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Mr, and Mrs, A, Burns have gone to Roblin and neighbouring centres for their vacation, Frank Kelly of Thompson, Man, is holidaying at the Lake with his father, F.V. Kelly, Wayne Olson, RON, Dartmouth, is visiting old friends, the guest of Dave: Powell, Pat Page of Port Arthur is holidaying with her cousin Anna Fummerton, Mr, and Mrs, G, Burns and family spent their vacation at various camping grounds within the district, Mr, and Mrs, Dolf, Allan returned: hone with Mr, and Mrs, F, Macadam, who had been their guests in Manitouwaning. Mr, and Mrs. Mark Doig of Trenton are visiting Mr, and Mrs, Pete Doig and Mr, and Mrs. N. McCuaig. Mr, and Mrs, Tom Megill and baby Michael have returned home to Toronto after a holiday here, Mr, and Mrs. Keith Caldwell and Kathleen Ann have gone back to their home in Aylmer after a round of visiting with -the Caldwell families here, Miss Margaret McEwen of Red Rock and Mrs. Robert Quigg of North Bay visited with the Hugh Stewart's this week. Mr, and Mrs, E,M. Priske, whose home since Mr, Priske's retirement from the RCN is where their comfortable trailer is, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Bob Gray last week, en route to winter in Mexico, Mrs, J, Hepburn left over the weekend to. enrol her daughter Susan Caldwell in school in Belleville, Mrs, Hugh Stewart drove with them and will go on to Montreal to visit -- Hughie Stewart junior, son of Mr. and Mrs. B, Stewart, Mr. E, Belfry of Sudbury with Sister Magella, accompanied Sister Lucille to Sch- reiber last week where she will resume her duties as principal of. Holy Angels Separate School, Mr, and Mrs, George Sellors of Montreal visited with Mr, and Mrs, John Stitt, en route home after a holiday in western Canada, Mr, and Mrs, N, McLean of Newmarket were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, Bill Mullins and Walter Ballard last week. Mr, and Mrs, A, Cronk and family of Fort William have Seen vissting the Bill ee BAY NEWS Sept. 6, 1962 Mr, and Mrs, Russell Campbell, Mr. and Mrs, | sid? acne a ee Assoc.!Tommy Bolan and Cathie are holtdaying at { Falcon Lake and Erin Park," Miss Boiinie Guina of, Fort William spent, the weekend with Mrs, D'Arcy McGuire, The Woments Institute will resume their regular meetings. on Tuesday Sept, llth at the | usual time, ' Lorne Keunedy of Fort William has. been visiting Fred. Kelly. at the Lake, Mr, and Mrs,. Michael Smilsky and family spent the i with the W. Smilsky"s in - London, Ont, Mr, and Mrs, D, Madison and Teddy. of' Win- Mr, and Mrs, Burke Trowsse and daughter D*Arcy, who have been visiting the N, Joli- couer's and Lester McCuaig's have returned jhome to Dartmouth, visiting en route with Mr, and Mrs, Craig Trowess in Hearst and as. and Mrs, Alex McCuaig in Cochrane, Mr, and Mrs, Ted Morrow and family -of Fort Willian have been visiting Mr, and Mrs, Bob Spadoni, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Gray leave this week for a holiday at. the west coast and trip through the States to Las Vegas, Reno and other centres;in that area, | i Mr, and Mrs, Leo Beaucage of Port Arthur | visited with the Walter. .Guillet's en réute to their vacation in eastern Ontario, 'nipeg visited Mr, and Mrs, Alex Furyk recently. | i Mrs, Bill Olson.of Sudbury was.the guest of Mrs, Joe Cebrario last week, Mrs, Archie McPhee of sddbury visited Mrs, Gary Drake last week, Ted Blanchard of Collingwood visited Mr, and Mrs, Bill Cocks last week- Ted and Mrs, Cocks being brother and sister. Jim Eickmeier and his friend Bill Clark have been 'visiting Mr. and Mrs, Fred A, Bick--- meier, Bill later going to his parents? home in St, Thomas, Other guests with the Eickmeiers were their nephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs, John Wilson. of Toledo, Ohio, Mr, and Mrs. C, Parsons with Don and Bob of Fort William spent the weekend with the Bill Kushnieryk's, Bob and Norm Legault 'of Rossport were here for Field Day festivities, | a Mrs, George Trehan, Robert and Richard of Fort William were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Russell Cliff last week; Anne Marie McGrath won first prize in the Catholic Women's League amateur contest in 'Labor Day program, with her solo "Scarlet Rib-| bons", Second prize-went to the D?Amours fa- mily acrobatics entry, done by Mona, Lise and Robert, and third prize to Anna Spadoni, Linda Sisson and \Colleen McIsaac for baton twirling, Judges were Mrs, J.D. Bryson, Mrs, A.iJ. Cuth- bertson and Mrs, L.k. McCuaig. Consolation monéy was given to all entrants in the event, Mr, and Mrs, Wallace Giles, Leslie and Paddy have come from Elliot Lake to make thedr home in Schreiber, The Beil Telephone Company of Canada has A ---- i71, a shareholders, of whom about L924 DAL CEN: elise Soditen DW eal etpaitesensenniennentenaet