_Page 12 TERRACE BAY a Auzast 30, 1962... i CARD OF THANKS ier Spe Fors | it became an instance where all concerned HAD r i To our baby sitter Lorrgine Fournier and to be 'chiefs =- and were} | | anyone we my have miss We thank you. allg Roy and Leonard Payette, 10 and 13 year old g* sons of Mr, & Mrs, L. Payette of Fort Willian, ' | (Signed) Len & Marg Johnson, | holidaying here with their aunt and uncle Mr, 17 ---- == and Mrs, AeB. McCuaig, were rewarded for STORK CLUB | exemplary behaviour with a fishing trip back a coe ; north to McCuaig?s Lake, On the first night | | - ee cee: tee en a anne - Born to, Mr,-and Mrs, G, Churney of Terrace; of the expedition Roy cut his foot badly and | Bay, a daughter on August 22nd, since a return to town in darkness was im- a err ae ossible, Muggs and Min took turns tending | FLOWER SHOW (Continued from Page 11 .| him, At daybreak Min, an inexperienced' padler exhibited. particularly in the Junior Division, | started back with Leonard, also'a tyro, as | ' and gave many very helpful. hint t | bow paddler, The nine mile trip, over two sone ee ee eee ae sang | Lakes, and through dense bush, was successful various items to the individual contestants, and arrangements made for a plane to pick up He was thanked, together with his wifc, by the| the two im camp and for the doctor's services. | President Mr, Harry Goodfellow for his con- Now came the time to test Muggs' fortitude, tribution to the Flower and Vegetable Show, who, despite*many inviting rewards had never | Mr, Goodfellow expressed the Societyts ap--}been induced to fly, Along with the uncom | preciation to Show Chairman John Steen and | Plaining -victim he made his first flight, Jr. Gardeners Chairman L, St. Louis, | although still unconvinced that it is a sane method of travel, - | Stitches in place, Roy was assured he would, We. regret that home delivery of the "News" be taken homie at once but instead of the ex- has been erratic the last compre of weeks, One| Pected relief Roy loudly protested his holi- | of our news boys neglected to make adequate days were not over and he was staying! replacement on his route and, while he is Pe = still on vacation at time of writing we are yisu AD WOOL Dept, of Lauda & Forests) ot reece nn = tet mene mere ota + sehen amennaipiaetiasentrecibeiue Aisne RE_DELIVERY.OF TERRACE BAY NEWS IN SCHREIBER | otros Mnegne meme se 4 unable to check his route, If you miss your : The season and limits for ye ping! Game "News" please call at Mary's Flower Shop and Birds have been announced,as follows for pick up a'copy or call and leave your home | Geraldton District:- Ducks (other than Canvas-! No, for delivery, | backs & Redheads) Rails, Coots, Gallinules, | oe ar ~epracovemmagrases of: td Snipe, Geese & Woodcock ~ September MRS, H. JARTUS HONORED BY ST. JOHN*S AMBULANCE ' Mrs. Helen Jartus has received signal re- Ducks (in the aggregate); 5 per day, 10 in cognition of her' 20 yearst service in St, possession,none of which shall be a Canasback | Johnts Ambulance, now being named corps staff | or Redhead, Not more than two wood ducks may 15th to Dec, 15th, inclusive, Bag Limits - officer in recent appointments announced by be taken in the daily bag limit, After Oct, Brig, Eric Snow of 'Toronto headquarters, 27th, two additional scaup or goldeneye may Mrs. Jartus, who began her work with St, be taken per day, Mergansers are not counted John in Port Arthur, organized the Schreiber | in the daily bag or possession, Geese (in the | Branch in 1954 with home nursing and first aid! aggregate): 5 per day, 10 in poss. Rails, courses for women=-this small beginning now | Coots and Gallinules (in the aggregate): 5 | expanded. into an A/N Division, per day, 10 in poss. Wilson's Snipe - 8 per There is now a Thunder Bay Corps (in which day, 16 in poss. Woodcock - 8 per day, 16 in Mrs, Jartus holds her new office) with a Corps poss, Migratory game birds may be hunted with 5 a | Supt. at the Lakehead, brigade and area units shot-guns not larger than 10 gauge, or with in the new formation of St, John in this dis- bow and arrow. Rifles must not be used, trict, | MOOSE_ SEASON | s : For, those who are still confused on opening UNTTED CHURCH GROUP MEETING dates of the moose season in the G raldton . The first unit meeting of the United Church! pistrict the following is applicable; ; Women of 'St, Emdrew' United Church will be The date is Oct, lst except for area North | held on Wednesday, Sept, Sth at 8 P.M, in the | of a line comprising of the Albany and Wabassi, | Church Hall. | Rivers and the llth baseline where the season Piah tances ARC | commences. Sept 15th, | NO FOOTBALL FOR CKPR » TV_ ase he tv Ee orow contey Loubivibat , : | On Monday night we listened to an editorial : : ; n CKPR=TV in which 'the policy of distributing ; WeSt line of the Can, Nat'l Railway in, the 0 7 : a : : Kapuskasing and Cochrane Districts has an 3 5 B/ Cc ad ° eee ee ee | opening date of Sept 15th but this does not The editorial was chiefly concerned with | °*tend into the Geraldton District along this fo | the City viewer and whether or not it was fair Trailways 208 ojos le seuos | | | | that a Lakehead cable TV delivery should be ANNUAL CLASSTC STAGED TUESDAY NIGHT : permitted to bring features such as Pro foot- | The Engineering Dept. and Administration ball to their viewers while CKPR were unable. Staged their annual Ball Classic on Tuesday | , to do So, evening with the former emerging on top with | We know there dre thousands outside of the fan 11-7 score, | Lakehead who can never enjoy Videon but who The game had to be seen to be believed (and : are also vitally concerned, | there were more spectators out than at some | The "News" would be interested in knowing of the Sr.games) += from balls that disinte- i or starting a list of all in this district who! grated on contact to the buxom lady? out in would like to see Pro football on their sets 'left fields It was hard to tell. who were play-: | via CKPR - TV. 1 'ers and who managers-~ and what officialdom! -- . : a Se ie | but everybody had. a good time, _ The old saying anent too many chiefs" was "| How about. the Comets' Vs the winners? ; given a new twist here this week when, instead,' i