August 30, 1962 TERRACE BAY NEWS == Page 3 $2,000 KIMBERLY-CLARK Co, LTD, SCHOLARSHIP AWARDED TO TERRACE BAY STUDENT On Friday afternoon in the office of mill manager J..A. Ferrier, appropriate ceremonies marked the presentation 10a Terrace Bay student, Bill Colborne, of a Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Paper Co. Ltd. Scholarship Award. "The Committee of Awards of the Kimber- ly-Clark Pulp and Paper Company Ltd.,;comprising representatives from the Woodlands Division at Longlac as well as the Mill Division at Terrace Bay, convened August 23rd to consider possible applicants for two $2,000. Scholarships offered by this Company. The Scholarship is open to students who are the children of employees of the Kimberly- Clark Pulp and Paper Company Mill. and Wood- lands Division, and also tostudents whose parents are not employees but have been bona-fide res- idents of Terrace Bay or Longlac for at least two years prior to the time the students write their SN ee RE RARE ARE A TEI EL AS SE TS NST TR NEI POS SE EEE BF Mr. John Ferrier, Mill Manager, is showa presenting official notice of a scholarship award. examinations for Grade 13, and who have attended local high school for as long as the facility per- mits. The Committee found that only one student met the necessary requirements by having obtained over 73% innine subjects. This student is William Hamilton Colborne, son of Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Col- borne of Terrace Bay, who attended the Terrace Bay High School to the completion of Grade 12, taking Grade 13 at Fort WilliamCollegiate. The Awards Committee has notified the successful Candidate. " Signed: J. A. Ferrier, Chairman, Scholarship Awards Committee Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Paper Company Limited Bill, who has been employed by the Kimber- ly-Clark Pulp and Paper Co. Ltd. is shown on the job in the machine room. Dated August 24, 1962 Terrace Bay, Ontario