TERRACE BAY NEWS -- August 30, 1962," > --rage_ 4 TERRACE BAY HIGH SCHOOL. OPENING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 th. FOR-'REGISTRATION AND BOOK PURCHASES PUPILS ARE ASKED TO MEET IN TEE AUDITORIUM AT THE TIMES --_* "REMEMBERING TO BRING A PEN: GRADE 9 = = S030 AsM,y Some of the texts for Grades 9 and 10 are supp Pupils can save a considerable mount of money b'y buying used texts IN be purchased, GOOD CONDITION from former students of the I to 4 PeM, for all grades» used for one baby, iClothes rack $1,00 - Phone Schreiber 749, FOR SALE - 7 roomed house - complete basement, Phone Schreiber 432, To repect" FOUND - change purse containing small amount of money and keys. Phone or call at "News? office, WANTED - apartment or upstairs in home. in Terrace Bay. Phone ; Phone 3605, Pak 'NOTICE OF OF ~ HOUSE SALES c House Nos, 195 Laurier and 220 Kenogami Me | being offered for sale to Kimberly-Clark Pulp | and Paper Company Limited employees for | $4806,00, each, Application to purchase must be made in per- son to Mary Lou Houston in J.D. Kelty'ts Office DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS - NOON, SEPTEMBER 10th, 1962, NOTE; Employees are reminded that they must apply for each house offered for sale to be considered, No list of prospective buyers is maintained, FOR SALE = one Simpson-ears ars Motor Scooter - ~ just like new = used o two months, Value $329 OR SALE $250. Contact Edd#€ Chicoine or rhone 463, Schreiber, . ae ae ee ne GRADE 10 - - 16,30 AaMs | AN ADVANCE NEW BOOK SALE will be held at' 'the. High School on saturday; September 1, from | | | | | | | 5 "WHEN YOU : THEBEAUTY PRODUCTS, GRADES 11 AND 12 - = 11, 45° AgMe d by the School Boarde The rest must Lists of required texts will be available at this advance sale and these would be especially useful to students who wish to buy used books in time for school openings AE, Hartman, Principal eee. nome mene: TOWN TOPICS (Continued from Page 2) | Tina's Mother Mrs. E, Bell and brother Donald, and sister and brother-in-law, Mr. & Mrs, Harry Davey all of Sault Ste. Marie, Margaret Ford of Pine Falls is visiting her Mother Mrs, F, Ford and sister Kay Ander- son this week and was accompanied by her niece! Colette Dandenault of St, Pierre, Man, | | | Recent guests with Noreen and Dan Gillis | have been Mr, and Mrs, T.J. Moran from White | Plains, New York, Miss Belle Smedmor of Peterborough and Mr, and Mrs, Harold Moffatt of Toronto, Rosalind Hanna had a party August 15th to celebrate her seventh birthday, inviting six girlfriends, Charades and games were played before lunch with birthday cake and the children left with party favors. | Valerie Fedun was six years old Thursday 22nd and invited ten friends to her party, Games were played on the lawn before the party luncheon was served and the children were given take-home treats. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Sinkins have been Mr, and Mrs, Bill Robb and daughter Lynn enroute home to Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Doug Englis, visitors from Toronto and Mr. and Mrs, Bill Watt from Winnipeg. Dr. and Mrs. John Whiteside of Toronto are spending two weeks in Terrace Bay as guests of Peggy and Jack Wellings. Mr, and Mrs, Jim Beddard and family have returned from their summer vacation spent visiting CARD OF THANKS - We would like THAT WE SE 'Jim's parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. to take this opportunity of "THE MADE" Beddard Sr, at their summer thanking all who made our daugh ; yelwal ee home at LacLu, Ontario for three ter, Donna Lee's, wedding day : pea weeks' and to visit Ednats pa~_ } such a pleasant onee Special thanks to Mr.& Mrs. Chicoine fo opening their home for a lovely wedding breakfast: to the Unite Church Women who worked so hard before and at the reception: to those who gave flowers, loaned dishes and cars: to the organis soloist and attendants: to Kath and MargeRoen, Marilyn Moon, a Servitors and musicians, 7> (Cont'd Page 14) ~~ 4 | TERRACE BAY BEAUTY & BARBER SHOP PHONE. TA. 5-3209 rents, Mr. & Mrs, R, Hughes of Winnipeg, They were accompanied by Sherri McCaskie on this trip. Travelling eastward they ed their daughter and son-in-law, Mr, & Mrs. Don Briscoe and in- fant daughter Diane in New | Liskeard and took in the CNE i in | Toronto before returning home | | a Page 10) MOTOR HOTEL Thursday. Barbara McMillan is visiting in Fort (Continued on Page 10)