Page 6, "ss TERRACE BAY NEWS = August 30,1962 ° [ae aa SOAS ' -- ee Sera a ee anes Lpnwicipaticiesensie iin sitar cnn | | -- "8S NOTICE ae | | IC TO ALL AUTOMATIC DELIVERY CUSTOMERS -- FALL DELIVERY WILL START SEPTEMBER 10TH ?1 FLL heatiag oul. ar friendly agent. -- iliac itnonnin nasil satainedititsteaehint tinsel ROLAND 6 SCHREIBER ND FERRACE BAY ge Stet : a Le ae Qc Sin? wa AGENT SHELL CIL PRODUCTS -- PHONE. TA 5-3203 Ne are ii Se cle, cactsepemnipueinctng capper ent NG ARIE score, last Sunday at. the Ball Park. SUMMER AWARDS NIGHT THURSDAY Having played baseball all summer, and | i | Be sure that youfre out this Thursday for the Annual Surmer Awards and Playground : Display at the High School, commencing at 7 P.M, SHARP, All awards earned by those connected with .|the Surmer Programme will be presented, as follows: American League Baseball ~ National League Baseball - Bantam Baseball ~ Beginners Swim Awards - Red Cross Swim Awards - Royal Life Saving Swim Awards - Artificial Respiratior Awards - Swim Meet Awards - Physical Fitness Test Awards - Playground Champions In additions, there will be a display of arts and crafts made at Playground during the year, as well as entertainment, provided by th Playground children, It's a great opportunity for parents to see their children receiving their awards, as well as a chance to show that you're interested in their accomplishments, LET*S HAVE A FULL HOUSE. throughout most of their "careers" the local youngsters were a little leary of what might happen, but showed that a good ballplayers is just that, regardless of the size of the ball. Brian Pineault started on the mound for Terrace Bay and was relieved by Terry Black | in the sixth, Both pitchers received fine support from their mates, both afield and at bat. Bob Robinson was the big bat, with 3 hits and a walk in 4 appearances, ; LINEUP: T, Black, B, Pineault, P, Papousek, B, Robinson, D, Fedun, R. Wood, M, Leblanc, A, Leblanc, C, Koski, S, Fedorak, P, Heenan, R. Dorman, G, Suo, R, Stuart. COACHES ~ E, Pineault,and J. Papousek. | 1 Stee ee eee em | | payabiente ny macnn nin A + een ee nant ~ : ee ns LITTLE LEAGUERS_ PLAY. FRIDAY Terrace Bay Little Leaguers play host to Marathon in a Little League game to be played here this Friday evening at 6,30 P.M. Coaches Ed, Pineault and Jerry Papousek | SUMMER PROGRAMME ENDS This week marks the end of the Summer Play- ground Prograrme and the Swimming Programme, Playground closes on Thursday, with the Annual Awards Night, " The Swimming Programme also ends this week, but there will be lifegaurds on duty at the beach UP TC. AND INCLUDING, SUNDAY, SEPT, 2nd. The beach will not be supervised after Sunday. have welded a strong baseball team together and they deserve our support, LET*S HAVE A GOOD CROWD. oe! BANTAM PLAY MARATHON Terrace Bay Bantams travel to Marathon for a baseball game this Wednesday, We need cars, so please contact the Rec, Office if you can help. We Leave at 5 psm, and will return by 9 P.M, LITTLE LEAGUE BLASTS BEARDMORE Flaying their first competitive game of fastball, the Terrace Bay Little Leaguers completely overwhelmed Beardmore by a 10-2 | GEORGE «h. hESTE DOCTOR OF CHIROFKMACTIC ret sasi| MOVIES RESUME SEPTEMSER 8TH Saturday movies resume on September 8th with Walt Disney's '101 Dalmations", a sure- fine hit with young and old alike, These are all A-l classified pictures and are brought to you by the Recreation Assoc, as a public service, Our returns are very -- lows. barely enough to cover operating costs,. so we depend on your support if we are to continue showings, ANNOUNCES THAT HE Shows start at 6,45 p.m. and are out by 9 BAY EVERY WEDNESD p.m. Supervision is supplied by Teen Town, | RALPH LINDBERG AT 502 LAKEVIEW DRIVE, A LIST OF THIS WINTER'S FILMS WILL BE na SOON. > BALL _ UNIFORMS NEEDED Anyone having an old Terrace Bay Enterprise! white baseball uniform is asked to please turn it in at the Rec, Office, We require uniforms for the Bantam ball players, but do not have a full set, | ate ate eee ee mn te a TELEPHONE TA_5-3371 - - WEDNESDAYS ONLY This service starts September 5th, 1962 HOURS:- 10 A.M, to 12 NOON -- 1,30 P.M, TO 5 P,M,AND FROM 6 UNTIL 8 P.M, 1 big words seldom accomp sood deeds,