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Terrace Bay News, 16 Aug 1962, p. 9

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August 16, 1962 HERE AND THERE IN SCHREIBER Mr, & Mrs, Norman Keating of Mactier, have ; returned home after visiting their daughter- | in-law, Mrs, Gretchen Keating and family, ; Mrs, WR. Burroughes, CGIT leader, is at- | tending a two weck's camp council at Brerton | Lake, Man, as nurse, Linda Handel accompanied | Mrs, Burroughes as local CGIT representative, Pat Dimmery, Edith Clemens, Betty Reid and ; Sharon Riley are attending Duncan Memorial CGIT camp at Loon Lake, Ora Mae Harness and Dorothy Slater, nurses in McKellar Hospital, are home for their va- cations, ; Dr, Jack Gordon, his wife and family of Minneapolis, have been holidaying with the George Gordon and Alec Gordon families, Mr, & Mrs, WeH. Neville of Winnipeg spent a few days with Corporal and Mrs, Ford Richard son en route to Toronto, Terry O'Driscoll of Fort William was here | for the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, OtDriscoll, | Mr. & Mrs, A, Favugzi of Port Arthur spent -- weekend with Mr, & Mrs, D. Figliomeni, Mr, & Mrs, W. Slater and son Andrew of | Sudbury and Mrs, R.B. Brisco of Retifrew, are | the guests of Mr, & Mrs, Alvin Slater, visiting ae with Mr, & Mrs, Dalton Slater, Mrs, Annie Rock of Toronto is visiting her i daughter Mrs, J, Stokes and her family, Mrs, J, Matheson and family were visitors {with Fred Kelly at the Lake last week. Lorne {Kennedy of Fort William also spent a few days | with Mr, Kelly. | Miss Dorothy Sly returned her nieces Lillia land Margaret to their home in Ottawa and | visited with Mr, & Mrs. G, Sly, | Mr. & Mrs, John Strang and daughter Cathie ;of Fort William are the guests of Mr. & Mrs. |B. Gray who also have with them grandson i Michael Downey of Port Arthur, Charlic Skinner is in Terrace Bay Hospital. Mr, & Mrs, Wesley Miller will hold open - 'house in their home on August 18, from 8-10, _the occasion being their 25th wedding anni- | versary. \ | , | | Gordon Vaillancourt, roadmaster in Sch- /reiber for cleven years, now transferred to ; sudbury, was presented with a wallet by J.H. {Moorish at a party held in the Vaillancourt 'home by officers and supervisors of the CPR, G, Morrill, Tommy and Billy Collinson, 'Leonard Morrill, Billy Turner and Michael |Moore attended the Anglican Church camp at {Sandstone Lake. | Jean Blanchard of Kapuskasing has been the iguest of Donna Slater, home from St, Joseph's Hospital for her vacation, Mr, & Mrs, Bill Lytle of Toronto spent the iweekend with the Lester McCuaig?s, Peter Jansen of Holland and Lloyd Henry of | the Lakehead spent the holiday weekend with (Mrs, E, Willoughby, | Mr, & Mrs, W, Clemens and family spont the j vacation with relatives in Wiarton, Owen Sound | land other nearby centres, | | Mrs, Mclvina Payetta of Port Arthur was the ,guest of her daughter Mrs, H, Carmichael last \week, TERRACE BAY NEWS Miss Shirley Holmes of the Nipigon Hospi- tal staff is spending her vacation with her parents Mr, & Mrs, C, Holmes, Mr, & Mrs, J, Sharp, Craig, Lynn and Calvin of Nipigon, were here for the holiday with the Holmes, Miss Althea Holynaty of Port Arthur visited Ted Graham over the weekend - the guest of Mrs, Jack Graham, Mr, & Mrs. George Moore have had the lat- ter*s niece and her husband, Mr, & Mrs, D, Yawney and daughter Candy of Lively, Ont. with them at the Lake, The Moore's grandson, John Moore of Toronto, is visiting them, Corp. Douglas Bordeau, of Camp Borden, Mrs. Bordeau and daughters Annette and Cathie are visiting the Bill Weaver's, Jack aeeett spent a weekend with Mr, & Mrs, Keith Scott at the Lake, en route from Cold Lake, Alta, to visit his home in Halifax, Ora Mae Harness is visiting the John Gold- stein family in Chapleau. Mr, & Mrs, Bill Gerow are in Montreal re- turning grandchildren Brad and Tracy to their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ted Wainikka, Mary Ellen Gerow accompanied her parents for the holiday, Mr, & Mrs, Burke Trowsse and daughter DtArcy of Dartmouth, N.S. are the guests of Mr, & Mrs, LR. McCuaig, visiting also with the N, Jolicouer family. Mr, & Mrs. Don Reid and family of Kapus- kasing are visiting with Mr, & Mrs, Jack Hepburn and Mr, & Mrs, Bruce Reid of Terrace Bay. Mr, & Mrs, J, Einarson are vacationing in Sault Ste, Marie. . Mr, & Mrs, Dalton Slater, daughter Donna and Marlene Birch are driving to Kingston and other points in Hastern Ontario and the U.S. on their vacation. Mrs, 5S. Webb of Fort William is visiting her sister Mrs, A. McGregor in the home of Mr, & Mrs, Lester McCuaig. Mr, & Mrs, Ken Young and family are the guests of Mr. & Mrs. N. Jolicouer this week, Marcel Tookenay, 17 year old son of Mr, & Mrs, Leo Tookenay left on Tuesday to attend the Guelph Royal Jr, A, Hockey Camp sponsored by the New York Rangers. Out of the seventy taking this course, a choice of players for the coming season will be made, BRIDE-ELECT HONORED Miss Beulah Grover was honored by her | friends at a shower tea arranged in the town hall on Thursday evening when her mother, Mrs, F, Grover, her fiance's mother Mrs, C. . Speziale, and Miss Heather Graham assisted in , receiving, : Tea was poured by Mrs. J. Graham, Mrs. H, , McCanna, Mrs, L. Bryar and Mrs, A, Gordon, The servitors'were the Misses Lorraine Nesbitt Pat Huminicki, Sally Stewart, Rosa Speziale, f Bonnie Gordon, Mrs, Bill Miller and Mrs, D*Arcj McDonald, | The gift table was attended by Frances Speziale and Carol Jacobson and the guest book by Audrey Bryar, : 4 Mesdames A. Bull, A. O'Keefe, W. Collinson, ' Jack Moore(Terrace Bay) and Miss Maureen Morrill replenished, Good Sportsmen are always safety conscious}

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