 4 and up Sunday School 10.00 AM, -- Family Service 11,00 A.M. - Preschool & Grade 1 Sunday School;11,00 A.M..--- Morning Service 7,00 P.M. --- Evensong "Christian Perspective" T. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH - Rev. R.Crook 10.00 A.M, - MORNING SERVICE - 'Guest Preacher, Rev.T.G.Husser of Terrace Bay, The Church Board will meet Friday evening at ! ' ' 11,15°A.M, - MORNING WORSHIP - sr iS | 8.15 P.M, in the Church Hall, | j | | \ | | j ST.MARTIN®S CHURCH ~ Rev, Dean E,A,Gallagher | | SATURDAY ~ Confessions 3-4 P.M. and 7-8 P,M, |HOLY_AN ANGELS CHURCH - Rev, J.M,Cano Sunday Masses - 8.15 A.M. - 10 A.M. and 4,45 jDaily ¥ Mass -- 7.30 A.M, P.M. During the week masses are at 7,45 A.M, 'Saturday Mass - 9,00 A.M. SATURDAY MASS - 9,00 A.M. Saturday Confessions - 4-5,30 and 7-8,30 P.M. | SUNDAY MASSES = 8,00 - 9.30 and 11 A.M, } i i | et a he it SP PSE NNN ate senate nin ence cage ROSS PORT EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH - Rev, M.J.Kaija ST, JOHN BERCHMAN'S CHURCH {10,00 A.M. - Sunday School Mass every Monday evening at 7.00 P.M, 7.00 P.M, ~ Evening Service - 2nd and 4th Sunday, Bible Study on Fridays following GOSPEL MISSION |Sunday Service, Sunday School at 2 P.M, every Sunday | cosPEL MISSION -- Mr, Ron Sheffield Sunday - 11,00 A.M, - Family Bible Hour ay NN APC 7,00 P.M, ~ Gospel Service Cod \Gs Wednesday - 7,00 P.M. - Prayer Meeting Mrs. F.R.J.MacPherson and daughter Margaret Miss Pamela Husser left on Sunday for Port of Peterborough, Ontario, have been the Arthur where she will enrollin Teachers? guests of her daughter and son-in-law, Noreen College. She is temporarily residing at and Dan Gillis for the past week, the home of Rev. and Mrs, Russell Peden, Mr. and Mrs, Tom Latour and Jackie are home. from a boliday spent visiting relatives in Sudbury and Swastika, They also visited with Mr.& Mrs, Peter Gombola and family return- ed from Neenah, Wisconsin over the Labor Day weekend, Mrs,Gombola and the children had Dr. and Mrs, Acal in Kapuskasing enroute home, enjoyed a five week holiday in and around Mr. and Mrs, John Mikus and family have Neenah, their daughter Darlene having joined returned from a holiday trip in Southern them for the last ten days of their stay, Ontario and a week's visit with John's rela- also visiting with Susan Wig in Waupaca for tives in Toronto, \ a few days. Peter flew back to Neenah this ; week and will spend a brief period there to Any little girl who is eight years old be-/| complete his work. fore September 30th is eligible to join a ; , { Brownies. Those wishing to do so skould con- Susan Wig accompanied the Gombola family tact Mrs. P, Gombola, Phone 3244, to Terrace Bay and was a guest with them and with the Don Boudreau family for a week, District Guide Commissioner, Mrs, Shirley Mrs, Henry Hermes is home from the Port Mikus has received word that Mrs, Dorothy Arthur General Hospital where she recently Thompson has accomplished the necessary training and work and received her Warrant to become Tawny Owl of the Third Terrace Bay Brownie Pack, underwent surgery. i Charlene Pineault has returned to Orillia to spend another term with her aunt and uncle 4 sane ae aenomen cot etaemeteen eT ena ATONE oe -- AR eae "Cam ea etapa een ess tt pet enna one eee miosis anes se samen SR while taking her Grade 13 at the District ~ COMMUNITY CHUR RCH LADIES SET BAZAAR DATE oaT "ollegiate there, Vice President, Mrs. L.Hopper, presided 4 ~ Linda MacFadyen and Jim Hayes are in the for the opening meeting of the Fall Wednesday ! akehead where Linday will take a commercial | evening when the Ladies Auxiliary met in the | course and Jim will take Grade 13 at Hill- Terrace Bay Community Church, Welcoming the | crest High School, Port Arthur, ladies to the Church, the meeting opened with . i a hymn and Mrs, Freda Tees gave the Scripture Mr,.& Mrs, Harry Coe and family arrived '| reading, followed by Mrs.Mary Middaugh leadin home Thursday from a holiday visit to Toronto,| in Prayer, taking in the C.N,E, and a visit to Niagara Minutes of the last meeting were read by Falls, They accompanied their daughter Mrs, Helen Farrell and the financial state- Janice to Havergal College in Toronto where she is enrolled for the coming term, Betsy Ferrier is also a student this term at Havergal College in Toronto, Marilyn Marsh has returned to Alma College in St.Thomas, Ontario, ment was presented by Mrs, Marion Ward. Reports were accepted from all convenors pre- sent, Mrs, Husser expressed her apprecia- tion to Mrs, Norine Coe and Mrs, Bea Williams,} members of the Manse Committee, for their tremendous assistance when they had moved into the Manse, Mrs. Hopper added her aes to these ladies, Correspondence was read by the Secretary and included a most (Continued on Page 4) | PR See cea she ot a a a EOE aI, Seer caine \ Mary and Peter Zelesky of Kenora were guests this week with the Alex Sinkins,