i Adgust 30. 1962 - TERRACE BAY NEWS \_. Page 13 ee a LN NI A a maT Sat eCard | HERE AND THERE. IN SCHREIBER the Innes West's last week, Sean meter SCHREIBER LADIES BALL TEAM SPLIT DOUBLE HEADER , . A team from the local ladies baseball afr> gpd Myre, ple, Dowpey gS fam lately) league went to Fort William to challenge the |Arthur are holidaying with Mr, and Mrs. Bo CKPR GOLDEN TONES and although they lost the | SFay- first game 25-10, took the second with 24-6, : ' Ae Tentative plans are now made for an encoun- ao aaTE Sh, in elles ter with the Empire Hotel team and another in QueharsS2 ty. Manitouwadge. Schreiber players included Carol Powers, Ist pitcher, Helen Dooley, 2nd pitcher and 3rd base, Audrey McCuaig catcher, Barbara Arnold, lst base, Chris, Morris, 2nd base, Ann Cataford, SS(who copped two home runs) Muriel Nesbitt R.F, Lorraine Nesbitt CF, Ethel Nesbitt, L.F. and Anna Fummerton, spare, with Jim McCuaig as coach, Mr, and Mrs, W.A, Parfitt and family, of Kenora visited old friends here recently, while en route to visit in Ottawa and other centres in Eastern Ontario. Some happy family gatherings have been held | recently by the Trowsse family members ~ Mr.° and Mrs. Craig Trowsse and family, of Hearst, Mr, and Mrs, Burke Trowsse and daughter of Dartmouth, N,S., Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lafontaine and family of Terrace Bay (nee Heather Trowsse! and Mr, and Mrs, N,Jolicoeur(nee Roberta . Trowsse) and daughters, of Schreiber, and Mrs. Irene Trowsse of Geraldton, GOLD PASS PRESENTED TO PADDY BOURGUIGNON Despatcher H. P. (Paddy) Bourguignon received his Gold Pass at. 2 ceremonyin Supt, V.E. Everittts office when other officials present © included N.B, Roberts, Asst, Regional Engineer, G.W. Miller, Asst. Gen, Manager, L.N. Winslade Supt, of Motive Power and Rolling Stock, all of Toronto, and D.L, Cavanaugh, Master Mechanic of Chapleau, with déspatcher J.C. Campbell representing the local brotherhood. | The handsome pass was formally presented by iMr. Miller, Paddy, with 43 years? service, is | the oldest working despatcher( in time of ser- vice) on the entire system, { Mrs, R, Warner, Audrey and David, of | Carlisle, Ont, have returned home after visit- | ing Mr. and Mrs, A.R. Parchem, David Best, of North Ingonish, Cape Breton returned here'with his aunt and dncle Mr, and' Mrs. Frank Driscoll, who spent their vacation with relations there, Mr. and Mrs, Sammy King of Wasaga Beach are the guests of Mr, and Mrs, George Moore at the Lake, renewing old acquaintances in town, BRIDE_ELECT FETED Miss June McLellan, prior to her marriage t William Archer in Fort William on August 18, was feted at a party held in the home-of her aunt, Miss Elma Haapa, by friends and : relations, The many lovely gifts were presen- ted formally by Mrs, Ralph Lindberg sister of ; the bride, and Mrs, Jack Moore, both of Terrac Greg. and Stevie Gilbert, of Espanola, have Mrs, Rene Bedard and her family have -- returned from a visit with grandparents in Missanabie, Bay. Games were arranged and the hostess was | spent the holidays with their grandparents Mr. assisted in serving lunch by Mrs, Lindberg, and Mrs, J.B. Ridsdale. Mrs. Moore, and Mrs. Howard Costall, all of Terrace Bay, Mrs, Charlie Pearson, Mrs, Ray Mr, and Mrs, William Jartus have returned Cook, and the Misses Pat Huminicki, Norma to their home in Richmond Park,, Alta, after McLellan, and Audrey Bryar, visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Jartus. Mrs. Elma Anderson, of Pasadena, Cal. is now the Zuest of Mrs, Jartus, 5 t Mrs, C, Perras was hostess at a party i honoring Mrs. Paul Gauthier and her new baby | daughter when many lovely gifts were presented, Gloria and Danny Ilajow of Nipigon have been { | Leonard and Roy Payette of Fort William visiting Mr, and Mrs. Walter Tlijow, ; have been visiting their aunt and uncle, Mr, tae! bedasa' is vaeitindthie'week in ; £ onpd fale isiti is and Mrs, A.B. McCuaig, and enjoying some fish aetiees can lene Bedard is holidaying ing trips, ; ; in North Bay. Mr, and Mrs, Otto Strasser, Mr. and Mrs, Hal, Fronmann, Monica and Wolfgang, have taken Mr, and Mrs, Ernie Aldrich of Sarnia and a the trip down Lake Superior east for their group of friends travelling with them, visite¢ vacation, in town this week - for Ernie, a joyous return h . Marilyn Pearson spent her holidays with her aPersosk scene , { 1 | | ' aunt and uncle Mr, and Mrs, Edmund Paradis in Flt, Lieut, Bernie Shubaly, with his wife ' Toronto, and family, visited with the Paul Huminicki: and Harry Shack families enroute to their | Mr, and Mrs, Innes West are in Winnipeg thig home in Ottawa after holidaying in ang atcyt ! | | | | | | | | week shopping and visiting, Winnipeg. Word has been received of the death of Mrs, J.P. Gagnon received word that her Percy Pincombe, pioneer locomotive shop Foremam nephew was one of those killed in a crash in Schreiber, the death occuring in St. near Ottawa when all eight in the fatal Andrew's Hospital in Midland Ontario, Mr, accident were Bank of Montreal employees. Pincombe ,who had worked in many shops since : leaving here, made frequent return visits to Mr. and Mrs, Keith Caldwell and Kathleen his friends and had maintained his home im Ann of Aylmer are visiting the Caldwell family, Port McNicol, Sympathy of the entire community of Schrei- ber goes to Mrs, Hal Bart Johnson whose ts Mr, and Mrs, Alf, Pellow of the Soo and Mrs! pushand was accidentally killed on Monday, and Mrs, Ed, Gusselin of Detroit visited with .